"I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well." - Diane Ackerman
I know this has happened to all of us at one time in our life or another. You are face-to-face with something that you’ve always ... Views: 1545
All people that suffer from binge eating disorder know about that little negative voice that plays inside of your head. It’s the one that urges you to binge eat and makes you feel bad about yourself. It’s the voice that tells you that you aren’t good enough to stop binge eating, that you will ... Views: 2316
Throughout life, we can be easily motivated to do something when it is fun and exciting. When other tasks seem to be more fearful, we aren’t so motivated to jump on it. Instead, we take our time and look to the other things that need to be taken care of immediately. In other words, we ... Views: 2187
After you realize that you have binge eating disorder, it’s important to figure out the root of why you binge. The root is the reason you turn to bingeing; it’s why you do what you do. This is one of the first steps you need to figure out as you try to move into binge eating ... Views: 1732
Binge eating disorder successfully removes any and all of the love that you have for yourself. It makes you feel awful about the person you have become and keeps you feeling down in the dumps quite often. In order to overcome binge eating disorder, it's important that you start rebuilding a ... Views: 1890
6. Challenge yourself to bite off more than you can chew, while learning how to spit.
Decide that you will stop your struggle with binge eating disorder. Instead of expecting to change overnight, remind yourself that it will take time, effort, and patience. The goal of overcoming binge ... Views: 1582
So many people have expressed to me that they are scared to stop binge eating disorder. It's not that they don't want to live a binge-free life; instead, they just aren't sure how their life will be without binge eating.
It’s true: To let go of binge eating is a very scary thought. It’s ... Views: 2428
Life can be tough, and as we all know, it's even more complicated when trying to stop binge eating disorder. We are thrown obstacles and our drive can sometimes seem obscured. Even in these struggles, your goal needs to stay at the forefront of your mind, so that you learn how to stop binge ... Views: 1935
Here are five tips that I have received from people who are struggling with binge eating disorder. When I was bingeing I used some of these exact tips. The tricks really helped to curb a binge or two. Try them out ad let me know how they work out for you.
1. Become a vegan.
I’ve heard ... Views: 1576
When it comes down to binge eating, motivation for something, or even some kind of training, it is all about mind over matter. It’s about you believing in yourself enough to do what it takes to obtain your goal of overcoming binge eating. It’s you never giving up until you have achieved what ... Views: 2015
When you want to stop binge eating, you need to make a decision and change your old habits. Perhaps these habits have been around for years, but no matter how long they have been your fallback, you need to make changes and create new, positive habits for yourself. You need to end the pattern. ... Views: 3818
How many people can actually say that they love and accept themselves just as they are?
Learning to love yourself is quite possibly one of the hardest things to accomplish in your life. And that is when there is nothing wrong with you. Imagine having an eating disorder. It is even harder ... Views: 1666
A positive body image is one that we should all strive for. This is when you know yourself and who you are. You have a very true perception of your size, shape, and weight. You see yourself as you are in the present. You accept yourself, even though you may be overweight. You believe in ... Views: 3640
If you had the ability to design your life the exact way that you wanted to, would you? If you could create every detail of your life, how would that be? What if I told you that you have this incredible power within you? What if I told you that you could co-create your life to your exact ... Views: 3589
While we all reach for food for many different reasons, there are big consequences associated with binge eating. Various health problems and obesity are just a few bad things that can happen to a person that binges regularly.
Below are some suggestions of what you can do the next time you ... Views: 5418
So, you are at the point where you realize that you have Binge Eating Disorder and you want to make a change in your life for the better… But what do you do next? If you are like how I was, a mixture of emotions used to begin to fill my head about what my new self would be like. I was excited ... Views: 2104
When you have a negative feeling, the thought of comforting and drowning yourself in food sounds like a wonderful idea. Your mind will be taken off of dealing with your emotions and food will heal all. This is the truth for about the first five minutes of binge eating. After that, you will ... Views: 2643
If you have Binge Eating Disorder, you understand the feelings of loneliness. You know what it is like to live in a secret world that no one knows about. You have a big secret, but no one is allowed to see that side of you.
At restaurants with friends, you order just the right amount of ... Views: 1511
It is proven that affirmations help to reprogram one’s mind. When one repeats an affirmation over and over, the subconscious picks up on it as the present reality. Does this mean that people have the ability to completely turn around their life as they know it? In one word: yes.
You can ... Views: 3405
When you feel at your lowest point, food becomes your best friend. Food makes you feel better from the hurtful comment that you heard a stranger say about your weight. Food comforts you when no one else can. Food numbs any pain that you don’t want to feel.
But, food is actually the enemy ... Views: 1502
It’s the little things that you will need to notice and congratulate yourself on when beginning the recovery process from a binge eating disorder. These little things will be the stepping stones to gaining full control over yourself when food is involved. These tiny stepping stones will prove ... Views: 1640