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There is a right way and a wrong way to make a New Year's resolution. Here are a few expert tips to make sure that you achieve your goals for the new year.
1. Create a Plan
'If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.'
Setting a goal without formulating a plan is merely wishful thinking. In ... Views: 691
In order to be successful in Living by Design you must let yourself know what you REALLY want. This is can be daunting for some folks.
There are many reasons you might struggle with declaring goals and dreams. Perhaps you are afraid that once you get it, you will find you really don’t want ... Views: 1412
And you better have something interesting and unique to teach my audience if you want to be in a panel.
I believe we don’t have enough representation for women in my generation, which has been lovingly labeled as “The Sandwich Generation”. Our parents are living longer lives, some with years ... Views: 849
What do you want your year to be like? Do you want it to include more of some things? More happiness, fitness, fun... Do you want it to include less of some things? Less sitting at your desk, working too late, debt...
Pause for a moment to tap into the magic of what this year could be for you. ... Views: 791
Galvanize, as in to arouse an awareness or action.
What if you could set up a meeting each day with someone who would help you keep your goals and dreams at the forefront of your mind? This appointment would help keep you and your goals a priority as you encounter real-life situations each day. ... Views: 1422
As a country, we’ve never had it better; well, that’s if you think that rising spending power equals increased happiness. It’s all too easy to get lost in the great illusion that the key to being happy in a direct function of earnings, house prices and a bullish stock market ... Views: 563
Where you focus that is where your attention will go. Because of this human phenomena when you hold an image, and visualize an outcome, you empower yourself to move in that direction.
I cannot overemphasize the importance of holding a clear picture in your imagination of what you want as part ... Views: 1481
Have you ever wondered why some people are successful in life while others are destined for mediocrity? Well a big part of succeeding in life is to know exactly what you want and taking continuous action towards achieving it. Unfortunately, most people do not know what they want. They seem quite ... Views: 1204
How to Make New Year Resolutions Without Harming Your Health
By Philip Allen
Reviewing your life and making a plan of what you want is vital if you are going to achieve anything yet every year millions of people use the turning of the year as a reason to begin the annual ritual of making a ... Views: 1823
We all have dreams. We all carry movies in our minds about how life could be for us in a better world. Sally dreams of a big house with a built-in pool. Harry dreams of an eight-car garage filled with vintage Porsches. Jill fantasizes about painting pictures at the seashore. Jack wants that ... Views: 713
The way to more spendable money is not complicated. You either decrease expense or you increase income. Decreasing expense is the subject of numerous other articles at this site. Increasing money and doing it through a common sense approach is the current subject.
How Much and Why? - Without ... Views: 1237
Over the last 4 years my family and I have travelled extensively and regularly to Southeast Asia, and Thailand in particular, to broaden our horizons whilst at the same time deepen our family bond in beautiful and inspiring surroundings.
These times are always amongst my favourite times of the ... Views: 1283
There is a little known fact that what goes up must come down (eventually).
It’s easy to get caught up in the highs of our passion and just as equally easy to get caught up in the lows of our passions.
When faced with the highs we need to embrace them, and ride the wave as long and hard ... Views: 772
In the field of debt collection and delinquencies, judgments and judgment risk factors are a very real concern. Will a creditor sue and seek legal judgment against me? If he does, what type judgment might it be? What exactly is a judgment and what can I do about it? These are just some of the ... Views: 2108
In reviewing my goals for last year, I’ve realized that I have only met about 50% of them. Looking at it by the numbers it sounds terrible! I don’t like to do anything half way. Back in school, 50% would have been an “F”, which I’ve never gotten before, and I ... Views: 1595
Just as we are sometimes taught that pleasure is a sinful path to follow, so are we warned of the terrible power of desire. Desire can lead us to overindulgence, to betrayal, and to misery.
“The abstinent run away from what they desire, but carry their desires with them. When a man ... Views: 644
Have you ever made a New Year's Resolution? Did you make a resolution this year? Would you like this year to be the year to keep those resolutions?
For most people, a new year brings renewed hope of achieving goals you have always wanted. We start the New Year off with great intentions to ... Views: 680
To get what we want in life we need to have a plan. Goals are an important part of making plans and being successful. If we want to lose weight, we need to set goals and have a plan. If we want to be fit, we need to set goals and have a plan. If we want to have less stress, we need to set ... Views: 2440
2008 the year that I will….
Make some positive life changes
Form some new habits
Finish reading that self help book I bought 20 years ago
What changes can you make to your life?
What new habits would you like to form?
What do you need to let go?
You have incredible untapped potential inside ... Views: 911
Face it, ladies, we have a natural predisposition to take care of others. Usually to the point that we put others before the care of ourselves. The problem with this is…if you don’t take care of you, who will?
Then there are those elusive Somedays. “When the kids go off to college, I’ll have ... Views: 723
The beginning of a new year ushers in wishes, dreams, and plans that motivate us to work towards a better and more fulfilling year. For many of us, creating New Year's resolution is one of the most important tasks to start the year. The process of outlining one's resolution is very motivating as ... Views: 822
Quick - did you ever make New Year's Resolutions? Did most of your goals come true? If not, you're not alone.
If you've ever planned to quit smoking, lose weight, make more money, be a better person...you may have failed because you didn't know the rules.
If you want this year to be different, ... Views: 1199
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. “
Henry Ford
Are you ready to create the Life you really want?
You've done some spiritual work. Perhaps you've
•heard of the Law of ... Views: 1336
“Why is change so hard?” It may be the most common question I answer for clients. Change in general is easy – change is always happening. You may chip a tooth, get a bit of a tan working in the yard, or get haircut. Change is a constant. But directed change can be tough and ... Views: 1576
Do you know what you want? Are you sure?
Mark Twain said it over a hundred years ago: “I can teach anybody how to get what they want out of life. The problem is I can't find anybody who can tell me what they want.”
And it's as true today as it was in the 1800s.
Most of the people I talk ... Views: 770
Every January, I write down a set of goals. Some are financial. Some relate to my business. And some are personal. When I put my new list down on paper, I feel powerful and confident. Here are the things I will accomplish this year. Clean and simple. I imagine how I will feel when they are ... Views: 935
Now that we are officially into 2008, how are your New Year’s Resolutions going? Are you off to a strong start or have you given up already? Hopefully, you are committed to achieving your goals and are off to a running start. But, if you are like most people, your resolutions will soon be ... Views: 841
One of the first steps in pursuing a more successful future is to create goals for yourself. It may surprise you that many people don’t really even have goals. They just float through life and just accept what comes their way. Not surprisingly, these people have little to no chance of ever ... Views: 753
There is no purer form of success; no more exact and demanding test of what you are capable of, than to achieve a desirable outcome.
A quality life is an example of what can be accomplished when thoughtful attention, goal setting and purposeful action come together without compromise.
The ... Views: 1403
In my conversations with hundreds of top salespeople over the years, I have found that they all have one thing in common. They have taken the time to sit down and create a clear blueprint for themselves and their future lives. Even if they started the process of goal setting and personal ... Views: 1185
There’s an old saying that goes, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will take you there.” The same is true of personal development. Everyone who starts down the path of personal development wants to grow – to evolve into something more than when ... Views: 2029
We have our sights set. We know what we want to accomplish. You can see your goal so clearly you can almost touch it. Its real. Its there. Yet you still can’t seem to make it happen. Why?
Now you start wondering if you were ever really destine for such a big endeavor. Maybe you are reaching too ... Views: 1404
You’ve heard the expression “Reach for nothing and you will be certain to get it”. Over the years, I have definitely discovered this to be a true statement. However, it has taken me a quite a few years of experimenting on how to refine my goals to make them more realistic and achievable. ... Views: 1242
It's that time of year again... are you ready for a fresh start? Ready for prosperity? Did you know that the part of your mind that sets a goal, and the part of your mind that controls the outcome are not the same parts?
Most people who are enthusiastic about making a significant life change ... Views: 1284
Setting and achieving a goal is as simple as placing an online order. If you perform each step in the order process, you can be certain that the thing you want is on its way.
Suppose I've set a goal to sell 20 widgets during the month of February. I'll compare the online bookstore (where I ... Views: 1385
Names have not been changed.
True story. Camille set a goal and wrote it down. (You've no doubt heard that a goal not written down is only a wish, right?) Well, she wrote that she would have ten thousand dollars in her hands by, say, March 31st, 2000.
Life went on. She got wrapped up in the ... Views: 1555
It’s that time of year when almost everyone sets a few resolutions they would like to see happen in their lives this year. While most of these have to do with our personal life, it’s always a good idea as a leader to set at least resolution pertaining to your leadership. We never ... Views: 683
So you want more prosperity, but there are too many obstacles in the way. How can you look at your troubles as they are and actually feel good about them, so that you can employ the law of attraction in your favor?
The answer: through awareness. Now, I'm about to throw some heavy philosophical ... Views: 1291
Well it's that time of year again, time to make those New Year's resolutions. How long will they last this time? March, February or maybe not even past January. Why do we have so much trouble keeping our resolutions? One reason is that we see only the big picture. Losing 25 pounds or ... Views: 1031
I never kept a single New Year's resolution.
Until I learned the secret I'm about to tell you. And now, I don't even *think* about whether or not I'll be keeping any new resolutions I make. I know it's completely up to me. And 'will power' has nothing to do with it.
Will power is overrated ... Views: 1830
A new year is upon us and you are at the beginning of a new chapter in your own life. I wanted to take this time to share with you seven resolutions that will help you take your entire life to a much higher level and truly honor the potential you were blessed with at birth. While this quest is, ... Views: 586
I’d like to say that New Years Resolutions NEVER work, but I think that is a bit harsh. There are those few folks who seem to achieve each and every goal they set out to attain. However, having spent the last ten years in the recruiting and training business – I have seen more goals not ... Views: 1120
It is that time of year again when your mind can look back at yet another year and see how you have fared in the creation of your life. Are you happy with what you see? Have you created the life you really want to be living or not? The life you have right now is the one you intend to live. Oh ... Views: 957
Goal setting is often done at the start of a new year, so that there can be a specific direction to work towards. Setting goals require an evaluation of what has been achieved in the past, so that new and higher targets can be set. However, if you have noticed problems with achieving your goals ... Views: 4234
Do you have balance? What do I mean by balance? We live in a world that is made up physically and metaphysically. If you want to make your dreams a reality, it is important to balance both the physical and the metaphysical. Most people that watch or read The Secret, and were introduced to The ... Views: 4526
Everyone has the same amount of time each day, yet some people accomplish several lifetimes of achievements in the same time others waste wondering what to do. Some people spend more time planning a party than they do their own lives. Successful people control their time by setting goals. ... Views: 2179
Write a list of your 101 personal accomplishments and 101 personal achievements for last year. Then write a list of your 101 intended accomplishments for the new year.
While you write, you may notice secondary thoughts or things you say to yourself.
You have likely heard it before that we ... Views: 1653
When we hear the word makeover, most of us think about transforming our physical appearance in some way. Just recently, for instance, I have toyed with the idea of growing my hair out. Perusing through the big hairstyle book at my local salon, I tried to imagine which hairstyles would look ... Views: 1033
How many times have you come home from a hard day at work, just to find another mess, waiting for you when you walk in the door?
Then, you find that you have a meeting to go to, a child to take to a practice, a friends house or a meeting and absolutely 'no time' to get all of your have-to's ... Views: 1848
Are resolutions an utter waste of time or is there something magical about setting the mind on a specific yearlong goal?
The end of the year, or the beginning of a new one can have a triggering affect for many people. Some take the time to reflect and anguish over missed opportunities. Others ... Views: 1202