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"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate achievements."
Napoleon Hill
What is your dream? You may want an entirely new job or a significant career change. Maybe you are seeking a promotion, or believe you deserve a raise! ... Views: 1896
Many of us do some form of goal setting just prior to or at the beginning of a new year. We review what has happened in the last 12 months and decide what to do next. However, for goal setting for success, it should go beyond making short term targets or aims with a one-year time frame. In ... Views: 1418
December is generally a hectic time for most of us and before we know it January is upon us. As you welcome in the New Year, your thoughts may turn to the goals you’re going to set yourself for the year. Spending time thinking about and writing down your goals will get your New Year off to ... Views: 1105
You hear a lot about Goals and Planning these days – but is it just a waste of time, or does it really work? Won’t just making a quick list of things to do be just as effective, and much quicker? Please consider these ideas.
There are several steps we can take to increase success, ... Views: 1275
It's that time of year again - when everyone starts thinking about what New Years Resolutions they should make for the next year. You want to make sure that you make yourself a better person in the year ahead; so what kind of resolutions will you make? What area of your life should you improve ... Views: 471
You already know how to set goals.
You write down your goals on paper.
You print them out on small cards and carry them with you in your wallet.
You paste posters of your goals on the walls of your office.
You make an emotional and mental commitment to achieve your goals.
You make it clear ... Views: 1515
A lot of people like to learn how to be successful. They read books, listen to audio cassettes or even watch videos that tell them how to be successful in life. However most people fail to apply that knowledge, and as a result a lot of what they learn is ultimately wasted.
I know I am guilty of ... Views: 1000
Comfort Zones keep us safe from RISK. Taking a risk is when we do something new and we don’t know how it’s going to turn out. Period. If you are human, that stirs up anxiety and fear of the unknown. The “What If” Thinking often begins: “What ... Views: 971
One of the keys to success in any field is knowing how your beliefs impact on everything you do - or don't do.
Beliefs may just be thoughts but they often determine your actions and reactions – and they have the power to hold you back from doing what will make you happy.
Imagine that you ... Views: 617
A 7th century Arabian genius once said, “Success is the result of foresight and resolution, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning, and the most important factor of planning is to keep your secrets to yourself”. The name of this genius was Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, one of the ... Views: 1549
Renew Your Sense of Purpose
As the Earth renews itself with the arrival of spring, it’s a great reminder to refresh yourself by renewing your sense of purpose. I took a moment to recently reflect, renew and rediscover my own sense of purpose and was reminded once again of just how blessed I ... Views: 2070
Follow Through
At the end of the day, network marketing is a business; and to succeed in business you have to follow through.
Many people in network marketing spend all their time planning, scheming, and dreaming instead of doing, living, and modeling their business.
Talk to people. Tell the ... Views: 674
So much of what we are encouraged to focus on is goal setting and moving forward in our personal lives and our business lives. I think we can all agree that there is a value in having a forward vision and worthwhile goals to reach for. I would also like to consider the possibility that with ... Views: 1134
It is getting close to that time of year when we are going to be entertaining more than usual and we will need a Master Plan in order to remember everything on our lists.
Entertaining can be stressful, there are so many things to think of and plan for, things to purchase, not to mention when we ... Views: 1027
Do you know your goals for 2008?
When was the last time you set yourself a goal? Studies tell us that only 3% of people in the UK set goals and those that do are among the wealthiest in the country. So what about those that don’t set goals? Well, I call them plodders! In order to achieve the ... Views: 786
"The voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes but in finding new eyes." Marcel Proust
The Big Picture
When Rusty Schweikert made his space walk from Apollo 9 and saw the earth as a whole, it changed him forever: ‘Frames and boundaries over which we fight are not real from the ... Views: 1181
"Survive" or "Thrive"...which concept appeals to you? If you want to merely survive life and a mediocre existence is acceptable, don't bother reading any further. But if you prefer to thrive and experience the best life has to offer, read on! The following guide will help you achieve whatever ... Views: 1659
You've defined your Goal, identified your key strategies, created an action plan and have started to put it into action.
What's next?
As you proceed, it is important to measure your results and track your progress (or lack of it). This is the least exciting part of the journey of any Goal, but ... Views: 1017
Here is a certainty: What you think about, your more likely to achieve. If you focus on what you don't want, you might get it anyway. There is nothing metaphysical about this. Again, it's simple science. Whatever images and feelings you put in your brain are the only servings of information your ... Views: 1734
Article Title: Success: The Glenn Bland Method: How to Set Goals and really Make them Work (from Inspirational Books - Part Two)
Submitted by Craig Lock
Category (key words): Success, Inspiration, Positive Thinking, Successful Living
Other Articles are available at: ... Views: 5478
Setting a goal is a process where you have to be clearer than water.
"Make more money" or "Being happier" are not clear desires.
Be clear on the amount of money you want, the type of business you want, how you will serve your clients, the specific actions that make you happy and so on.
See ... Views: 535
On a recent cross country flight I looked out over the Rocky Mountains from 30,000 feet and saw hundreds of paths sort of heading towards the summits of the various peaks.
I write “sort of” because looking at these zigzagging paths made it very clear why they are called switchbacks. Those ... Views: 692
We have learned how to create long term and short term goals, create plans of actions and “To Do” lists from articles Goal Personal Planning Setting Success. Step 1 and Goal Personal Planning Setting Success. Step 2.
There are a couple of biggest reasons why people fail in the goal personal ... Views: 1126
We all have goals and aspirations. Sometimes we have difficulty knowing where to start. We want that new body, or want to be healthy and have more energy, but we just do not know what the first step is. In addition, the road to our goals is sometimes a rocky one. It is difficult to transgress ... Views: 855
Besides the yearly housecleaning, we have a thing called yearly home maintenance and cleaning that seems to be overlooked or at least, put-on-hold and then it is overlooked!
We have many goals to reach in life and one of them is keeping our home in the best shape possible. We don't realize ... Views: 1463
I have studied high achievers for 25 years, including 23 as a television news reporter. Time and time again I saw the power of goal setting, especially short term goals.
Nick Missos was a Warsaw, Indiana 9th grader who wanted to be on the wrestling team. He had two things going against him. He ... Views: 2533
If you are prepared, when the opportunity presents itself, you get lucky. Consider this…
Oprah Winfrey was making The Color Purple and she was sitting at lunch with Steven Spielberg, arguably the world’s greatest director. He was writing in his journal the goals he was going to ... Views: 749
One of the greatest quantum leaps you will achieve in the advancement of your most cherished Goal occurs when your Goal transforms from being something that is a distant possibility to an absolute, unstoppable certainty. The good news is that you can begin creating that quantum leap ... Views: 1764
Every one of us has 24 hours in our day – no more, no less. Yet some people manage to get an awful lot done in that time and others just can’t seem to get anything done. These latter people fritter away their day, finding other things to do while avoiding the goals and tasks they ... Views: 1351
The First Step Toward Riches
Great souls have wills
Feeble souls have only wishes
Chinese proverb
When Edwin C. Barnes hopped off the freight train in Orange, New Jersey, USA, more than 100 years ago, he may have resembled a tramp, but his thoughts were those of a king!
Think And Grow Rich ... Views: 955
Some people just seem blessed. Everything they do turns into gold. Their lives are right out of the movies. Other people struggle with everything and never seem to move ahead—or they do at great personal sacrifice. Why is that?
There are two types of people who make up this world -- ... Views: 945
It has become very clear to me as I discuss the law of attraction with people as part of my personal development coaching events that when I ask “What is success for you? Or “What do you really want from life?” Many people just don’t know and don’t know how to even start down the pathway to ... Views: 669
It is exciting to see a fast growing number of people creating a personal Vision Board, as this is such an effective way to apply “The Law of Attraction” as seen in “The Secret”. However, a lot of people don't know exactly how to create a Vision Board, so I thought I'd ... Views: 1666
“A goal without a plan is just a wish”, said French Writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Just knowing what you want won’t get you there. Having a goal is the first step. Now you must step it up a notch if you plan to achieve it. To step it up you must have a plan and course of ... Views: 1505
Many goal setters put a lot of work into getting the planning done but then seem to let the implementation run on some form of autopilot. Now there is a time and a place for getting out of your own way. However, remember this. Things began to happen because you initiated the goal setting process ... Views: 1767
Planning should help you map your goals so they include not only what you are trying to accomplish, but also the bad things you want to prevent from happening, as well as the existing good things that you want to keep from disappearing. To do this, you must consider the bigger picture. The U.S. ... Views: 1193
Do you sometimes feel like there is a conspiracy and the whole world is picking on you? Your friends, family, colleagues, even strangers? You know they are really talking about you even though they are making general statements. Who do they think they're kidding? Strangers even seem to be going ... Views: 745
When people say to me:
- I want to go someplace, but I don't know where
- I want to do something, but not what I'm doing
- I don't know what I want to do, and if I sound confused, that's part of my
I tell them, "You have to set a goal."
They say, "I know, I don't have a goal. ... Views: 714
Many people get stuck in life because they don’t see how the first small steps will get them to where they truly want to go. They know what their dreams are; they just see those dreams as too big. In fact, one of the major obstacles in their journey is that the big picture can seem a bit ... Views: 965
Freedom is a word that Americans like to throw around and use often in our society. The problem is that very few people truly understand what real freedom is. Freedom is not something that we have to fight for in another country. It's not found in chemicals or local bars. Freedom isn't found in ... Views: 915
Your Life Destiny.
One of the most important things you will ever do in life is find and follow your Destiny. By “Destiny” we mean your life purpose and plan. It is a plan, a life script, NOT a predestination. It is easy to not follow your Destiny – in fact, most people do not pursue it.
... Views: 2171
Setting goals is often much easier to say than to accomplish, as many people simply have no clue where to begin. Planning out a course of action in life is something that combines an assortment of factors, including personal development and time management. To help make the most out of setting ... Views: 4922
In our previous article: Goal Personal Planning Setting Success. Step 1, we talked about creating your long term and short term goals. By now we should be ready to move forward to the next step of goal personal planning setting success.
The next step in the process of goal personal planning and ... Views: 795
Even with an established business, owners must constantly set goals in order to elevate their overall productivity and profit. As the end of the year nears and everyone is settling in for the freshness of the New Year, business owners will greatly benefit when they set goals for their company ... Views: 910
Living with acne over a long period of time, (mostly during your teen years), can be emotionally stressful. Keep in mind; this is the age where your appearance is the most important. Teen acne is specifically hard on the ego. Many times this results in the basic teasing from your classmates. ... Views: 728
Goals that weren’t Achieved
It feels real bad when you open your drawer and find lots of papers that carry your old unmet goals that you forgot about them. Sometimes an unmet goal can even depress you if it was concerning something very important to you. With every goal you set and fail ... Views: 915
A well-defined plan properly executed is your meal ticket to success. You significantly increase the odds of success in any endeavor if you know who you are, what you want, where you are going, how you will get there, and what you will do once you arrive.
What makes it possible for a casino to ... Views: 971
One of the most important keys to success is a goal personal planning setting success process. A series of studies and interviews were carried out to find out the secrets of successful people. If we take a closer look at these studies, we will find out that majority of successful people use goal ... Views: 795
I enjoy golf and find great pleasure competing with friends and business associates. Often times when playing in a tournament, a member-guest competition, or maybe just an outing, I find myself wondering where I stand against the field?
Am I and my partner leading? Hopelessly out of it? Would a ... Views: 892
Whether you're interested in entire lifestyle change or you're just looking towards getting yourself in shape for an upcoming vacation, there is a lot that you need to think about. Getting in shape, far from being one goal, is actually a series of small goals, and getting yourself organized in ... Views: 853