We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
To me, the simple answer to this question is yes. The complex answer, another yes!
In both my recovery to a more abundant and joyous life, and my reaching fulfilling work (and golf results), goal setting is a key. If I don’t have targets, write them down, and measure against them, how will ... Views: 830
Are you a positive, goal-oriented person who would like a bit more success with your goal-setting strategies? Here are five ways success plans sometimes fall short, and how you can tweak your own plan for better results.
1) Vaguely defined goals and/or strategies If you want to get to New ... Views: 3013
For the last 14 plus years I have been on a journey. I had hit a wall in life, in particular the life I was living inside myself. The outside world may have thought things were OK. I had a home, 2 cars, the bills were paid and my consulting company was doing fine from a financial ... Views: 828
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It's A New Year! - by Stacey Brown, MA, LMHC, NCC, CCBT, BCETS, CART
So, you're thinking about New Year's Resolutions?
It's that time of year. But, this year, try something new and exciting. Instead of (or in addition to) the usual weight loss and clutter busting promises that you may or may not keep to yourself, try making a different set of priorities and ... Views: 1323
When I got up Wednesday morning, I had a choice to make. I choose to make it a good day.
There is enough craziness going on in this world, the talk of economic collapse, and gosh help us, elections on both sides of the border. Here in Canada, as far as leadership goes, I don’t find any ... Views: 628
Sometimes it’s relatively easy to set goals, but the hard part is how to really achieve them. Everyone can set a few goals. It’s no big deal to set some goals, such as, to excercise more, to eat right food, to lose weight, to earn more money, to spend more time with family, to learn more etc. ... Views: 670
As a creativity coach and artist, I encounter goal setting issues daily. When it comes to setting career goals and keeping things on track, the word "discipline" can present problems. Webster defines the word in these terms: a systematic method to obtain obedience; submission to rules and ... Views: 1309
Invariably, all successful people have goals. So, if you want to be successful that means you too must set goals.
Goals help to create desire, energy, focus, determination - in facts pretty much all the attributes required for success. However, it is a sad fact that very few people set ... Views: 6596
We all have different kind of goals in life, such as weight loss, stop smoking, get a raise, get into college, make more money, or more common goals. You may set goals before and now let's look back. Have you achieved them? Setting a goal isn't the hard part, to make out an action plan and stick ... Views: 558
Isn’t it time for you to finally reach your goals? I know, I know...reaching goals does take time; however, when you design your outcome, you can achieve your goals. Whether your idea of wealth freedom is landing the job of your dreams, finding the perfect love match, or simply enjoying good ... Views: 753
I am in the process of looking for a house. How exciting, how exhilarating, how exasperating-depending on what I choose it to be. Making such a large purchase and significant decision in my life brings up an old story-the one I tell myself about not deserving or being able to afford what I ... Views: 863
Joe’s boss called on him and asked him to join an ongoing meeting. Joe steps in. There are directives discussed and plan of action agreed upon. Joe makes mental notes as to what he has been assigned. Two days later, Joe seems to have forgotten couple of key points made in the meeting.
Katie is ... Views: 589
"Citius, Altius, Fortius" which is Latin for "Faster, Higher, Stronger", was the 2008 motto for the Olympic games. These three words convey an ideal that calls for personal excellence; in essence that giving one's best and striving for personal excellence is a worthwhile goal.
We can look ... Views: 1179
We hear this quite often, don’t we? But what usually happens when we hear this?
Well the most common response for people who don’t get their results would be:
“Well I don’t want ‘x’ to happen”,
“I don’t want to stay in debt”
“I don’t want to be ill anymore”
I hear this all too often when ... Views: 1159
The nineties are gone and the millennium is here. Are you doing the dream? Are you keeping the vows you made to yourself? If not, it's time. Of course, anyone who has ever tried to succeed knows that doing so is easier on paper than it is in practice. Countless delays and confounding details ... Views: 1027
Remember way back in January when you made those New Year’s resolutions? Time sure flies! Now that fall is quickly approaching, it’s a great opportunity to take one last long look at those beginning-of-the year goals and assess how you are doing. This is the perfect time to review and evaluate ... Views: 1075
Description of the Japanese philosophy "kaizen": continuous improvement in all aspect of your life.
I first learned about the word "kaizen" while reading a motivational book by Tony Robbins. Kaizen is a Japanese word that means: continuous improvement in all aspects of your life. Mr. Robbins ... Views: 841
There is a daily blog that I love done by a fellow named Patrick who resides in Michigan. It can be found under “Spiritual River” and is one of the best feeds I’ve been exposed to on the net! I am hoping Patrick and I find a way to work together, I love a lot of his ... Views: 618
As a life coach and counselor, I have a pretty big bag of tricks that I draw from when supporting my clients in their goals. One such “trick” that I consider my secret weapon is “The Group.”
The Group refers to the power of purposefully collaborating with like-minded and ... Views: 851
You have done a lot of visioning work and inward searching to find your life's true calling and purpose. You are excited about your newfound clarity. You are willing to move out of your comfort zone and take the necessary action to make it happen. But, you are unclear about what your next action ... Views: 4244
What are you focussing on achieving in your business in the next 90 days?
Do you have any idea? If you don't then you better come up with a goal or outcome otherwise you may find that another 3 months has passed you by and you're no further ahead than where you are right now.
When you've got ... Views: 982
Your Recipe to Success - My Experiment
Be known as a hard worker.
Give it your very best.
Ask and understand what’s expected.
Create additional value.
If you do all of these things, you will be successful. Isn’t this the American mantra? Work hard; do your best; know what to do and be ... Views: 1166
Did you know that fewer than 10% of people who set goals actually achieve them? How can you ensure YOUR success? Try using the Top 10 Tips below.
1. Write Them Down. It's a fact: writing down your goals gives you a higher chance of success.
2. Commit. Move beyond the land of "good ideas" to ... Views: 2218
Goal Setting Tips and Reflective Tricks!
It is so important to learn the purpose of setting goals! Setting goals is one of the most important factors in getting yourself to where you want to be! Now you might be saying to yourself, Yeah, yeah, I've heard all about setting goals. This is ... Views: 1986
Let me ask you a simple question…
If someone with big magical powers comes to you right now and tells you that you may wish for anything you want to have and become anyone you want to be, what and who will you choose?
Let me clear it up that you may choose ANYTHING – no matter how ... Views: 954
Let me ask you a simple question…
If someone with big magical powers comes to you right now and tells you that you may wish for anything you want to have and become anyone you want to be, what and who will you choose?
Let me clear it up that you may choose ANYTHING – no matter how ... Views: 681
What did the visor and box of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes have in common?
The box of Corn Flakes had a picture of Cinderella, the new Disney animated version. My number one creative project right now is “being in a committed, conscious relationship.” In the fairy tale of ... Views: 3478
If I could give you the key to unlock the door to a more prosperous and healthy life would you be interested? Recently I was giving a seminar and I decided to ask the audience one of my favorite life questions. I looked at all the people in the room and asked:
What do you want to be when ... Views: 1176
Goal setting allows you to map out a plan for your success. Traditional goal setting practice indicates following the SMART rule. In other words, goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely.
Specific. Be clear about the goals you wish to accomplish. Don't just say ... Views: 1468
Do you have difficulty reaching your goals in their your life or career? If so, you're not alone.
In this article, Phil will share three steps for completing your goals by tapping into your inner body wisdom.
Over 92% of the population has a goal to write a book. However, less than ... Views: 2702
What are the goal setting steps outlined here going to do for you?
"If you do not have a plan for your life, someone else has a plan for you."-- Jim Rohn
You want to have plan of action for your life. One of the most effective ways to do that is to activate the
goal setting gene in your ... Views: 966
“The reality is that changes are coming . . .They must come. You must share in bringing them.
--John Hersey
Change. It's scary. It's hard. It's needed. Sometimes it feels good; other times it feels bad. But one thing is for sure: it keeps on happening.
Just when our life seems settled, ... Views: 637
Goal setting is a very useful and interesting process. By spending some time to reflect on what you want to achieve in life and writing your thoughts down, you give direction to your life. Having gone through the process of determining how you want you future to be and recording your goals, you ... Views: 1649
If you have read some of my previous newsletters, you know that I am big on visualizations. I practice them every day, even several times a day. You may have heard the phrase “if you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” That is most likely the idea Yoda was trying to communicate ... Views: 1352
Three primary components are involved in order to accomplish a goal: imagination, planning, and action. This article focuses on the planning process.
When using the term goal-setting, many people have only a vague idea about what they hope to accomplish by setting a goal, and even fewer have ... Views: 751
We live in an era of dreams. Not only are we urged to dream, it seems that we’ll have to dream big.
“Set the target to achieve your first million! Pin the picture of your dream home up. Admire it every morning and imagine that you’ve already owned it,” says the ... Views: 1486
Do you have a dream?
Of course you do, we all have dreams, we all at some stage have or have had a vision to be an olympic athlete, to be a successful business and / or career person, to be rich and famous, to be a loving parent or partner, to be an integral member of the community etc.
Stop ... Views: 1260
Do you set goals for yourself? Sure you do. But do you set good goals? Have you achieved many of the things that you want in life? If not, how goal setting technique may need a little polishing. This month’s article is about how to set a clearly defined goal that will work for you to help ... Views: 1273
So what can you do right now to change your life? Well, I have some thoughts on that. Starting today, starting at this very moment, you can decide to follow your dreams again. Yes, your dreams. Remember those? Yeah, it's those things you've stuffed into a tiny little box at the back of your ... Views: 914
When looking to add a new habit into your daily routine couple it with an existing habit. For example, if you want to learn one new Japanese term or phrase per day, couple this with something you already do each day, like brushing your teeth.
"Nothing is stronger than habit."
Ovid, Ars ... Views: 1149
Life coaches love to use Nike’s slogan: Just Do It. But is it Just That Easy?
You have decided you want to live a healthier lifestyle and make positive advances in your health so you can fully enjoy life. You joined the gym; you’ve gone a few times, so you are familiar with all the ... Views: 1303
* Note: this article won't be relevant for every reader. For those of you who have followed through on your New Year's resolutions and done amazing things, you may want to check back in tomorrow. For some of you it will be a timely poke in the ribs, for others it will be reality check and for ... Views: 1148
My friend and colleague Joe passed away suddenly from a heart attack last November. He had refused a procedure recommended by his doctor and had not told either his wife or me that he had heart problems.
All I knew was that he had high cholesterol. She and I talked later and ... Views: 976
During change, most of us feel weak and incapable. We haven't been told that we can get through things, so we automatically assume that we can't. But I'm here to remind you that you're much stronger than you've ever imagined. You've already been through many more changes than you realize, and ... Views: 628
In order to achieve more, get the priority right. Otherwise, we could end up mindlessly busy - yet seeing no result.
How to get the priority right?
There is a simple Tao technique that you can use. It is simple, handy, and very effective.
It has to do with the Tao concepts of being and ... Views: 1741
When I began my search to learn how to “get rich” by using the power of my mind, I came across many different types of affirmations. One of them was put together by motivational guru Tony Robbins. He claims the following affirmation, which he called an incantation, helped him to ... Views: 12325
The Beginning
Ok so you decided that you want to set a goal. Good for you! What is it? Do you want to get in shape? Make more money? Maybe meet someone new and start a relationship? Whatever it is the important thing is that you’ve taken a step towards your goal. Now think about your ... Views: 670
Can you remember the last resolution you made, let alone kept? Personally, I can only recall one. I resolved to stop drinking soda when I was eleven years old. Now, I ate an average of one hot dog daily and wasn’t an exceptionally health conscious kid, so I’m not sure what exactly ... Views: 1075
The purpose of man is in action not thought - Thomas Carlyle
Often people will ask me how I get so much done in my life. They wonder at how I am able to accomplish so many things. The answer is found not in what a great person I am, but in an equation I came up with a few years ago and remind ... Views: 1216
Who’s your guide? Do you have an angel? We all have at least one, and its ourselves. That’s right, you are the single greatest influence in your life. The quality of your life is directly related to the quality of the choices you have made. It would be easy to wallow in the past and blame ... Views: 1070