As you all know, stretching out of your comfort zone is something I challenge myself and my clients to do consistently. Yes it is one way we reach more of our potential, but it is equally important to have comfort in your life as well. This is what I see as the difference between comfort that ... Views: 1217
There are many benefits to stretching out of our comfort zones... here are just a few. Which ones speak to you?
Build Confidence in Yourself
How important is confidence in our quest for happiness and fulfillment in our lives? In my past, I had little confidence in myself. I was often fearful ... Views: 1226
In this article I will be sharing specific tips that I have found to be beneficial in helping others tap into more of their career potential. Some I have used personally, my clients have used others. Which tips you use are not what is important. What is important is consistently stepping out ... Views: 1495
As a coach, I work with many clients in transition. Some are transitioning to new careers or new environments, others new roles in work/life, and some new ways of being and doing. While changes like this can happen without help, they thrive when we have support.
Support can mean different ... Views: 964
Money. Each of us has a different relationship with it. We view it differently, use it differently and think about it differently. How we experience money affects our relationships with out partners, families, and friends; and it drives our choices for our careers, environments and ... Views: 1006
I always say, and truly believe that “anything is possible, as long as your desire is compelling and you believe it can happen.” When I think of possibilities I see a huge expanse of limitless experiences and opportunities in front of me. People and places yet to discover, things ... Views: 1109
We all want an incredible life and a large part of that is identifying and creating a lifestyle that suits us – finding our “best fit”. When embarking on this quest, we start out gung ho, excited about the possibilities for what we want our lives to look and feel like. We ... Views: 967
I came to North Carolina on a quest for beauty. My vision was of beautifully cared for communities with green trees, sunshine, clean streets and warmth. Beauty, to me, meant vibrancy, new, colorful, pretty exteriors, and manicured lawns. It also meant natural surroundings like trees, parks, ... Views: 1170
“Love is a present that can be given every single day you live” That was the message I found in my fortune cookie while recently dining at a local restaurant. There are many ways that love can be given every day – in supporting our partner, adoring our pets, listening to a good friend – and ... Views: 1049
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature— the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter. - Rachel Carson
What does the change of ... Views: 1006
Many people lead their lives from a safe, familiar, comfortable place. Their lives are good, but they are secretly wishing they could be more, do more, and experience more. They are eager to step over the threshold of comfort and out the door, yet not quite sure how to do it, or where to go ... Views: 954