I have a habit of saying “yes” to adventures. Then I have to deal with what I got myself into…
Last week I said yes to being a “journalist” at a super-exclusive conference in Los Angeles, where I was invited to interview some of the most outrageously successful innovators on the planet–people ... Views: 2157
Well, the End of the World came and went (Saturday, May 21 at 6pm local time, everywhere) with a fizzle. No floating bodies or open graves or big earthquakes. What a dud.
Seriously. After all that fanfare I was sort of hoping for something… maybe a celestial voice or a partial eclipse or a ... Views: 1693
Reader Question:
“What if my Money Monster is personified in several real people? Can I forgive them and still get rid of the Money Monster?”
My Response:
Brilliant question! Your “Money Monster” is the personification of any thing that has ever made you feel unworthy, unloveable, or ... Views: 1938
Question: “How do I determine the value I provide my clients?”
In a world where certain executives are paid hundreds of millions of dollars even when their banks fail, and other people aren’t paid a living wage for offering essential services… questions of “value” and “compensation” can ... Views: 1593
Reader Question: I have tried all kinds of affirmations, buying lotto being ripped off with quick fixes etc.. with no luck, No matter what I do, I still get no where and more into debt, I have started my money honey and yet to see results, what else do you suggest Morgana?
My response: I ... Views: 1685
Question: Is replacing my money monster with my money honey an ongoing process at first? I do the visualizations as you suggest and get a sense of the (personified) Money "Honey", but over time, the money monster creeps back in.
My response: It is an absolute fact of life that no matter how ... Views: 2609
A very interesting question came in, and I bet a number of you are feeling this way:
“So, what if the situation with (personified) Money is reversed? I mean, equality would be nice, yes? What if I ask my “Money Honey” what he could do to please ME? I have spent my LIFE trying to please ... Views: 1803
Here’s the full question that arrived in my inbox:
“I came from a background that doesn’t value the gifts that I have developed. How can I learn to value my spiritual, creative and emotional gifts enough to feel that they are worth being paid for? If I don’t value them and see them as ... Views: 1915
There’s nothing more irresistible to what you want, especially in realms of romance and love, than feeling good about yourself. And nothing kills your sense of self worth faster than settling for what doesn’t make you happy.
There’s a sick little trend going around the love advice community, ... Views: 2814
Want to sell a meditation CD? Here's what you need to know:
First record it. This is the piece that trips people up the first. Recording it on a professional mic is best. You MUST lay down some background music to fill the empty spaces. If you don't have access to a sound studio,Have someone ... Views: 4946
Here's a question I got in my email:
"Are some life paths predestined to have money troubles - for money to be elusive and unattainable? Karma is something many of us believe in. If so, how can this work - these tools - work?"
Let's get real for a second. I just spoke at a fundraiser for ... Views: 2253
Here's the question that came in:
How do you attract money when you really, really "need" it (as in, you could lose your home if it doesn't come quickly)....as opposed to just desiring more? My understanding is "need" represents "lack" and then you get more "lack"....but when the need is ... Views: 2294
This question came up on a coaches forum I like to contribute to, and I know this’ll apply to a lot of my readers…
“How do I cope with no-show clients? A new client hasn’t shown up for two of the four sessions we contracted. Each time she follows up with really apologetic emails, begging me ... Views: 2657
Congratulations on writing your first book! And you want to sell it. Here's what you need to do.
1) Write a book proposal. Seems counterintuitive, doesn't it? You already have a book why write a proposal?
This is what agents and publishers want to see.
A book proposal gives a ... Views: 8286
I keep running across people who hear me try to describe Financial Alchemy, and they think I’m a Law of Attraction coach. Noooo! Unless, perhaps, you took your LOA to a Barry White concert.
Financial Alchemy’s magic is activated differently. Here’s a cheat sheet of easy distinctions that stop ... Views: 1961
This was the most interesting question I received for my “How to be a Money Magnet (and Client Magnet)” teleclass.
1) If it “isn’t working,” it (the alchemy) didn’t happen.
You can follow the Financial Alchemy steps to becoming a Money Magnet--uncover ... Views: 2356
We all face occasions when we want to make a lasting impression. (I’m not talking a Tonya Harding kind of lasting impression.) Whether you are applying for a job, making new friends, building your client base, or looking for a date, you need to separate yourself from the crowd.
How to be ... Views: 3483
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***Gratitude Magic - by Morgana Rae, the Official to Creating Wealth and Building Wealth
"GRATITUDE unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, ... Views: 2609
Everybody talks about the Law of Attraction. Attract Money. Manifest wealth. Blah blah blah blah blah. You can chant and vibrate all you like, but good luck becoming a money magnet when money finds you repulsive.
Got too much cash? Here are five easy things you can do TODAY to repel money ... Views: 2641
You’ve already proven your intelligence, talent, and tenacity as a coach. You work hard, and you have so much to offer, so why isn’t your value reflected in your pocketbook?
You could be repelling money with unconscious beliefs and behaviors. Your clients need you to ... Views: 1971
What happens when everything comes to fruition all at once? You know what I'm talking about: all those years of struggle suddenly pay off. All those things you dreamed of years ago (maybe you gave up on some of them?) are delivered to your doorstep on the same day. Your Universal Delivery Man ... Views: 2210
I shouldn’t be writing this. Wealth affirmations are such big business for my friends and colleagues and the people who hire me. And affirmations are stupid.
When you can’t get (or leave) a job, or pay your mortgage, or find a date... chanting to yourself, “I'm a ... Views: 2420
Want to be attractive to wealth and abundance? Stop acting like a pauper. You can afford to repel.
When you stand in who you are without apology, you will REPEL people. You will scare them off! This is wonderful. The more you clear out the people who don't like or understand or appreciate you ... Views: 2122
"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
~ Alan Cohen
Would ... Views: 1743
"The greatest genius will never be worth much if he pretends to draw exclusively from his own resources."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I have a confession.
I was a geek in grade school. I was that nerdy girl wearing the polyester "floods" from Pic’n Save. I kept my nose in books ... Views: 1842
If you REALLY want to blow the lid off your potential to create wealth, start by changing your relationship with Money. Turn your Money Monster of scarcity (doesn't let you be/do/have what you want) into your "Money Honey".
Imagine money as a human being, and make your money someone worthy of ... Views: 9210
Five Steps to Being Unforgettable:
1) Establish relationship first. Listen, be curious, be genuinely caring. Focus on the other person instead of yourself. Who is this person? This is how you establish relationship.
2) Identify the needs of this other person. How can you serve this person? ... Views: 1795
Your current financial situation is a direct reflection of your inner relationship with Money. If you don’t like your finances, something needs to change in your relationship. This is where Alchemy comes in.
Alchemy is the art of transformation. With roots in ancient Egypt and ... Views: 5450
“I honor your Gods.
I drink from your well.
I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place.
I hold no cherished outcome.
I will not negotiate by withholding.
I am not subject to disappointment.”
Druid vow of friendship
Let this vow be your guide to networking. Meet. ... Views: 1894
You don’t have to call yourself a magician, mystic, psychic, priestess or wiccan to be magical. Every wish, prayer, business plan, and affirmation carries magic. The question is, how do you get better at making things happen? How do you increase your experience of ease flow and ... Views: 7757
"You do not belong to you. You belong to the universe."
~ Buckminster Fuller
I've been finding myself in frequent conversations on the topic of life purpose, so it seems timely to address the subject here.
Every one is looking for their purpose. Must have a purpose! A story I often hear from ... Views: 1069
"If I won't be myself, who will?"
~ Alfred Hitchcock
Strengthening your boundaries is one of the most powerful ways to transform your relationships and improve your life personally and professionally. This month we look at boundaries.
Boundaries let us know the difference between our ... Views: 1923
“When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true”
The Alchemist, by Paolo Coehlo
I’ve been thinking a lot about synchronicity, about that intersection between saying “I want this” and seeing it show up. I see this happen over and over again ... Views: 7191
Strengthening your boundaries is one of the most powerful ways to transform your relationships and improve your life personally and professionally. This month we look at boundaries.
Boundaries let us know the difference between our authentic selves and our social self that is based on pleasing ... Views: 1309