If you are like me, you want the maximum interest rate on a CD, the greatest appreciation on your real estate, and Bull Market returns on stock investments, right? I took the time to learn about and investigate different CD investment strategies on some money that I needed to have in a liquid ... Views: 1428
You hear a lot about rapport, but how does it affect you and why should you even care? Well, two people in rapport are inclined to give each other the benefit of the doubt, and are more patient and sympathetic towards each other. When there is rapport it is easier to reach understanding, to ... Views: 1168
Are you familiar with the concept of an “elevator” speech? It’s a little speech that people involved in networking are supposed to have prepared and memorized in answer to the question “And what do you do?” It’s called the elevator speech because it is ... Views: 3059
When I’m talking about what it is that a coach does, I use a short little narrative that never fails to get someone’s interest and attention. That’s because it makes for a very big BFO – Blinding Flash of the Obvious. What makes it a BFO is that it really is so very ... Views: 1220
Your success in achieving your goals will be greatly enhanced by intentionally setting up a three branched support system. Very simply, people change their behavior if they can answer two questions with a “yes!” in each of three categories, personal, social and structural.
So ... Views: 1232
Here are some tips from a personal coach to help with your goal setting process.
1. First, you need to get very clear on exactly it is that you want. Clarity is the very first step in the goal setting - - - and achievement process. You need to be specific enough so that you can measure your ... Views: 1432
Would you take advice from a failure? I’m going to guess that some of you responded with a resounding NO! People with low self esteem, and it seems from my practice, particularly women with low self esteem hate it when they fail or make a mistake. This is even more true for women in ... Views: 2544