Lessons From A Billionaire
You and I have several rare opportunities today to get inside the minds of the richest people on the planet. There are some amazing lessons that we can learn from them. I want to share a short lesson that I learned from billionaire investor, Warren Buffet.
Before ... Views: 7383
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have 'the magic, Midas touch' when it comes to success? I mean people like Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett? Why do some people seem to just have to breathe in order to make millions of dollars? Discover the process that will turn your ... Views: 1656
Discover these proven 'get your book to the cash register' steps.
I was a first time author, unknown and clueless. I didn't even know if my writing was worth a plug nickel. I tried many things to sell my book. These are the most profitable steps that I took.
If you have written ... Views: 1852
I just finished reading a book written in 1906. It is one of the most direct and concise books on the Law of Attraction that I've ever read. In fact, the first chapter title is called, 'The Law of Attraction'. It is only 54 pages as an ebook.
The author goes into the explanation regarding ... Views: 2889
Michael Murphy is the author of the breakthrough book, 'Powerful Attitudes'. He is also the author of the only completely personalized self-empowerment books for adults, on the planet.
Michael's "PowerFirmations" books have been hailed by best selling authors and success experts as 'the most ... Views: 1617
So how does a tall, skinny kid who was an
emotional misfit turn his life around and
begin to live his dreams?
Coach McCord asked me that question. He
had a long history as a teacher who helped
to fashion the character and feed the knowledge
of seventh and eighth grade kids in the ... Views: 1509
When you adopt the attitude of choosing to let go of negative events, people and emotions from the past, you are actually making room for more positive and beneficial events, people and emotions to fill your life.
Out with the old and in with the new. The hinge on which the door to your better ... Views: 1506
When pursuing your dreams and achieving goals, you will hear a lot of people say, 'You have to have faith'. Faith is essential to living. Most people relate 'faith' to religion. However, a lot of different 'religions' require you to believe a certain set of rules and admonish you to keep those ... Views: 1701
In 1985, I used my first personal computer and subsequent, word processing program. Being a perpetual learner and desiring to further explore self growth and personal empowerment, I had an idea that was realized 21 years later.
I had been an incorrigible teenager growing up in the rebellion ... Views: 1628
A good friend of mine owns a plumbing, electrical and air conditioning services company here in Texas. Danny Hutchins is one of the most fascinating people I've ever known or met. When I need a personal 'positive boost', I stop by his office and spend as much time with him as I possibly ... Views: 1759
I was in line at Arby's thinking solely about that scrumptious roast beef I was about to sink my teeth into. My taste buds had one focus. My stomach almost spoke aloud and said, 'Hey buddy, I'm ready!'
I had recently made a commitment to drink water instead of the usual soft drink. So with my ... Views: 1309
One of the most amazing and essential personal development books of all times is the Dale Carnegie classic, 'How To Win Friends and Influence People'. This book should be required reading for every high school graduate. It would transform the world.
After my first reading of this book over 30 ... Views: 1009
13 year old, Nicole Ruhter noticed something that thousands of others had simply passed up. As she walked along the service road of the Crater of Diamonds State Park near Murfreesboro, Arkansas, recently, she saw a tea-colored shape she thought to be a diamond. Even though Nicole was in a part ... Views: 956
Recently, I was encouraged by a colleague to reread the now classic book by Shad Helmstetter, 'What To Say When You Talk To Yourself'. One of the things that Shad says yet doesn't go into the importance of doing, is creating dialog in your 'self talk'.
Through my personalized books, coaching, ... Views: 3670
Motivation, Inspiration and Empowerment
Dixie is a motivational rally addict. She recently approached me in the airport at LAX. I was getting a decaf latte when she came up and said, 'Aren't you Michael Murphy?' Before I answered her, I asked, 'Do you carry a metal badge?' She laughed and said, ... Views: 4939
I was recently on a speaking tour in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Being spring break, my 13 year old daughter, Courtney, had requested that she go along with me for the 10 day journey. After encountering a fall on the ice, a bruised ego and a rather stoic, staunch and ... Views: 1705
You are where you are in your life right now because of the power of words.
Stop for a moment and take stock of where you are in your life's journey right now. Picture where you are on the staircase of your own life's destiny. Imagine for a minute, your goals and your dreams, of where your ... Views: 1399