We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I hope you are sitting comfortably because today's article is about being comfortable. We all like to be physically and mentally comfortable and to be with family or friends and to have everything around us that we are familiar with. This makes us feel secure and at ease and generally gives us ... Views: 861
I find the end of a year to be a time of reflection. For me it is important to formally "complete" the year that is closing so that I can set my intentions for the year that is before me.
I like to sit in the quiet of my living room, a candle lit, some quiet music in the background, a pad of ... Views: 736
Recently, Joy and I had the pleasure of speaking at a conference of Educational Office Professionals in Baltimore, MD. The other speakers included Ms. Deborah Phelps, mother of six-time gold medalist in the 2004 Summer Olympics swimmer Michael Phelps, and Agatha von Trapp, the 91-year-old ... Views: 788
Written By: Darren Roberts
Copyright ?1999 All Rights Reserved
When you first think of the two words pinned together; "Personal ... Views: 935
Written By: Darren Roberts
Copyright ?1998, All Rights Reserved
To operate at your optimum in a forward direction you may need to organise many ... Views: 1082
Olympics come and go. As always, it is an exciting event with its dramatic twists and turns, exhilarations, surprises, and disappointments as these great athletes performed at their peak in front of millions, if not billions, of fans for the glory of representing their country and possibly ... Views: 839
None of us will make it through life without committing a series
of mistakes or errors in judgment.
I know I have made my share. Mistakes are a part of life.
I don't mind making them, however I don't want to keep repeating
the same ones over and over.
Some of them have been very costly and ... Views: 1258
According to The Secret, the capacity to conceive of the ‘how’ is not essential for accomplishment. But it certainly can help. The story of how Fred Smith created Federal Express and grew it to become a Fortune 500 company in record time confirms this view. Smith started out with both a clear ... Views: 864
In order to be at our maximum effectiveness, in any area of our lives, from creating the perfect supportive relationship, to manifesting a million dollars, to experiencing perfect health, we have to first determine where we are: the position, perspective, or platform we are coming from, the ... Views: 705
So, where are you relative to the goals you set for yourself back in January? Are you proud of your accomplishments? Were you able to stay motivated and on track? If so, congratulations on all of your hard work! If, however, you are like so many people whose goals slowly get pushed aside, it's ... Views: 1234
Few people realize that getting rich does not just happen by using mathematical and business skills. There is definitely more to that in creating wealth. If you want to get rich, you have to make changes. And the first changes you need to make will be those that focus on ...Few people realize ... Views: 3747
One of the most exciting activities you can involve yourself in is goal setting. The future is bright and filled with endless possibilities, and by carefully planning a set of actions and milestones you can achieve nearly any goal you commit yourself to.
After you make your plan, the first few ... Views: 1027
As a business success coach and speaker, I listen to audio cassettes, watch videos, read books and go to workshops all in order to learn how people can improve their possibility for achieving success. When I hear the stories of successful people, I look for the "gold nugget" that has universal ... Views: 717
People who exercise self-reliance are self-starters. They begin each day with a plan of action prepared the night before. They have set their goals and objectives. Their attitudes are generated by initiative and motivated by a heat of passion to win.
By Contrast: A procrastinator offers ... Views: 808
Powerful Goals
Powerful Goals Provide A Target
A goal is a target to shoot at. It is a result toward which effort is directed. It is an outcome to be achieved. Usually a goal is a statement of what you want to achieve, but goals can also be unstated and implicit. Goals focus your efforts ... Views: 953
In achieving any worthy objective there must be consistency in the amount of hard work you put in, a day here and there just isn't going to do it, a week of sustained effort isn't going to do it either!
So what am I saying?
I'm saying, If you want to achieve your goals you must remain ... Views: 843
The Importance Of Goal Setting
It's absolutely vital to have goals in life. Without goals, we are like a ship without a rudder, drifting from place to place. When you have a goal in life, you begin to focus all your efforts into one point.
Not only having goals in life helps you achieve what ... Views: 895
We just reached the half way point of 2007.
Six months of 2007 are gone.
Six months of 2007 remain.
How are you doing on your Goals?
Are you on track to reach them?
The sad reality is that the vast majority of people won't even take another look at their Goals again until January 1st, ... Views: 920
Do you KNOW why you get out of bed every morning, eager to start a new day. Do you have a burning desire to achieve something that keeps you going against all odds until you eventually succeed. If you answered no to either of these questions, you need to find your Major Definite Purpose!
What ... Views: 975
Have you ever had a goal that just didn't seem to progress? Perhaps a weight loss goal or maybe developing a new market opportunity. "What's the problem with this goal?" you wonder. Why can't you achieve it as you have so many others?
A goals program is a powerful and effective process; so, ... Views: 839
My dad would always talk to my sisters and me about The Goal. I thought he was crazy at the time.
The Goal. The Goal. The Goal.
He didn't mean goals as in "I'm going to increase my business by 20%," he meant that when you go into any situation, you've got to know what is your desired, ... Views: 741
How will you make 2002 magical? Start by reviewing this passing year. Honor and celebrate all you have accomplished. Put behind you the things that did not work by looking for blessings in them. Reaffirm the flow of love between you and those important to you.
Below are some questions to help ... Views: 843
"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." --Jim Rohn
When I get calls from prospective clients who say they want to get organized, I often ask, "What's motivating you to get organized at this time, and what will be possible once you get organized?" I ask these ... Views: 770
"Three tries for a dollar," shouted the midway huckster above the din of the crowd. "Shoot a duck and win this giant gorilla." The stuffed animal had an affable sneer; it was cute.
I eyed the yellow plastic ducks as they swam across the plywood ocean at the back of the booth. Each little ... Views: 683
Everywhere you look people are telling you to set goals. But maybe it hasn’t worked for you and you’re wondering why you should bother.
How do you set goals that are important, worthwhile, and attainable? How can you set up your goals to provide you with the success you’ve ... Views: 2685
Rosa Parks
Napoleon Hill
Rhonda Byrne
Mother Teresa
What do those legendary individuals have in common?
Throughout history, every human being at some point in their
life is faced with at least one pivotal life changing
Some will even experience a series of events that change the ... Views: 3443
Did you know that people across the globe are using Vision Boards and Vision Movies to assist them to achieve their goals? These various vision tools depict your life as you would like it to be. You know, the stuff you dream about being, doing and having.
It’s a fun and creative way to ... Views: 605
Those of us who walk and drive on snow and ice for several months of the year know all about slipping. We learned the winter-walk early in life. There's the shuffle, the flat-footed stomp (never tip toe!), and the high-heeled boot that works well if you heel-toe it.
As for driving..., winter ... Views: 959
A very helpful way to thinking about stress is that it often results from our failure to live up to our own standards and goals. Psychotherapists hear over and over again from patients that they are never satisfied with themselves. Often the patient is excessively perfectionistic; sometimes the ... Views: 637
I used to feel threatened by discipline.
In my youth, my greatest passion was art and my ability to
create a masterpiece was based purely on spontaneous
inspiration, which didn't always jive with discipline.
I used to think that too much discipline would interfere with my
creativity, or ... Views: 943
What exciting times we live in! Since The secret came out so many more people are now “wakened” to the idea of being able to direct their destiny! I have come across a lot of people wanting to apply the Law of Attraction, particularly to attract more wealth and fortune into their ... Views: 2087
Clarify Your Goals
Tools to Help you Re-Energize and Re-Commit
To Your Direction!
We are well into this “new” year and perhaps it is time to review where you are in terms of your intentions and goals for the year. By this time many of you may have drifted off course, if even slightly or even ... Views: 1066
If your goal is to amass more money, good on ya! Go for it. You have a right to be rich.
How do you feel about shouting that goal to the stars? Do some people tell you that you are too materialistic or that your goal should be more lofty such as serving others or more ‘realistic' by asking for ... Views: 888
Have you been having trouble achieving a specific goal? Are you allowing other less important things to get in the way of accomplishing what you really want? Then this is the time to do a VISION check. Just as it is important to get our eyes checked regularly to assure that we will be able to ... Views: 764
Many professionals have a basic idea of what they want to achieve in their careers. They may want to close more sales, earn a higher income, or move into a different job. However, somehow they do not achieve the success they desire. Why? Why is it that intelligent, motivated, hard-working ... Views: 759
Practice putting yourself in a state of absolute certainty. In this state you are being certain. Being certain means that you are feeling certain, thinking certain, speaking as a certain person and taking action as someone who is certain. This means that you have evolved to a place of knowing. ... Views: 9737
Sometimes it helps to organize a room all at once. However, for home-business owners, spending another entire day in the house isn't always a desirable thing. What may be more desirable is to spend 60-minutes each day working on a project. The steps below will assist you (as they have me) to ... Views: 826
We all know about setting goals, and New Year is a time when many of us tend to make those new goals. Most of the time we make them with great intentions. We have high hopes for success, and we get excited. We join that health club to get in shape or to lose those extra few pounds. We make that ... Views: 1008
Are you one of those people that set New Year's resolutions? If so, how often have you found that at the end of the year, you haven't achieved what you set out to accomplish? What would it mean for you if you could actually achieve your goals this year? Here are my keys to goal setting, why ... Views: 975
Instead, gun for more realistic goals!
The more effectively you can measure a goal, the more likely you are to complete the goal because progress itself is a tremendous encourager. Even though you can't see progress by the day, you will by the end of the week - or certainly by the end of the ... Views: 837
Millions of words have been written about goal setting. Millions of people set goals. Yet, most goals set by most people remain unfulfilled. I have distilled (from experience and education) the eleven essentials of successful goal setting here for you. Follow these, and you will accomplish your ... Views: 991
Have you ever had a goal, worked really hard to achieve it, persevered through the ups and downs along the way, and then at some stage it all seems too hard and you doubt whether you will ever achieve the goal and so you give up?
This is "The Quitting Zone".
The funny thing about The Quitting ... Views: 1928
After my last article and my mention of goal setting I started to think about my own goals for the quickly approaching 2007 New Year. I have some goals I revise and reuse every year. Writing down my goals clarifies what I want to accomplish, as stated by author Arnold Patent, “What you focus on ... Views: 1325
Try it
Make a list of everything you want to do tomorrow, after you read this article and see how relieved you are going to feel and how relaxed your mind is going to be.
When we are constantly thinking ahead of everything that we have to do and hoping that we don't forget anything, our ... Views: 1219
Look at your life right now and ask yourself this question, "What am I committed to?" You won't have to go far to find answers; they'll virtually leap up at you. Perhaps it will be easier to see what you're not committed to. For example, I'm committed to having an organized working environment. ... Views: 781
Every year as Jan. 1 approaches, people begin to look back at the year that has passed and look forward to the year that is ahead. It is considered a new beginning. Today’s world will cause many people to evaluate their lives in a different light and resolve to make a plan to better themselves. ... Views: 727
Why do we choose shadow comfort? Because the moment in which we choose to turn on the TV or devour the chocolate bar is THE creative moment. This is the moment where you can choose to create or to go numb. It is the present moment, pregnant with possibility and often rife with a great variety of ... Views: 835
PART FOUR. Summary of all that’s gone before and winding up.
1. If it's not in writing, it is not a goal. It is a New Year resolution.
2. If it's not specific, it's not a goal.
3. 'Goals must be believable, inspirational and expandable'.
4. An effective goal is an exciting challenge. ... Views: 1139
More Goal Tips
* Start first with longer term goals and break them down; if you start with short term goals you will end up with more of the same.
* Focus first on the overall outcome, not how you will achieve the goal or you will limit yourself.
* Don't be obsessive about goals- let them ... Views: 738
What is really important to you right now in your life? In other words, what do you really value?
The main headings are: PEOPLE- THINGS- OTHER, e.g.. career. Also finances. That word money.
Areas of goals- These can be divided into short, medium and long-term; these respectively being six ... Views: 692