"You can't fly planes! Be more realistic!!”
Those were the words of Stephen Hopson’s well-meaning parents.
You see, Stephen was born with a passion for flying, but he was also born profoundly deaf.
When he was just four years old, Stephen would beg his mother to take him to the airport so he ... Views: 856
We crossed paths as I was getting out of the pool and she was getting in--pushed in her wheelchair by one of the lifeguards.
It is not unusual to see a senior citizen with mobility challenges at our gym. The pool is frequently used by them for therapeutic purposes.
As we passed each ... Views: 2312
Keep your elbow up. Reach and glide. No, keep the arm straight out, don't let it fall down. Fingers in the water first. Keep your hand cupped like a spoon--not a fork, not a knife, a spoon. Rotate your hips. Keep the body stiff. Your whole body should tilt to the side. Rotate your ... Views: 1001