If you are a busy woman with too much on her plate, you may also be sleep deprived. Whether you are burning the midnight oil, having a hard time shutting down your mind at the end of the day, or staying up late to grab some quiet time (this never really works well by the way), once you are short ... Views: 1177
If your head is spinning with all you have to do and the feeling of too much on your plate, here’s one of my favorite quick stress relief tips. Download your brain and get grounded. Holiday stress, worries about money, the pressures of work or running your own business, managing schedules, and ... Views: 1234
If you struggle with emotional eating: stress eating, boredom eating, comfort eating, frustration eating, or any type of eating designed to help you cope with or avoid your feelings, you know that it can be a difficult habit to break. It’s one thing to identify that you struggle with emotional ... Views: 1793
If you are an emotional eater, you are not alone. Emotional eating is one of the major causes of overeating for women and one of the biggest reasons for weight regain. If you are seeing to avoid emotional eating, you’ve probably already figured out that willpower alone isn’t enough. To ... Views: 1425
When you are under stress and feeling like you have too much on your plate, identifying how to start making a change can feel daunting. Whether its stress related to work, finances, the holidays, or the people in your life, just thinking about it can leave your brain feeling so full that it’s ... Views: 1149
For women who are busy, one of the biggest challenges can be figuring out how to keep their personal needs and priorities, including healthy eating and fitness routines, on their agendas when schedules get crowded. While skimping on self-care may seem like a time saver in the short run, ... Views: 1272
Busy, high achieving women tend to be hard workers who expect a lot of themselves. Stress, a crowded schedule, and a never-ending to-do list, are common side effects. Overload, worry, and too much to do can lead to stress eating and emotional overeating, weight gain, insomnia and sleep ... Views: 1165
When you are in a vicious cycle of too much stress, too many demands, and too much on your plate, the most effective stress busting tips are the ones that you’ll actually be able to implement and that can create a shift in how you feel—quickly. This strategy is one of my favorites. It’s simple, ... Views: 1231
When you are under stress and feeling overloaded, figuring out how to make a change can feel overwhelming. Whether its holiday stress, work stress, financial worries, or simply having too much on your plate, stress can set off a vicious cycle that feels impossible to break.
Overload, worry, ... Views: 1325
If you are an over-achiever in the area of health and weight loss, it could easily be preventing the very goals that you are trying to achieve. Women who are trapped in a cycle of constant activity and “always doing more” end up being exhausted and less productive. Looking for the “perfect” ... Views: 1248
Are you:
* eating when you aren’t really hungry?
* struggling with stress or “nervous” eating?
* circling the kitchen because you can’t find “the thing” that will satisfy you?
* eating when you are bored, tired, frustrated, or procrastinating doing something else?
* hungry all the time–no ... Views: 1238
Whether you are nurturing a business or career, a family, an intimate relationship, or a secret dream, your time and energy are the most valuable commodities you possess. No matter how wisely you spend them, the truth is that they are limited in supply and extremely precious.
Another truth: ... Views: 2353
It’s a refrain I hear a lot:
“I am SO busy – I just started a business/have a successful business/hate my job and want to start a business/times are tough at work and they just keep piling on the responsibilities and projects – there is so much to do – I can NEVER catch up – my email consumes ... Views: 1696
Spring is a great time to reassess, reorganize, and refresh. This year, instead of tackling your closets, I suggest you think about a thorough spring airing and cleaning of your life. Too often, busy lives lead us to patterns where we are simply following the bread crumb trail of our to-do lists ... Views: 1186
Many busy women overeat when they are stressed, too busy, or overwhelmed. Eating as a way to calm down is a common form of emotional eating. On my website, I gave a list of three things to stop doing so that you could start taking control of this type of overeating. Now it’s time to fill in the ... Views: 1719
Overeating and difficulties maintaining healthy routines are common pitfalls for high achieving busy women with a lot going on.Stress, the multiple activities we juggle, the standards we set for ourselves, even our hardworking independent attitudes can sometimes get in our way.
Do strong ... Views: 1432
Just thinking about shaping up, losing weight, or eating healthier makes many women exhausted. Changing habits is hard work, but sometimes we approach healthy lifestyle changes in the most difficult way possible. Instead of picking your biggest challenge, consider starting where you know you can ... Views: 1270
Self- care and me-time are simply not indispensable. In fact, making time for yourself is actually an essential ingredient if you want to thrive in your life and your business.
Here are four steps to creating time for yourself and the benefits they can lead to in your business and your ... Views: 1177
New Year's resolutions tend to fizzle out sometime in the first six weeks of the year and attempts to make healthy lifestyle changes often die on the vine. One of the biggest stumbling blocks for many busy women who want to make changes is finding the time to actually make them.
Here’s a ... Views: 1378
If you are an emotional eater, an overeater, a compulsive eater or a constant snacker, you’re probably also an expert dieter. Most women don’t just struggle to lose weight once. We struggle to lose weight, to keep it off, to maintain hard-earned healthy habits, and—too often—we struggle to lose ... Views: 1499
Are you looking for more ease in your life? Do you wish things flowed better? I don’t have a magic solution for you, but I do know a simple tool that, when leveraged, makes life smoother and more pleasant—and it’s free and at your fingertips. How about serving up a bit more gratitude?
We all ... Views: 1167
‘Tis the season for overindulging and weight gain. In fact, Americans gain more weight during November and December than during any other time of year. Want to stay on track with healthy eating and weight loss (or avoid weight gain) over the holidays? Here are six quick tips:
1. Don’t ... Views: 1228
It sounds so simple. If you want to create change (i.e. achieve something you don’t currently have) you MUST do things differently. Yet so many women I work with come to me determined to create lasting healthy changes by forcing themselves to “succeed” at a plan that has failed them time and ... Views: 1443
If you are like many women who’ve spent a lifetime (or what feels like one) struggling with weight and overeating, words like “breakthrough” may sound like unrealistic hype. For many women who are worn out with food and weight struggles, a breakthrough may feel impossible. Why? Their current ... Views: 1075
We all know the stress of too much on our plates–too much to do, too much to think about, too many things and people and responsibilities to take care of.
Whether you choose to have a lot on your plate or feel like there is no other option, stress and overwhelm may be a reality–and they take ... Views: 1241
Overwhelm is something that we can’t always avoid, and it can be a major trigger for emotional eating, overeating, or bingeing. While it’s great to have strategies for staying out of overwhelm, sometimes–no matter how skilled or proactive or positive we are–overwhelm just plain happens.
A ... Views: 1094
Do you have the time to stop overeating? To take control of emotional eating? To get on track with your healthy lifestyle goals? Lately I've been encountering many women who tell me they don't. I've been hearing from women who are incredibly frustrated with their eating habits, their weight ... Views: 1163
Do you find yourself stress eating, comfort eating or even boredom eating during your workday? That's emotional eating. Emotional eating is the eating that happens when you're procrastinating tackling a difficult project, struggling with writer's block, or avoiding a difficult conversation. ... Views: 1270
"How do I create a fitness program that will last-when I'm time crunched, stressed, and overwhelmed?"
This is a question I'm asked all the time: "How can I fit it all in? I know I should exercise regularly but I just don't have the time/motivation/resources/energy to do it."
Consistent ... Views: 1304
Struggles with emotional eating, overeating, and weight take a tremendous amount of energy. For women business owners and professionals, these struggles can also take a major toll on their success.
* A prospective client (and business owner) tells me she is avoiding public speaking ... Views: 1149
Do you overeat when you are stressed or tired or overwhelmed?
Do you flop down exhausted at the end of the day feeling like there is never enough time for you?
Despite your best intentions, do you never seem to get to that exercise plan, that journal that you want to write in, or that fun ... Views: 1383
There are so many good tips and tools and strategies that can help us live a fuller, more authentic and meaningful life. Tips that can lower our stress, help us lose weight, prevent overwhelm and improve our relationships. But learning about these tools and ideas and strategies just isn’t ... Views: 1112
There is a big difference between knowing what you want and asking for it. There is also an important distinction between asking and hinting. Unfortunately, many of us were raised in a culture that encouraged us to be less than direct about what it is we’d like to occur. I talk with many women ... Views: 1147
There are lots of possible triggers for overeating and emotional eating. Many people turn to food when they feel dissatisfied or trapped or unhappy—when life isn’t working the way they want it to. An important and related skill that many people could work on enhancing is asking for what you ... Views: 1203
You have a lot on your plate and a lot of things that are important to you. You've decided that you want to make health or lifestyle changes and spend more of your valuable energy on yourself. You want to feel better and be more of the person you know you can be.
The question is, "How do you ... Views: 1348
A question I am asked all the time is, "How can I possibly take better care of myself when there is so much else I have to do?" My busy clients tell me all the time that they have too much going on to exercise or eat right or to take time to relax or pursue their passion.
They are operating ... Views: 1468
As we all know, Oprah Winfrey isn't the only smart successful woman who struggles with food, weight, and emotional eating. I work with many clients who have accomplished tremendous things but who see food as the one place in their lives where they can't seem to take control. Frustration, ... Views: 1424
Bad days are a part of life. We all have them. No matter how many yoga classes you attend or how smoothly your life runs, you’ll run up against one sooner or later. The secret to thriving is learning how to move forward in spite of bad days, not aiming to never have one (although minimizing ... Views: 2050
A client just asked: “I know I use food for comfort and to soothe myself. What can I do instead?” That is such a common question—and one that can be so difficult to answer--especially in the moment. When we want comfort, food can seem like such a quick, easy, accessible fix.
I recommend that ... Views: 4782
Do you overeat when you feel like your life is out of control, when you feel overwhelmed, or when you feel stressed out? Examining the way you approach the issue of control in your life can have a tremendous impact on how you feel—and on your eating.
One of my biggest rules for stress ... Views: 1564
Recently, someone told me about an opportunity she almost missed because it had never occurred to her that the thing she wanted to do was possible. Her story was a good reminder that sometimes, if we are not looking carefully for the opportunity, we miss it entirely.
When we are busy and ... Views: 1202
As my body ages, I grow more aware of the power and importance of stretching. At some point, it became a necessary part of any workout. In my twenties, I could dash-and-go, but now, if I skip the post-exercise stretch, I notice it. I lose flexibility, I don't feel as good, and my workouts ... Views: 1348
For many, January has a special magic to it. It's the fresh start of a new year--a beginning. The calendar is blank and many embrace the idea of commencing the year with shiny goals, resolutions or intentions.
February doesn't usually feel quite so fresh or exciting.
If you've started ... Views: 1593
Emotional eating is a signal that life is out of balance. Emotional eating and overeating happen when we use food to try to help us manage our feelings. The triggers for emotional eating vary–we might eat to cope with loneliness, unhappiness, stress or boredom. Sometimes we eat for ... Views: 1113
If you haven't heard yet, you will soon--it's everywhere in the media. Oprah has disclosed that she has regained weight she worked so hard to lose and that she now weighs 200lbs. My heart goes out to Oprah,as well as to the millions of women who struggle just like her. Today, on a morning news ... Views: 2027
How many times have you started at diet or weight loss plan, a fresh new day of healthy eating, only to feel completely derailed by an unexpected bad day, an awful experience or strong emotions—hurt, anger, disappointment, even boredom—that seemed to magnetically pull you to the ... Views: 1999
Do you turn to food when you feel stressed or overwhelmed? Does a bad day at work send you off track with your eating or exercise plan? Does an out-of-control to-do list leave you craving chocolate?
There are ways to avoid the stress eating/emotional eating trap. Here are three ... Views: 1178
No matter how big our dreams, our time and resources are limited. Moving forward effectively is key. Once you've committed to accomplishing something and putting in the effort, you'll want to get the biggest return on your investment that you can, in the most efficient way. Here are ten of my ... Views: 1256
We're approaching a season of giving--an appropriate time of year to examine how well you allow yourself to be given to. Yes, receiving--the ability to fully accept gifts and enjoy and appreciate being given to--is an essential part of the human relationship equation. It is the complement of ... Views: 2997
As a Life Coach, I help people get where they want to go and do what they’ve always dreamed of doing.
Over and over again I've seen people achieve tremendous goals and create enormous change—the kind of progress that tends to make other people say, "Oh, I could never do ... Views: 1017