"I can't afford it." I've heard and read those words plenty of times in nearly ten years of growing my business, and if you're offering programs or products in your health coaching business, I'm sure you have too.
What you may not know, however, is that those words are rarely the real reason ... Views: 1008
I was speaking with a coaching client today who was having some trouble making a choice between three different niche markets.
She had experience, opportunities and passion for each of these groups of potential clients.
I coached her through two things:
releasing the fears she had of ... Views: 1126
When you first create a business page on Facebook, the URL to your gorgeous new page will be something long and unsightly with lots of numbers at the end.
While you can hide the ugly URL by creating linked text in your emails, blog posts, etc, it's easy to create a unique username for your ... Views: 1138
Are you a blogger or a business builder? There is a difference.
The blogosphere has too many blog writers and readers to count. But not all blogs and bloggers are created equal. If you're a coach and business owner, like me and my clients, you have to learn what kind of blogger to ... Views: 1109
The holidays offer many opportunities to have fun, see good friends and indulge. The holidays are also the best time to put on the unwanted pounds of winter insulation. Set the intention to maintain your good health rather than gaining winter weight. This year consider indulging in excess fun ... Views: 1206
You're dragging yourself through the mall, three shopping bags in each hand, hungry and thirsty and still more gifts to buy, many of which will end up collecting dust under somebody's bed sometime next Spring.
To keep this holiday season calm and manageable, do your shopping from the comfort ... Views: 1074
Weight loss is a concern for most Americans. Whether you're struggling with those final ten pounds that never seem to budge or you have many excess pounds that are having a negative impact on our overall health, it's time to make a change.
Having battled my own weight issues for over 20 ... Views: 1039
It's natural to take time and consider our New Year's Resolutions on January 1st, but what about the other 364 days of the year? How often do we actually achieve the goals we set after the champagne wore off?
Does your life today match your dreams? If not, you're not alone. Most of us do not ... Views: 1417