Addiction can show up in many forms and is described as an obsession or compulsion towards abusing a substance such as alcohol, nicotine, drugs or even food. Psychological addictions are just as common and include addictions to video games, sex, gambling, work or pornography. People who are ... Views: 1479
You can have great relationships, wealth, possessions, and a rewarding career but if you're plagued by pain or illness, it makes life difficult to enjoy. When you're in poor health it affects everything else in your life. The good news is that a cutting edge energy healing technique that uses ... Views: 1015
What if there was a way to improve your vision and get rid of your glasses without surgery and without resorting to wearing contact lenses? Well there is, with a cutting edge energy therapy known as Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT. A few years ago, Master EFT Practitioner Carol Look ... Views: 1183
We all want more abundance in our lives right? More time, money, friends, opportunities, love and so on. Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT is an ideal tool to help you activate the Law of Attraction and bring more abundance into your life. EFT is a meridian based therapy that requires tapping ... Views: 1179
If you've ever experienced a panic attack, you know how terrifying they can be. Your breathing becomes restricted, your mind races, fear wells up seemingly out of nowhere and you begin to think that you'll completely lose control. You may also experience, sweating, shakiness, an inability to ... Views: 1703
Job Interview Question #1: Why Are You Leaving Your Current Position?
The above question is one that sometimes trips people up. If the reason you're leaving is because you are unhappy with your current job - try and keep your answers positive. Otherwise, you'll only come off as someone who is ... Views: 1347
Sample Job Interview Question #1: What do you know about our company?
This question is usually asked in the beginning stages of the interview process. To prepare for this question, you'll want to research as much as you can about the company beforehand. You can search for information in the ... Views: 2317
Preparing for a Job Interview: The Mental Preparation
Let's face it! There is lots of competition out there in the job market today. Not only do you need to be prepared for the questions you may get asked but you also need to be emotionally prepared. If you are nervous or lacking confidence, ... Views: 951
Job Interview Tip #1: Research The Company
Read as much information as you can about the company and the position. Look them up on the web or call them to obtain company brochures and their annual report. If you obtained the interview from your response to a job posting, the job posting itself ... Views: 988
Job Interview Technique #1: Maintain Eye Contact & Smile
Smile, and when the interviewer reaches out to shake your hand give him or her a firm handshake. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer while he or she is talking. Be conscious of your body language. Try and sit up straight and keep ... Views: 1094
If you’ve been having trouble landing a job or switching careers, if you’ve been out there pounding the pavement for months or weeks and can’t figure out why you’re still unemployed, here’s a check list of things you may want to improve upon.
Your resume. Your resume is your most important job ... Views: 892
Now more then ever, you need to take control of your stress levels and negative emotions. A lot of people are freaking out about the economy and worried about their financial future. This article outlines several techniques that you can use to calm and re-centre yourself.
Remember to breathe. ... Views: 1008
When you hang on to the past and replay old hurts or scenarios that you regret you stay stuck. It has the effect of conjuring up the emotions of those memories. Letting go of past hurts and regrets is the path to freedom. Although the lessons of your past can help you make wiser decisions in ... Views: 866
The concept of a vision board has been around for years but many more people became familiar with it through the movie The Secret. I have a vision board right next to my desk - it's a cork board that hangs on the wall and it's got a whole bunch of pictures on it which represent my goals. The ... Views: 2925
Since it’s that time of year when there’s a lot of talk about angels, I thought I would recount a remarkable story of help I received one time from the angels.
This is the time of year when angels are most visible with the holiday season upon us. We put angels on top of our Christmas trees, ... Views: 733
This article discusses an effective and humorous way to release negative emotions using a technique known as ZPoint.
ZPoint is an intentional therapy that involves assigning a “cue” word to your subconscious mind and asking your subconscious to clear any limiting beliefs or negative ... Views: 1080
Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique that involves repeating "I love you, Please forgive me, I'm sorry, Thank you" any time you notice any negative emotions arising within yourself throughout your day. I first learned about Ho'oponopono from Joe Vitale's book, "Zero Limits". In ... Views: 1955
Do you beat yourself up for not losing the weight you want to lose or for not achieving the financial goals you’ve set for yourself? If so, you are engaging in a self defeating way of thinking. You may think that if you don’t however, that you will loose your motivation to change. That may be ... Views: 1081
Have you ever watched a movie or television program that stirred up negative emotions within you? Here's a way that you can live a more blissful life and heal your negative emotions and beliefs while watching television.
You can use energy therapies such as Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT ... Views: 958
ZPoint is a relatively new healing modality that assists you with releasing past traumas, memories, limiting beliefs and negative emotions. It works with the subconscious mind where much of this "stuff" is stored.
Although ZPoint is effective whether you are driving or walking the dog, it does ... Views: 1247
Have you ever watched a movie or television program that stirred up negative emotions within you? Here’s a way that you can live a more blissful life and heal your negative emotions and beliefs while watching television.
You can use energy therapies such as Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT ... Views: 1034
Are you discouraged by all the hype around the Law of Attraction? Have you been repeating your affirmations daily and still having no results from your efforts? Well, what you may not realize is that if, while repeating your affirmations, your vibration is low – then sadly – you will keep ... Views: 1221
"We regret to inform you that we have offered the job to someone else." It's disappointing to hear but if you get down about it too much and are not able to bounce back again, it will have an affect on your job search effectiveness. Getting rejected is all part of the job search process.
It is ... Views: 840
If you've been off work for a long while to raise a family or for some other reason, you may be feeling a bit of trepidation about your future career prospects and returning to the work force. It's true that you may find yourself having to take a few steps back temporarily in order to get back ... Views: 2546
If you are thinking about switching careers and are not sure how to go about it, here are some suggestions on making the transition.
1) Research Your Career Interests
2) Complete a Career Assessment
3) Determine Your Transferable Skills
4) Upgrade Your Training and Education
5) Craft a New ... Views: 898
Interviews can be stressful part of the job search process. A way to alleviate some of that stress is to make sure that you are well prepared. Below are some common questions that people often feel tense about and sometimes need some coaching on how they might best answer them.
1) What are your ... Views: 772
There are many benefits to working with an employment agency. It is a good strategy for tapping into the hidden job market and because they are bound by confidentiality, you can register with them and be assured that information about your search for employment will not get back to your current ... Views: 1164
There are essentially 3 different resume formats: the chronological resume, the functional resume and the combination resume. Each has its advantages and disadvantages which this article will explain.
Chronological Resume
The chronological resume is the format that is most common and the one ... Views: 1103
Telephone interviews are often conducted by companies as a first step to the hiring process. They are frequently conducted by someone in Human Resources and typically follow a standard interview format. They are meant to weed out the undesirable candidates so that the hiring manager has only a ... Views: 1842
When looking for a new job - most people know that the first step is to create a resume. Your resume should detail your employment history, your education and experience at the very least. But, there are some other elements to consider so that your resume will get noticed from among the hundreds ... Views: 1160
You've probably seen the Secret movie by now or at the very least you have heard about it. In short, the Secret movie is about the Law of Attraction and you can use this law to draw your perfect job into your life.
To get started, make a list on paper of all the things you don't want in a job ... Views: 4537