What are you focused on? What are you changing? Have you defined it yet, or are you in the wandering phase? You know the one we’re talking about. You wander around saying, “I’m just not happy.” “I don’t like the way this is going.” “If only it were better.” “If I didn’t have to work for ... Views: 1386
I was doing some Life Management work with a client and we started out talking about what was going well, what she was doing that was working and making her life better. She had accomplished a lot in a few short months. She had created some routines that changed the tone of her days, as well ... Views: 1102
You may be at a point in your life where there are major changes happening, some may be positive and some may feel stressful. Perhaps you feel as though you are on a merry-go-round waiting for it to stop so you can get off and start fresh. This moment, this twirl, this decision is what is called ... Views: 1097