The methodology of elite salespeople is focused at a higher level. They gravitate more toward the natural laws of human interaction and psychology – the esoteric – the essence for which the Rules of Selling were written and in which they find credibility. Their delivery appears effortless albeit ... Views: 1595
New Years is the time we clearly demonstrate just how undedicated and aimless we really are!
Ask anybody on January 2nd 2009 if they have New Years Resolutions or goals and nine out of ten will say, "Yes!" ...Ask the same people about their resolutions three months later and they'll look at you ... Views: 996
The trouble with the internet is it presents itself wrapped in a cloak of timely-legitimacy regardless of the ‘time’ in which it is read. … Paul Shearstone 2008
I received an angry email the other day from Peter de Jager. For those who may have forgotten, Peter was [and still is] a respected ... Views: 1081
One need not know how to read or write music to understand and appreciate it or comprehend its unmistakable beauty and therapeutic benefits… Paul Shearstone 2002
In my research to find more ways to promote better health by relieving tension and stress, I happened on to a tape that spoke ... Views: 1163
Understanding Your ‘Real’ Problem
…… by Paul Shearstone
Most people live day-to-day worrying about all their problems when in reality; their biggest problem is… they think they ‘really have’ all those problems!
Everyone has heard the expressions, “We bring it all on, ourselves” and “You… ... Views: 1027
One might think that because I am a Chronic Fatigue Survivor, caring for others battling this insidious disease, would be easy. Sadly, that is not the case!
In my book “Until You’ve Walked the Path” about my struggles with CFS, I refer to Danny, a good friend of mine that made a miraculous ... Views: 1227
A simple thesaurus-search on the word ‘Care’ reveals the following:
Think About,
Be Bothered
A quick look around the workplace, or anywhere else for that mater, reveals a world of Mindful, Concerned, Worried, Thinking and Bothered people. On the surface, it would appear ... Views: 1094
Ask anybody on January 2nd 2005 if they have New Years Resolutions or goals and nine out of ten will say, "Yes!" ...Ask the same people about their resolutions three months later and they'll look at you like a small goat discovering a new fence for the first time.
All good intentions aside, ... Views: 1176