The word self help has a stigma associated with it. It implies that the person using it is either weak minded or has some sort of character flaw.
So when people think of reading self help books, they usually think of reading them to overcome flaws in their personalities, self-esteem, or ... Views: 2379
What is Stress
Believe it or not, stress is a necessity. It is essential for your daily functioning. Feeling stressed is actually a defense mechanism that naturally occurs in response to a condition presented in the environment.
Initially, these feelings can positively benefit a person as it ... Views: 1751
Are you having difficulty in remembering names, faces, figures, and events? Do you envy other people who remember facts and dates with exquisite detail? Well, you can stop feeling envious now. Yes, it's true that some people are gifted with the uncanny ability to remember just about anything ... Views: 2214
Like many fields of therapy that deal with emotional problems, anger on the surface seems to be nothing more than an exasperated emotion. A person gets mad and we assume either he has anger management issues or there was something legitimate that elicited the response.
Even in people who have ... Views: 2342
Try to recall the last tragedy you experienced. Think about what it was like and what you were feeling at the time. How did you feel that day and the following day? How did you feel a week later? What about a month later?
Now repeat the exercise, but instead of basking in a tragedy, reminisce a ... Views: 2045
A good sense of humor does a lot of good things for a person. It makes them more likable and increases their attractiveness. Also, people with a good sense of humor tend to be very natural at starting and leading a good conversation.
The thing is, it is quite easy to develop a good sense of ... Views: 4592
You live in abundance!
Yes, you do. You simply need to see the abundance and prosperity that surround you.
If you can't, you have a 'poverty' mentality. With a poverty mentality, you are always thinking about the things you don't have. Too often people lose their mind with the 'poverty' ... Views: 1727
Anger is a normal part of life. However, if it gets out of control, it can really damage your family, your work, the people around you, and your lifestyle. If you are easily irritated and get angry over minor problems, it is important to learn how to curb the excessive energy that this emotion ... Views: 6511
The word Abundance expresses "more" and evokes the idea of surplus, excess, or having a large quantity. It is the opposite of scarcity or being scarce.
When people think of abundance, they usually think of having a surplus of money. However, abundance can mean having a surplus in a variety of ... Views: 1890
The SMART in smart goals is an acrostic to help people remember the important points that make personal goal setting effective. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
These are all critical components of goal setting that will motivate you to achieve the ... Views: 4454
Anger is a natural emotion, but often times, people don't express anger. Anger has a way of expressing itself on its own. Letting anger express itself like this is unhealthy and can have negative consequences.
A person who lets his anger express out of control will tell you how draining it is ... Views: 5908
Do you know what an overworked machine looks like? It functions at its optimum level right before it finally breaks down.
Does this seem like you?
Has your life turned into one big race to beat the clock? Does it feel like no matter what you do, you can never seem to catch up? Has this ... Views: 1236
Ever wondered how some students seem to accomplish so much with so little time? It doesn't seem fair, does it? We all get the same 24 hours. Yet they are able to get more done than the rest of us? And meanwhile, here you are, scrambling to finish just one of the many assignments on your desk as ... Views: 1214
There will be times in your life when you will work really hard and give all there is to give on a job or project, yet still be overlooked for that promotion. There are many instances wherein people are appropriate for a promotion, but fail to get recognized by their boss, superior, or ... Views: 3483
Anger is not a rare emotion. We all get angry from time to time, whether we feel anger towards a person, an event, or both. While it is normal - if not healthy - to feel anger, this emotion has the ability to dangerously take over a person's life if allowed to get out of control.
Fortunately, ... Views: 6899
Are you finding yourself feeling angrier lately? Are you going off on people, damaging important relationships, and letting anger affect your work and your social life. Do you feel as though your anger is spiraling out of control. If so, you are probably wondering how you can keep your anger ... Views: 1432
Did you know that as people, majority of us do not spend anytime planning our day? It is said that we will spend more time planning a vacation than we do to plan for our lives.
Are you one of these types of people? If so, then to better leverage your time, you need to learn time management ... Views: 1843
Are love handles, potbellies, and spare tires slipping their way onto your body? Do you fritter countless hours staring at yourself in the mirror hoping you had a better, fitter physique - like that of Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt? Is it hard for you to stick to a diet? Have most of your ... Views: 910