"Managers tend to use compensation as a crutch. After all, it is far easier to design an incentive system that will do management's work than it is to articulate a direction persuasively, develop agreement about goals and problems, and confront difficulties when they arise." — Michael Beer, ... Views: 1388
"The world is moving so fast these days that anyone who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it." — Elbert Hubbard, 19th century American editor, lecturer, and essayist
My library is full of books chronicling, charting, and categorizing the major changes societies, ... Views: 1107
"Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart go together." — John Ruskin, 19th century English critic, artist and social reformer
Too often, we see the world in narrow binary, either/or terms. Odd or even, closed or open, introverted or extroverted, individual or group, ... Views: 1192
"I can't say I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days." — Daniel Boone, American frontiersman and pioneer
Many team and organization change and improvement efforts are lost or badly bewildered. Decades of studies have consistently shown that 50–70 percent are failing. There ... Views: 1331
"We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon." — Konrad Adenauer, first chancellor of post war West Germany
Like mission and vision statements and values, goal setting and visioning labels often get confused and used interchangeably. Generally that doesn't matter. ... Views: 1095
"There are no new truths, but only truths that have not been recognized by those who have perceived them without noticing. A truth is something that everybody can be shown to know and to have known, as people say, all along." — Mary McCarthy, author and critic
I write these words as I sit in ... Views: 1391
While interviewing the legendary Jack Nicklaus, a reporter once remarked, "Jack, you have had a spectacular career. Your name is synonymous with the game of golf. You really know your way around the course. What is your secret?" Nicklaus replied, "The holes are numbered!"
If only leadership ... Views: 1265
"Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely."
In the middle of a meeting with a few colleagues I caught myself saying, "Once we get through this crazy period and things get back to normal..." Then it hit me. I had been saying something like that for at least a year or two. As we ... Views: 1059
"The practice of management is badly misunderstood by management scientists who confuse thinking with merely being logical." — Ted Levitt, Thinking About Management
Far too many organizations are ruled by bureaucrats and technocrats either in management or staff support roles. One of their ... Views: 1038
"Leaders in learning organizations are responsible for building organizations where people are continually expanding their capabilities to shape their future — that is — leaders are responsible for learning ." (his emphasis) — Peter Senge, The Leaders New Work: Building Learning ... Views: 1142
"A foolish cabin owner eventually lost his cabin to the rot that set in through the leaky roof. When it was raining, he couldn't fix the roof. When the sun was shining, he was too busy outside doing other things — and the roof didn't need fixing then anyway."
As Yogi Berra would say, "It was ... Views: 983
Ask any group of managers if they view themselves as an elite within their organization and you can be sure they will deny it. You'll hear comments such as: "I have an open-door policy" and "I take pride in always being accessible and approachable."
And in most cases, these managers will ... Views: 904
"The winds and waves are always on the side of the best navigators." — Edward Gibbon, English historian
Leaders look beyond the current situation – beyond what is, to what could be. That's why leadership is all about change. It's why leadership is action, not a position.
Growing our ... Views: 1597
"We should take care not to make the intellect our god. It has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. It cannot lead, it can only serve." - Albert Einstein
There's not a lot we can do about the processing power between our ears. For the most part, we're stuck with whatever ... Views: 1227
Leadership deals with the world of emotions and feelings. It is more of an art than a science. Like artists, leaders have the ability to share their vision of the world. Leaders influence our perceptions and help us look at situations in new ways. These skills – and the leadership principles ... Views: 1190
"Whenever anything is being accomplished, it is being done, I have learned, by a monomaniac with a mission." — Peter Drucker, Adventures of a Bystander
When we look back at the successful team or organization changes we've been involved in, most — and certainly all major ones — were driven by ... Views: 1046
"Embrace change" is a useless platitude mouthed by managers or motivational speakers who have not thought through its full implications — or they are masochists who enjoy suffering. Changes that bring new opportunities or propel us forward are easy to embrace. But many changes look quite ... Views: 1046
"Leadership is about coping with change. Part of the reason it has become so important in recent years is that the world has become more competitive and more volatile...doing what was done yesterday, or doing it 5% better, is no longer a formula for success. Major changes are more and more ... Views: 1162
"When you're through changing, you're through." — Bruce Barton, American advertising executive, author, and politician
To master or thrive on change, we need to embrace perpetual growth and development, continuous learning, and constant improvement. That's the stuff true change leadership is ... Views: 1151
"Leadership and management are two distinctive and complementary systems of action. Each has its own function and characteristic activities. Both are necessary for success in an increasingly complex and volatile business environment...strong leadership with weak management is no better, and is ... Views: 1533
High-performing teams and organizations balance the discipline of systems, processes, and technology management on a base of effective people leadership. Here are some keys of the key distinctions between the two:
The Management-Leadership ... Views: 1848
"A true Master is not the one with the most students, but one who creates the most Masters. A true leader is not the one with the most followers, but one who creates the most leaders." — Neale Donald Walsch
Successful leaders understand the difference between things and people in an ... Views: 1142
"At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done, then they begin to hope it can be done, then they see it can be done – then it is done and all the world wonders why it was not done centuries before." — Frances Hodgson Burnett, 19th century American writer
Thomas Kuhn, ... Views: 1086
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being." — Goethe
I enjoy perennial gardening in our yard. As I have tended our gardens over the years, I am continually struck by how some plants will do well in some locations and terribly ... Views: 1230
"Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can fire forth its spark." — Henry Amiel
Strong leaders are very good at aligning individual interests, strengths, and goals with the work that needs to be done. To ... Views: 1197
"When we are dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity." — Dale Carnegie, personal effectiveness pioneer and author
In many organizations ... Views: 1106
"He who is not prepared today, will be less so tomorrow." — Ovid, Roman poet
Effective learning and capability development doesn't happen just because we want it to. For example, empowering without enabling isn't just foolish, it's unethical. It's like putting a complete novice at the ... Views: 1051
"Some people can think no deeper than a fact." — Voltaire (pseudonym of Francois Marie Arouet), 18th century French philosopher and dramatist
Many successful companies were started by passionate zealots with a strong technical expertise matched only by their powerful vision and intense drive ... Views: 1021
Peter Drucker once said, "whenever anything is being accomplished, it is being done, I have learned, by a monomaniac with a mission." That sure squares with my own consulting experience. When I look back at the hundreds of team or organization changes I've been involved in during the last three ... Views: 985
Change happens. And while we can't control much of the world changing around us, we can control how we respond. We can choose to anticipate and embrace changes, or resist them. Resisting change is like trying to push water upstream. Generally we're quick to point to others who resist change. ... Views: 1469
"For what we've discovered, and rediscovered, is that leadership isn't the private reserve of a few charismatic men and women. It's a process ordinary people use when they're bringing forth the best from themselves and others. Liberate the leader in everyone, and extraordinary things happen."
— ... Views: 1323
"What is the most rigorous law of our being? Growth. No smallest atom of our moral, mental, or physical structure can stand still a year. It grows — it must grow; nothing can prevent it." — Mark Twain, American author and humorist
Change happens. We can't control much of the world changing ... Views: 1087
"The fatal metaphor of progress, which means leaving things behind us, has utterly obscured the real idea of growth, which means leaving things inside us." — G. K. Chesterton, British author, Fancies Versus Fads
Marti was driving through her neighborhood to work one morning when a genie ... Views: 1257
"Successful leaders spend a lot of time creating the identity of the organization – what our values are, what our mission is, what our purpose is, how we are going to act together as one. Those are agreements of how we are going to be together. You can actually get a whole team or a whole group ... Views: 1107
"The increasing availability of new information and communication technology is one of the key ingredients that makes a high-involvement management approach possible. This capability, more than any other, makes it possible for individuals to become self-managing, to be involved in the business, ... Views: 1051
Over the last two decades I have consulted to, provided workshops for, and delivered keynote presentations on leadership to a variety of restaurant chains and individual restaurant managers. I continue to be surprised by the general confusion between management and leadership. Managers push, ... Views: 1326
"The sword of attack is always held backwards. We think we're holding the handle, swinging our blade at the world. In truth, though, we're gripping the blade and waving about a harmless handle. The harder we fight, the deeper we cut ourselves." — Dan Cavicchio, Gardens from the Sand: A Story ... Views: 969
"What's the world's greatest lie?" the boy asked, completely surprised. "It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie." — Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
The day was a winter ... Views: 1104
"We must be the change we wish to see in this world." — Mahatma Gandhi, Indian nationalist and spiritual leader who developed the practice of nonviolent disobedience that forced Great Britain to grant independence to India in 1947
I can think of all kinds of ways to change our kids, my ... Views: 1265
George was 53 when he had his first attack. He'd smoked for almost 40 years, was badly overweight, had an extremely high fat diet, and handled stress poorly. This warning shocked him into joining a smoking-cessation program. George and his wife also learned about healthy eating and improved ... Views: 1267
A dubious consulting industry and "profession" has developed, claiming to provide "change management" services. Those two words make about as much sense together as "holy war", "non-working mother", "mandatory option", and "political principles". Many of the books, models, theories, and ... Views: 1146
"Today's successful business leaders will be those who are most flexible of mind. An ability to embrace new ideas, routinely challenge old ones, and live with paradox will be the effective leader's premier trait. . . Leaders will have to guide the ship while simultaneously putting everything up ... Views: 1326
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***Change is Life - by Jim Clemmer, the Official Guide to Success Principles
"Weep not that the world changes. Did it keep a stable, changeless state, it were cause indeed to weep." — William Cullen Bryant, 19th century American poet, critic, and editor
"I hate all this change. Why can't things just stay the same?" Dirk shouted angrily at the TV news anchor. He threw ... Views: 1111
"When you arrive at a fork in the road — take it." — Yogi Berra, major league baseball Hall of Fame player and coach
Many paths lead to higher performance. The high performance route is individual and unique for every person, team, and organization. There is no one or best way. What works for ... Views: 1105
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. And there were always choices to make. Every day, every hour, offered the opportunity to make a decision, a decision which ... Views: 1379
"Grass-roots change presents senior managers with a paradox: directing a 'nondirective' change process. The most effective senior managers in our study recognized their limited power to mandate corporate renewal from the top. Instead, they defined their roles as creating a climate for change, ... Views: 1267
"The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order." — Alfred North Whitehead, 19th century British mathematician and philosopher
As Achieve (my first consulting company) was working with our Clients to implement Toward Excellence (the cultural change ... Views: 1355
"Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of yourself." — Robert Bennett, U.S. ... Views: 3218
"Organizations should be built and managers should be functioning so people can be naturally empowered. If someone's doing their job...they should know their job better than anybody. They don't need to be 'empowered,' but encouraged and left alone to be able to do what they know best." — Henry ... Views: 1201
"The cruelest lies are often told in silence." — Robert Lewis Stevenson, 19th century Scottish poet, novelist, and essayist
We can't build a team or organization that's different from us. We can't make them into something we're not. Failing to follow this principle is the single biggest ... Views: 1304