Truly hearing someone when they’re speaking to you can be far more challenging than you might imagine and there’s lots of training out there to help you become a better listener. Most of this training, however, misses out on an important first step to genuine communication. When it comes to ... Views: 2352
Most westerners just don't meditate. Our culture is a culture of “doers”. We do so much, or think about doing so much, that we tend not to develop any inward awareness until we can’t do something we want to do. In those cases we typically experience a negative emotion. A culture like ours that ... Views: 2320
Can you imagine a world without addiction, obesity and disease? If so, you may also wonder why, with our advanced medical systems, we are unable to improve the relative number of people suffering from these conditions.
In this short article, I will overview what may be the world’s simplest, ... Views: 2762
Over the years, I’ve discovered a relatively simple metaphor for understanding relationships and maintaining healthy relations. The metaphor is the lock and key, and you can learn a great deal about your interactions with others and how to make those interactions with others better contribute to ... Views: 3423
Are you always in a hurry? Is money a recurring problem in your life? Are you working to live instead of living to work? Do you have a relationship or two adding stresses to your life? How are your eating habits? Do you have a history of dieting, skipping meals or living off of packaged or ... Views: 2211
The industrialized nations are home to societies of doers. Our educational systems ingrain the need to think, complete and meet deadlines. Our childhood life seldom offers or encourages us to simply be. I know that in my childhood it was very dangerous to be seen playing or doing anything that ... Views: 2407
In my clinical practice, I’ve found a common thread among both the athletes and the sedentary people who come to see me. Both are overworked and lack vital energy — what I call life-force or chi. Today, people need exercise more than ever. Why? Because they are more sedentary and unhealthy than ... Views: 3023
Goal setting skills are put into action by a great majority of productive, highly successful people. Yet many that would greatly benefit from goal setting practices, particularly in today’s challenged economy, seem to have a hard time implementing a goal setting practice. In this article I will ... Views: 1852
“Why is change so hard?” It may be the most common question I answer for clients. Change in general is easy – change is always happening. You may chip a tooth, get a bit of a tan working in the yard, or get haircut. Change is a constant. But directed change can be tough and ... Views: 1576
There’s an old saying that goes, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will take you there.” The same is true of personal development. Everyone who starts down the path of personal development wants to grow – to evolve into something more than when ... Views: 2029
I can’t tell you how many times I have had clients who were so completely absorbed in their work that they had lost sight of the rest of their life. As you can imagine, the results are not good for personal, professional or spiritual health. The challenge for anyone like this comes in ... Views: 1324
Every one of us has 24 hours in our day – no more, no less. Yet some people manage to get an awful lot done in that time and others just can’t seem to get anything done. These latter people fritter away their day, finding other things to do while avoiding the goals and tasks they ... Views: 1351
In my 25 years as a healthcare practitioner, I’ve come to notice an important trend in the way that most people view themselves and their health. Our current medical mindset is fixated on treatment. When I say “our” mindset, I don’t just mean that of the professionals ... Views: 1774