Everywhere I go I'm getting people asking me, "How do I hold the right state of mind to manifest, to create, to demonstrate the results that I want?" And bravo! I couldn't put the question better. That's how you want to ask it.
Here's where the challenge comes in. A lot of times—we all ... Views: 955
We're in tough economic times, and I get so many questions—and by the way, it's not just me. I'm tuned into what my colleagues, associates and cohorts are doing and what they're getting, too, and it's, "How do I survive during the current economic crisis?"
By the way, a lot of times this is ... Views: 760
Want some good advice? In the words of my friend Marshall Sylver, "Find your life perfect, and deal with what emerges."
Yes, folks, find your life perfect. Nothing is against you, there are no problems, everything is perfect. Now, how are you going to feel in a perfect world? Here's the whole ... Views: 819
Today, I'll talk about what everybody's interested in: getting ahead, making money, having a good life. Being productive, being contributive, having the things you want, travel, schools for your children, you name it. It goes by 1,001 faces, and it is different and unique in each case.
But it ... Views: 733
It doesn't matter how ambitious we are, it doesn't matter how many times we talk about, "Well, we're not looking for everyone, we're looking for the few." It doesn't matter—there's always some who say they want wealth, riches, achievement, conquest… and they just can't seem to get around to ... Views: 700
We got into one of those silly secession conversations the other day. A gentleman was saying that New Hampshire didn't agree with the way that the Federal government was assuming that it was the omnipotent power and it could dictate to all the states and all the people—when in fact, we are, and ... Views: 1264
Today I'm going to talk about Decision, famed principle number 7 in The NEW Think and Grow Rich.
You know, so many people today are afraid to make a decision. That's what indecisiveness is; assuming it's not laziness or procrastination, it's that people are afraid. You, as an achiever, have ... Views: 717
It may seem funny, at first glance, to call Barack Obama a hero. I mean, he's not a war hero—we know that. So let's look at him like a hero in literature. The hero always comes at a time of crisis, a time when the crisis has worn on, and the people really need a change.
Now you see, everybody's ... Views: 965
Recently, I spoke with a young lady who had a story that was so important that I just had to share it with you. Here's what she had to say:
What happens if you know exactly what you want, you've got a burning desire, you're enthusiastic, and things start to happen—and then they slip away? For ... Views: 730
Today I'll tell you about a very simple, yet very effective technology you can use. It's a problem-solving, diagnosing, goal-setting kind of device—I call it a technology—but it's just so simple. It consists of four items, and you can remember them by the acronym D'PIE.
I call it that because ... Views: 1235
I've had people come up to me years later and show me a tattered 3 x 5 card that they've had folded and doubled in a $100 bill in their pocket. That's nice—I love that.
What am I talking about? I'm talking about one of the things that I like to do; I like to talk to people about getting ... Views: 1164
In a recent conversation, business speaker Dustin Adkinson and I discussed the challenges of marketing in today's tough economy. One of the things that Dustin reminded me of was this very basic fact of life: we tend to lean toward what we dwell upon, no matter what that may be. Therefore it’s ... Views: 894
In the original Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill pointed out that one of the crucial steps to success is imagination. He talks about two kinds: creative imagination, and synthetic imagination. When I updated his ideas in The NEW Think and Grow Rich, I discussed creative and synthesizing, ... Views: 1198
It was the late, great Earl Nightingale who first forwarded the idea, as I heard it, that we live in a "quick fix" society—and boy, if that's ever been true, it surely is today!
As professional marketers, we play on that. That's a major part of our sales copy. It's easier, it's quicker; and the ... Views: 890
I have a friend, Marshall Sylver, who says, “Power is for use”. He says, “Power is the ability to take immediate action.” A lot of what he says is true, power is for use. When you think about that he’s talking about we each have our own—sometimes I call it a match strike existence, because it ... Views: 712
Here’s another good affirmation: “There are no problem in my life only adventures, challenges and opportunities to show my stuff.” “There are no problems in my life, only adventures, challenges, and opportunities to show my stuff.”
Truly, you’ve heard the statement, and Napoleon Hill wrote it ... Views: 671
You are to be congratulated for going the extra mile, even though you are enlightened enough to know that the interest you receive, leveraged back, compounded back, pays you in spades.
And so here is another idea we like to think about, it’s about “getting started”, it’s ... Views: 698
How important is that one definite burning desire… that one obsession, so to speak? Just that it’s the tuning fork by which you measure every single tone. That’s the thing that lets you know if you’re on target or off target.
It’s the overarching “definite ... Views: 720
If you remember, in a previous article, I promised to connect with you again on Csikszentmihalyi. In the book, The NEW Think and Grow Rich, his quotes is on page 175. And from his idea, we fashion the affirmation we present today. We’ve spoken about this affirmation priorly, but ... Views: 915
These are tough times! The Chinese have a blessing, which some people take as a curse, but the statement is “May you live in interesting times.” One thing for sure, you do! So when you hear whiners moaning and complaining about the economy, reframe it. These are interesting times! ... Views: 747
As the author of The NEW Think and Grow Rich, of course I’m traveling all over the world. And everywhere I go I find very motivated people. I find people that are on target and accomplishing things; and I also find people who are, in the words of a 1960’s song, “dazed and ... Views: 698
Adventures come to all.
That being the case, you can rightfully determine to steel yourself to it, and endure the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”!
It’s the way the triumphant pass.
The science of NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, has given us the concept of ... Views: 691
When people ask about the Law of Attraction I tell them, “Oh yeah, it’s definitely the truth.” But what confuses a lot of people is they pick up this one law and somehow believe it is the whole truth.
Certainly, you know better than that. There are myriad laws operating. Just ... Views: 642