Have I mentioned that I used to be a dance teacher? Balance was a physical quality back then. Something that all the dancers strived for. Some days it was elusive and their performance would be off the entire class. Other days they felt strong, their steps were clear and precise, and they felt ... Views: 1879
Perfectionists have impossibly high standards. And impossibly high standards make things impossible, setting up a never ending cycle of procrastination, overwhelm and discouragement.
With finances, it usually starts with some “expert” advice. For instance, financial experts say that we should ... Views: 938
Why hire a Fearless Living Life Coach? Because we make life easier.
Back in the old caveman days, there wasn’t much stress beyond basic survival. For survival, primitive humans relied on their amygdala. This primal part of the brain thinks in black-and-white; either the caveman was safe or in ... Views: 1753
"We hear from mothers all the time who say they feel alone. They feel overwhelmed; they feel sometimes inadequate. And you say you're afraid to admit the truth for fear of being judged," Oprah said on her April 6 show The Secret Lives of Moms.
The show goes on to reveal that the one universal ... Views: 3117
Are you lucky?
Or do you ever think to yourself: that’s just how it is; I live under a dark cloud; it never comes easy; this always happens to me; it’s just been one of those days; life’s hard.
Studies show that 10% of our lives is completely random. The other 90%, according to psychologist ... Views: 1211
Most New Year’s resolutions fail within the first few weeks. How are you doing? Or do you skip making resolutions altogether, because you're afraid of failure?
Real, sustained change can be a challenge. Many of us start with a vision that ignites us. That momentum carries us for a little ... Views: 1066
How often do you see the real you?
Over the past week I spent four nights in LA, one night at my home in Wisconsin, and then two nights in Indianapolis. Each place had a bathroom and each bathroom had a mirror.
In the Los Angeles mirror, I looked like a zombie who had the immediate need or a ... Views: 924