Have you ever been on a roller coaster at six flags, Disney Land, or some other amusement park? Do you remember the feeling you get as the coaster is rising to the top of the first summit? Do you remember the feeling that you get when you experience that weightlessness right before you drop to ... Views: 1718
Have you ever seen a car you want drive by and park close to where you’re at, and when the person gets out of the car, you feel a little resentment towards that person? Has that ever happened to you?
Or, if and when you were single, you saw this beautiful woman in a restaurant sitting ... Views: 6747
What are 10 two letter words that make up one of the most powerful lessons one can learn in this lifetime? It goes along with the saying, “If you want something done right, do it yourself!” The 10 two letter words are: If it is to be, it is up to me! What a simple but profound ... Views: 5506