We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
How often do you have someone who sends you an email with, “I have a couple of quick questions.”
As you read their questions you quickly realize it will require a fair amount of time to respond to all of them.
Wanting to be polite, the temptation is for you to respond. It’s not that you ... Views: 1407
If you are easily distracted, the one thing you need—focus—is not always easy to find.
I call it a helicopter brain and maybe you experience the same thing. I have gotten so busy lately, and there are so many thoughts in my head, that I have to schedule absolutely everything so I don’t ... Views: 1632
I'm sure you've heard this before, but in order to be successful in business, you have to have clear goals established. The people who take the time to figure out what their goals are and how they are going to accomplish them, are far more likely to succeed than those who don't.
There have ... Views: 907
Have you ever been curious as to why some of the people you graduated with achieved mind blowing success while you are still stuck in the same job as high school? It all comes down to the fact you have just been dreaming about success and they have been setting goals to get ... Views: 1128
At the beginning of February I committed to a new challenge at my gym... to run (or walk) a total of 144 miles over three months. It amounts to 12 miles a week. It was a big commitment for me. I already spend about four hours a week at the gym in classes that I don't want to give up. To add ... Views: 1519
I was teaching a class the other day and one of the participants said ... it's like brain hoarding.
You've got so many amazing ideas, so many cool things you want to do. So many opportunities you want to take advantage of. You don't want to let them go.
The problem... like hoarding, ... Views: 1384
“I don’t know what I want.” So, how can I set any goals? I have been hearing that over and over and over as I speak at different events for women in business.
In my signature keynote, I speak about ‘7 Steps to Growing Your Business By Getting Out of Your Own Way!” That content is only ... Views: 1011
When your main focus is on increasing profits and expanding the reach of your marketing it's incredibly easy to be taken down a dozen rabbit holes each day. There are so many marketing, leadership and small business experts giving abundant strategies to grow your business that it creates an ... Views: 1382
Have you ever wondered what is the missing piece to having what you want in your life?
I know for me, I used to make the same new years resolutions over and over again each year. I would believe it was possible to create the change I wanted in my life and I would take action. The A and The ... Views: 2142
Why should you strive to achieve your goals? Why should you even bother yourself setting goals? These are some of the questions that will lead you to know the importance of setting goals and achieving them. If you don't have a goal to achieve in your life, then you have nothing to target in your ... Views: 1283
If you want to control your own life you need to have some direction – a track to run on. Otherwise, the decisions you make will be on a random basis, based on how you feel at any given moment. If you know where you are going, and how you want your life to be, your decision-making will have a ... Views: 855
Wow! Just thinking about “enjoying enjoyment” sounds delightful. The definition of enjoyment includes these proposed meanings: freedom from want and distress; consciousness of the good order of things; assurance of one’s place in the universe or society; and so forth. Associated emotions ... Views: 1621
Sometimes I just want to walk up to people, smack them in the face and say "WAKE UP! You can live an extraordinary life!"
Okay, so maybe I don't really want to smack them, because I'm not at all a violent person.
However, I do want to put the S.M.A.C.K. down on them. Because most people ... Views: 3795
Goal setting isn’t easy and I am not here to tell you it is. Success is something you earn after putting in the effort to plan, refine and execute the vision you have created for life. Do not fool yourself into believing that with just a plan of action it will be a smooth road to living your ... Views: 1213
You should always write down your goals, no matter how small they seem. It is no secret that successful people passionately set goals to achieve the lifestyles they have. They understood the importance of recording all their goals and creating compelling visions for their lives.
There are no ... Views: 1099
I've been called a control freak, multitasker, goof ball, magnificent manifestor and just plain ole freak. I can relate to all of them. However, the one that really irritates me is when someone says I'm not very good at delegating.
Why? Because I see how often it doesn't even occur to me to ... Views: 1206
So often, it isn't a lack of knowledge that prevents service professionals from achieving their business and marketing goals.
Instead, a lack of focus and motivation are more often the culprits. You may be a person who knows exactly what you need to be doing. You possess the knowledge, but ... Views: 821
It's been three months since you made your New Year's resolution. Have you stuck with it?
If you're still working out, losing weight, remaining smoke-free, achieving better grades, organizing your life or doing whatever else it was that you promised yourself you'd do, congratulations. Keep ... Views: 1653
Even if you only have a few customers or clients, you're sitting on a goldmine. You just have to mine it.
Don't have any clients? No worries, you have the ability to connect with potential fans simply by being intentional with how you interact on social media, blog posts, phone calls and ... Views: 1392
John Goddard is known today as the modern day Indiana Jones. He climbed Kilimanjaro, Mount Ararat and just about every major mountain peak on the face of the earth. He was the first person to explore the entire 6700 km of the Nile River, the longest river on earth. He also did the Amazon and the ... Views: 1274
Self-improvement is an essential part of life planning, but understanding what it even means and actually applying it to your own life, can be difficult. There are so many things you can do and plan for to make changes to your life that it can be overwhelming. I want to offer you some steps that ... Views: 1749
“March Madness” is the period of the annual NCAA college basketball tournament, with the majority of the competition set in March. Fans and followers use a visual chart as a decision tool to track team plays and statistics throughout the tournament. The tool identifies team pairings as brackets ... Views: 1317
Regardless of what you think, you need to be a leader. That means everyone: solopreneurs and employees, too. And no matter what stage you find your business in, start thinking of yourself as a leader if you want to see increased profits.
Each of you is a 'leader of self;' the leader of your ... Views: 1589
If we only did one thing, perhaps the greatest thing we can share with ourselves and others is GRATITUDE. Being grateful for everything is living in acceptance. When we fuel our life with gratitude, the quality of life that we experience is absolutely wonderful and uniquely flavored in ... Views: 1455
Sometimes we get so lost that we feel that anything we are going to do is not going to do is not going to be getting us anywhere. Sometimes we feel that we are abandoned and we feel that our work is appreciated. Sometimes the people around us do not show us the appreciation we deserve or need. ... Views: 970
You should read more.
You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
You should spend more time with family and less time at work.
You should have a college degree.
You should take time out to smell the roses.
You should be able to stand your ground with anyone.
You should take ... Views: 1023
Is it hard for you to accomplish your dreams? Have you been meaning to get healthy, increase your fitness level workout regularly? Perphaps you’ve been wanting to lose weight, but it seems like that goal is always out of reach? Let’s take a moment and figure out why you may be having trouble ... Views: 1099
Are you doing the same thing over and over hoping for different results? If so, that’s the definition of insanity. If you’re trying to improve something you need a plan that will get you out of the rut. Otherwise you could get stuck in an ongoing circle that goes nowhere.
You don’t want a ... Views: 1375
The thing you need to consider as you review your actions, daily, weekly and monthly, is whether they are delivering the desired results. Planning is important, but unless you are ensuring that you are taking the right actions every day, they remain just words on a piece of paper. Assess your ... Views: 1118
I recently posted on Facebook that I lost 15 pounds in six weeks. Of all the topics I've covered before, this one received the most "likes" and comments. I was shocked. Naturally, people really wanted to know my secret.
The short answer: I went on a raw foods cleanse and joined the gym. ... Views: 1493
By nature, people are impatient. Our modern technology and conveniences have just made us want what we want, yesterday! On one had, our impatience is a good thing. It means we believe that what we want is attainable and doable. On the other hand, it can make us question whether we’re on the ... Views: 1286
If you're looking for a guaranteed way to win the lottery (other than purchasing every ticket available), you won't find it here or anywhere else. But there's another kind of luck, and it's not the "luck of the Irish." You have it within your power to create your own luck. Real luck is about ... Views: 2347
Setting life goals has been one of the most well known secrets of highly effective people, and being able to do that effectively should be one of the skills you ought to aim to master in this life.
So what is the main secret behind setting effective goals for your life? The answer may ... Views: 1235
Break your Goals Back into Projects
This is where you need to become realistic with your goals. Break your 10 X or hairy audacious goals back into individual projects. These are mini goals or bite size chunks, which you can realistically achieve within the next 90 days. As you gradually achieve ... Views: 879
Meet your Future Every Day
When you are living in a modality of constant overwhelm and urgency and you are constantly distracted. Your attention is focused on putting fires out, instead of carrying out goal achievement activities. Your challenge and the reason you are struggling to achieve your ... Views: 894
“Genius” has been described as the “ability to focus on one thing at a time.” Many people who are “geniuses” are so not only because they have a high intellect, but because they are a gift of being able to focus on the objective or goal at hand.
This same focus must come in to play when ... Views: 773
The first core principle of Absolute Leadership is to identify what you in-tend to do, and why, in order to give meaning to your aspirations.
Whatever you aspire to professionally and in your private life should define what you would truly like to become, based upon the personal values that ... Views: 2122
Now is the time to create a positive mind-set, where you orient yourself to constantly be on the lookout for fortuitous situations or circumstances. It is extremely difficult to identify opportunities, when you are not looking for them and impossible, if you do not believe in yourself, your ... Views: 897
I was never a fan of the Star Wars movies when they first came out. I didn't get what all the hype was about…until a decade ago. A friend told me I had to watch all of them, because I would become a fan. He was right. It was actually the character of Yoda I fell in love with and his lessons ... Views: 1362
Open your Mind and Think Bigger Than Yourself
There is a sort of magic found in setting goals. When you set yourself goals in an ever expanding spiral, starting with goals for yourself, your immediate and extended family, your community, city where you live, province or state, your country ... Views: 777
When police agents are trained to recognise counterfeit money, they are trained to focus on knowing all the characteristics of the legal currency. They are trained using real money and work with only the legal tender, until they know every counterfeiting measure printed on or in the money. They ... Views: 1242
The tug of war for small business is always profits vs. costs. Undoubtedly you see costs everywhere you look as a small business owner. It’s easy to see them in the costs for equipment, supplies, utilities and the space you lease. While many of these expenses are fixed over the short term, and ... Views: 1034
There is one question that I get asked fairly often, and that is… so what does it FEEL like to have taken the jump AWAY from the 9-5 corporate world and into being your own boss and living the entrepreneurial lifestyle?
I just LOVE this question, and today I’m going to tell you EXACTLY how ... Views: 1092
It’s Monday morning, the beginning of a new week. Let’s start off with a story:
“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows that it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning, a lion wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it ... Views: 1056
Your future success is a choice; you have to choose to want to be successful
Just before he died, renowned playwright George Bernard Shaw was asked to name a famous deceased man whom he missed the most. Shaw replied “the man I miss the most is the man I could have been”. This was an ... Views: 923
William, the owner of a health care consulting business, emailed me last week in preparation for our upcoming call. Should we discuss his goals for next year, he wondered, or should we reflect first on the year that just passed?
We can do both at the same time, I replied.
Back in January, ... Views: 1084
By now, you’ve heard it a dozen times that the way to accomplish your goals and realize your dreams is to get clear about what you want and then go for it. Easier said than done. That’s usually the cue for our inner Gremlins to creep inside our head and begin to trash talk us until all we want ... Views: 1810
March... tis the luck of the Irish...
Or not?
Will you be searching for a little old guy wearing a green coat and wearing a green top hat?
Irish folklore says that if you are lucky enough to catch a leprechaun he will grant you three wishes in exchange for letting him go free. It also says ... Views: 1134
When you start a new job, you typically embark on a training system designed to teach you the expectations, tasks, procedures to effectively carry out the job. Companies have systems in place that enable you to work effectively, efficiently, and thoroughly. The same is true ... Views: 977
Everybody wants to know how they can get on track. They want alignment with their business, health, money and relationship goals. I've heard more than once, "Is there a magic pill I can take to get instant results?" There is a way to turn things around fast, although most folks believe it has to ... Views: 1354