When I was fifteen, I was bored with my life. I no longer wanted to be the nice guy who was always polite and followed instructions. So, I decided to shake things up and changed my hair to look cool. I also bought a used leather jacket and started acting a little flippant.
A few days later, ... Views: 1434
After decades of being a professional student (I love reading), it’s apparent to me, that vital information is idle information when it falls only into the mind. It must also edge into the emotions to bear fruit in one’s life. If learning is to have any might in your life, you’ve got to learn ... Views: 1293
"Thrust thy sickle and reap… for the harvest of the earth is ripe." – ancient text. This tip is always right. The earth is crammed with heaven. It's always ready to offer you its myriad blessed fruits of every nature.
Do you know how to seek so that you find what you are looking for? All the ... Views: 1339
Here is a great method of self-promotion that I invented to help me feel ‘up’ when I was feeling down and moping around. It’s a great builder of self-esteem. It’s simple. It’s easy. Try it. You’ll love it.
Step 1: When you awaken in the morning – consider yourself “a private” in the ... Views: 1282
After decades of striving to get before giving, it has become increasingly obvious to me that learning to give is the right way to live. Rainmaking – the art of giving productively – is a most important for right living.
Rainmaking is nourishment to the spirit, as wholesome food is ... Views: 1443
Your infinite potential speaks to you. Set aside all that you are currently thinking right now, and listen intently to it's words:
"Everything that you desire, all that you yearn to experience, your wildest dreams and aspirations are currently awaiting your call. Your highest thoughts of ... Views: 1546
While walking around my favorite pond this morning, I came upon a little girl and her mom feeding the geese. The little girl was probably three years old. She was having the time of her life.
But, all of a sudden two of the geese got into a squabble about one specific piece of bread, and ... Views: 1785
By working with myself in order to better myself,
And by working with truthful facts that I’ve learned about myself,
I am now able to say that I have been unfair with myself in many ways.
I’ve been unfair with myself because it was the only thing I knew to do,
And I finally ... Views: 1738
There's nothing like a touch of spring in the air to stir my curiosity about what lessons the spring season may offer. The 75-degree weather in the Boston area during early April sure sparked me. I decided to do some spring-cleaning around the yard and began with the flower beds, figuring that a ... Views: 1689
$9,000 in CASH PRIZES.
“Ordinary gurus are everywhere, you just need to open your eyes, mind, and heart and be receptive. That clerk in the local grocery store, the cabbie or the passerby on the street might just say the right and perfect thing that gives you the ... Views: 2243
Announcing The Ordinary Guru Contest
Life is always sending you everyday, ordinary gurus who help you break through beliefs and myths that stop you from experiencing the life you dream of living.
These unassuming gurus help you to see yourself and life differently. They offer insights ... Views: 2075
It’s time to look at an important word that we love to banter about, but usually use inappropriately. The word is “rapture.” Its original meaning was “to jump out” … to jump out of one’s usual way of being … to jump out of ones’ comfort zone … to jump out of our shell and feel the freedom of ... Views: 1732
Lois is a wonderfully sweet 88-year-old neighbor who has dozens of friends, is always busy with community affairs, and has the loveliest garden in the world.
How does Lois do that? At age 88, how is she constantly filled with vitality, and in high demand by everyone in the community?
Lois ... Views: 1940
Do I need to go to a temple to love God? Do I need to go to an arboretum to love nature? Do I need to go to a therapist to love myself? If my life is a dance, then love is already here, and I need go nowhere in particular to express my love.
When I awaken with loving feelings, and when I say ... Views: 1778
In my book, And Then I Met Margaret, I share twenty one epoch experiences that helped lift me out of poverty into prosperity. I don’t consider it a “How To Get Rich” book by any means, but I do consider it a spiritual self-help book. The book points to many of the everyday, ordinary, unassuming ... Views: 2107
Over the next five blogs, I will show you how to make your fantasies become facts in your life. The secret to success is putting your daydreams to productive use. When you walk around town imagining a bright future, but do nothing to make those dreams real … it’s like driving a truck full of ... Views: 1564
The typical mind can easily ask a question with eagerness, but is not really looking for an answer. It is with “wrong eagerness” that it asks. It is truly only eager to give the point of view that it already holds. The question is simply leading to that.
The mind that asks a thousand ... Views: 1397
Spiritual Confusion - Day 1 / Way 1
There are millions of people who are confused about the concept of spirituality. When the word “spiritual” or “spirituality” is used, many folks think of it as uncommon, unexplainable or some “out of this world” occurrence. They don’t see spirituality ... Views: 1762
All that I am today, and all that I have today is vastly more than I could have possibly imagined when I was twelve years old. At that age, I assumed that the best I could hope for was to sweep floors in a local factory in the mill town in which I was raised. All of my success, be it in the ... Views: 1628
After a hard day at work, I love meeting friends at the local Mexican restaurant for a beer and spicy dinner. During a chips and salsa evening one hot July, I noticed a new poster near the bar. It featured a crowd of people running through the streets of Pamplona, Spain ahead of a herd of ... Views: 2078
The power of BUT is overwhelming when we don’t see it coming. Saying, “BUT” for any reason is calling upon a contradictory energy that cancels out any good you’ve done.
“I like what I did with this project today, BUT, I still have a lot of work to do.” You are saying that you want to advance ... Views: 2584
Insight One
If you were willing to see that your very own thinking causes your glorious and your miserable experiences of life; if you were willing to accept that you are the originator, the cause of the kind of life you live – this is the beginning of the end of thinking that there’s ... Views: 2270
You are marvelously made. There is so much more to you than what your physical eyes can see. Part of the game, called “The Evolution of Humanity” is to use our imagination and know that we are infinitely more than what we portrayed ourselves to be the day before. We are Image Makers – that is ... Views: 1668
Nothing makes the heart warm and entices the blossoming of one's joyous spirit like the pleasing attitude of gratitude. With Thanksgiving Day approaching, this exceptional quality of the heart takes center stage in the mind. Thanksgiving offers us an opportunity to notice how far we've come by ... Views: 1713
It's wise to understand that, in every moment, you are about as happy as you assume it's your right to be. And, it's profoundly relieving when you trust that it’s your birthright to be happy and enjoy life.
If, right now, ... Views: 2761
I’ve been around for a while, nearly seven decades. I’ve met a lot of successful folks in different domains of life. I’ve found some things are consistent with these folks, when it comes to succeeding in life. Most important is that they make a decision to feel good about themselves and life ... Views: 2317
Tiredness comes from compulsively doing those things that are destroying your health and well-being. The person who is unable to separate himself from his compulsive tendencies is enslaved by his interior conditioning; conditioning that causes him to mechanically react to his exterior life. His ... Views: 1975
When I was a kid, I was moody. When I was moody, I was fated to get in some kind of trouble that got me in hot water. When I got in hot water, I felt resentful, and would say to myself, “See, life is tough; I can’t do anything without everyone jumping all over me. No wonder why I’m so ... Views: 2522
We’re told, “Stop gazing out the window. Stop daydreaming; it’s a big waste of time.”
And yet, the fact of the matter is that your world, and everything you experience in your world, is an out-picturing of inner pictures. Constructive daydreams are the instrument by which you create your ... Views: 2927
I’ve been around for a while, nearly seven decades. I’ve met a lot of successful folks in different domains of life. I’ve found some things are consistent with these folks, when it comes to succeeding in life. Most important is that they make a decision to feel good about themselves and life ... Views: 1657
This blog offers information that I’ve learned from my parrot, Shakespeare. Shaky (short for Shakespeare), has been with me for some thirty years now. Amongst the many lessons he taught me, one of my favorites is his demonstration of how to Aspire Higher by setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals.
Shaky is ... Views: 1940
All creation begins with Beingness. (1) Who you are being (2) determines what you will be doing (3) determines the experiences you will have in your life. Being-Doing-Having …that is the process of manifestation. So many folks get it backwards. “If I only had a million dollars, then I would do ... Views: 2736
The world will often tell you that the problems in your life are not your fault. Thousands will chime in with excuses that can convince you to give up on yourself. It’s popular today to talk about how ‘circumstances’ are very different from the past; when opportunity was prevalent at every ... Views: 1874
It's pretty easy to understand what causes nervousness: It's what we feel in the absence of self-confidence. So, the best way to stop feeling nervous is to seek the truth about yourself, about your unrealized talents and potential. You might notice that this means that you don't have to add ... Views: 1731
This summer has been particularly momentous for me. As you know, I’ve been passionately finishing up my next book, And Then I Met Margaret. The creation of this book has been an incredibly reflective and enriching process, but it has by no means been all smooth sailing and sunshine.
During ... Views: 1772
After seven decades of living, it’s apparent to me that there are lots of myths floating around about aging. Indeed, aging is an inescapable body thing, but it need not affect your passion for life. When you bring alertness to your day, with the intent of savoring your experiences like a child, ... Views: 2390
Life's teachers come in the most unexpected forms. Sometimes, they even sport fins and scales, like the three-foot carp that lives in the pond where I take my daily stroll. OK, this carp has a human interpreter, Robert, a fishing enthusiast who I met a number of years ago during one of my pond ... Views: 1704
We all associate arthritis with the aging process; our joints simply don’t work as well as we age. In the GPS Gide below, Personal Development expert Rob White explains that there’s another kind of arthritis that can set in way earlier -- it’s called Arthritis of the Mind. It’s a rigidity that ... Views: 1685
OK, this is an old joke, so forgive me if you've heard it. A psychologist is giving a talk and describes how every couple has its own unique frequency of making love. She then asks people in the audience to state how often they have sex. Hands shot up as she called out "Once a day?" "Several ... Views: 2245
Rule #1: Turn away when he looks at you.
Rule #2: When he turns his head, it's your time to look at him. But whatever you do, never stare him in the eyes -- he'll think you're challenging him. And that's something you don't want to do!
No, I'm not talking about dealing with a ... Views: 1980
I have a neighbor, John, who turns his car around on the busy road in front of his house, causing traffic to slow down, and then backs up his driveway and into his garage. It’s an odd sight to watch. One day I asked him why he turns around and backs into the driveway rather than driving straight ... Views: 1684
The Only Affirmation You Will Ever Need from Rob White
*** Note: Follow the above link for an incredible multimedia experience.
Affirmations are a dime a dozen these days. In the above guide, Rob White shares the one affirmation that produced tremendous results in his own life. With ... Views: 3222
With summer approaching, I suspect there will be a lot of buzz about the best ways to travel with kids. Kid-friendly airlines. Kid-friendly airports. Kid-friendly hotels, and the like.
I wish someone would write about parrot-friendly travel. Parrot-friendly airlines. Parrot-friendly airports. ... Views: 1982
There they were, 60 freshly painted white doors with black trim in my thirty-unit apartment building. Great job. Except for one minor detail: this was the opposite of what I asked my maintenance guy to do. I specified BLACK doors with WHITE trim.
I don’t usually fly off the handle, but this ... Views: 1800
During a romantic surrey ride around Central Park in New York City with my wife, I learned an amazing thing about horses that applies to humans as well.
The driver told us that horses need blinders because they’re easily spooked if they see something in their peripheral vision. He explained ... Views: 1711
During a walk around the community pond today, I came face-to-face with Swami Charles, our name for a homeless guy who has more pearls of wisdom than you’d find at a convention of gurus. I commented on how lovely and elegant the swans looked. “As do the pigeons,” he responded. “Nature makes ... Views: 2016
Every small town has its Friday night rituals, and the community I grew up in was no exception. When my father's shift at the tool and die plant ended at 5:00 pm, the men who worked on the factory floor gathered at the Silver Front Bar and Grill to have a few beers, talk, joke about the day, ... Views: 2261
If you're looking for a guaranteed way to win the lottery (other than purchasing every ticket available), you won't find it here or anywhere else. But there's another kind of luck, and it's not the "luck of the Irish." You have it within your power to create your own luck. Real luck is about ... Views: 2347
Many a poet and philosopher has said that love is for all seasons. That’s true, but there’s nothing like Valentine’s Day to remind your significant other that you’ve fallen in love with her 365 times over the past year. The tried and true ways of showing your appreciation are always safe—cards, ... Views: 2729
Even the most motivated and upbeat positive thinkers are susceptible to
winter WOEs. WOE is an acronym for "What On Earth" is happening. It's what
you say when you take on the role of helpless victim. It's also what you
say on a dark winter day when the blues and blahs are getting to ... Views: 2497