“Make no mistake; your team will determine your future success. A leader is only as good as the team he or she assembles; trains; cares for and leads.” - Chris Ruisi “The Coach”
Apply These Five Simple Steps to Boost Your Team's Performance
Throughout the majority of my corporate career, ... Views: 1924
The recent actions of politicians can never be described as leadership
Over the course of the last several weeks we have witnessed a comprehensive display of what leadership is NOT by our elected officials at all levels across all party lines. I have had the opportunity to observe, work for ... Views: 1812
Recently I came across the following John F. Kennedy quote – “There are risks and costs to a program of actions. But they are far less than the long range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.” There have been several articles about comfortable inaction, so I thought I would take a shot at it ... Views: 1107
It’s Monday morning, the beginning of a new week. Let’s start off with a story:
“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows that it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning, a lion wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it ... Views: 1056
Your future success is a choice; you have to choose to want to be successful
Just before he died, renowned playwright George Bernard Shaw was asked to name a famous deceased man whom he missed the most. Shaw replied “the man I miss the most is the man I could have been”. This was an ... Views: 923
787 Dreamliner or Nightmare – Boeing Has A Crisis
Over the last several weeks, we have read about the problems with Boeing’s new state-of –the-art 787, which has resulted in the FAA “grounding” the entire fleet of this new airliner. The center of the storm is focused on the new lithium-ion ... Views: 1556
10 Easy Things You Can Do That Will Create Significant Results
In keeping with my own rule (see #5), let me get to the point: here are 10 simple steps that you need to take to improve your personal results as well as the results of your business (or department). Per rule #5 again - the next ... Views: 1015
Stop! Put the phone down – there is no need to call the ASPCA! I am not a supporter of any form of animal cruelty. In fact, as I wrote this message “Riley Rose” our golden retriever and “Toby”, our West Highland Terrier were under my desk having a grand old time with their favorite chewy toys . ... Views: 1121
Hey! “Keep Your Eye on The Ball”!
How any times have you heard that expression? Was it as a kid at bat for the first time? It could have been any sport really where one needs to focus “on the ball”. Or, maybe you’ve shouted it out to your child during their little league baseball or softball ... Views: 999
How Many of the Top 6 Do You Encounter?
There is never enough time during the course of typical day to get to everything that you want to get done. What makes it worse is the many distractions you will encounter to get tasks from your in-box to your out-box with enough time left that you can ... Views: 2117
“There is only one way to solve a problem – the right way” – Chris Ruisi, The Coach and Business Motivational Speaker of Choice
“Get the cows out of the creek” is an expression I first learned about when I read an article about Meg Whitman, the then CEO of E-Bay (and now the new CEO of HP). ... Views: 1274
Albert Ellis, was an American psychologist, who in 1955 developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) once said,
"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize ... Views: 1308
You are your business and your business is you. But, the real question is - Is that a good thing? Trust me; you need to know the answer to this question – now.
Let’s look at some indicators that will help you answer the question. If you answer “yes” to at least two of these questions, then ... Views: 1100
If you’re like me, you recognize that becoming an effective leader demands hard work and commitment. It requires more than just reading but actual “doing” and learning from your experiences. Sometimes when we are in the “doing” mode we forget some of what we have read and then realize after the ... Views: 1142
From my own business experiences, I have learned that one of the most important tools a leader has at their disposal is trust. Without it, you’re not leading; you’re just going for a walk in the park. Think about it, if your team doesn’t trust you, why would they follow you or even listen to ... Views: 1246
Over the course of my corporate career, as well as my career as a leadership keynote speaker, I have had the opportunity to observe, work for and learn from some great business leaders.
From my experiences with the “best leaders” I have known, I have compiled what I believe is a list of some ... Views: 1066