“Don’t get mad, get healthy.” This thought occurred to me when the most recent lockdown in our state was announced. Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, Oregon, like many states in the U.S., is on yet another lockdown.
With cases on the rise, people are becoming COVID weary. Yet, ... Views: 789
It does not take much at all to see the pain and suffering in the world today. Whether it be the anguish and fear over COVID-19, the civil unrest around the globe or the military being called in to build a chain-link fence to “protect” the White House and the current administration, there is ... Views: 844
How does one go from making daily (sometimes twice daily) trips to Taco Bell for the “usual” $20 order of tacos, chips, burritos and whatever else is in the bag, reach 420 pounds on the scale, expand to a 66 inch waist, frustrated with how life turned out to becoming a trim and fit weight (270 ... Views: 783
From the typical “bro jock” who always had a passion for the environment, Zack Belknap connected the dots about the hypocrisy of what he ate and being an environmentalist when he watched the movies Dominion and Cowspiracy.
Growing up, Zack was a hunter and fisherman. Yet, it never sat right ... Views: 878
“Milk and other dairy products are the top source of saturated fat in the American diet, contributing to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have also linked dairy to an increased riskof breast, ovarian, and prostate ... Views: 753
People are getting sicker by the day. Not great news, but true.
When we know the truth, we are in a position to do something about it… if (and when) we have the desire to do so.
Take a look around. How much dis-ease, anxiety and stress are people dealing with? As a result of day-to-day ... Views: 1177
When we were first asked to “shelter at home” it seemed like a reasonable solution to a scary problem; the invisible enemy dubbed COVID-19.
COVID-19 appeared to come out of ... Views: 738
I frequently get asked, “How do I get big podcasters to notice me? How do I get them to invite me on their show?”
In a nutshell, you have to “earn” the right.
What do I mean by that? Simply put, you can't expect the big names to notice you if you've not put any tracks down up to that ... Views: 756
Are you looking for ways to increase you reach through the power of podcast appearances? Maybe you have a show and you are looking to increase eyes and ears you reach with your message.
When you consider the amount of time it takes to produce an episode, to not be proactive in promotions is ... Views: 723
This article was originally written in early March, 2020. Although the number of COVID-19 cases has increased, the essence of the article remains highly relevant.
Over the last week we’ve moved into a “new normal.”
“New normal”… what exactly does that mean? No one knows for sure.
New ... Views: 746
It’s a fact… life as we knew it has changed forever. So much of what we took for granted is now a fading memory.
Simple things like a hug or handshake used to be encouraged. There are studies about the health benefits of hugs, now they are restricted throughout the world.
We’ve been given ... Views: 781
As cases of COVID-19 increase, we continue to fly by the seat of our pants, barely staying on top of what is going on.
Medical professionals and first responders are doing all they can to ... Views: 919
There is so much information floating around about COVID-19 and how many people are being infected that one is left to wonder what the good news is.
There is actually great news if we are open to it. Now is the time to reboot your system in order to strengthen your immune system.
Simple ... Views: 832
Let’s not beat around the bush; obesity has so many health challenges that to pretend it is does not increase the risk of likely hospitalization, and even death, when testing positive with COVID-19 is downright foolish. In a word.. it’s ... Views: 901
As people continue to comply to, and put massive attention on, the guidelines of social distancing, washing hands, no hugging (humans), and “stay at home” mandates on the one hand, on the other hand (comparatively speaking) little attention is put on what we can do to minimize our risks for the ... Views: 1002
You’ve been to a conference, sat in session after session, taken great notes, collected dozens of business cards and now you’re on your way home feeling like, “this time I’m going to do things differently.”
But are you? Follow up after a conference is critical when it comes to the ideas you ... Views: 944
Many of the very diseases and disorders that are either preventable, even reversible, by a 100% whole food plant based diet are being exploited by big pharma, advertisers and others who would much rather profit from people not tapping into an actual solution, but rather put a band-aide over the ... Views: 996
It’s no secret, a whole food, plant-based diet is a very healthy way to eat. Yet, many people resist committing 100%, even for a week. Why?
The number one reason is the refusal to give up cheese.
“I just can’t give it up,” can often be heard by someone who knows they would benefit from a ... Views: 841
With so many oils to choose from and an unlimited number of discussions on which oils are good for you, great for you and downright unhealthy, one is left to wonder, what is the truth?
Let’s start with some of the most common type oils we’ve been led to believe are healthy.
•Olive ... Views: 826
Have you ever wondered why people are so resistant to antibiotics? We have become so resistant to the benefits of antibiotics many people have lost the ability to fight off super-bugs has become near impossible.
One of the main reasons is the use of antibiotics in factory farming of animals. ... Views: 746
According to Strava, a social network for athletes, most annual commitments begin to crumble by the second Friday in January. For 2020, that’s January 10th.
Year after year, people commit to resolutions with the solemn vow that this year it will be different than in the past, but one more ... Views: 758
Long before my first book was published, I had dreams of being a successful author. Fantasies of making a great living from my writing filled my mind.
I created a whole story about what it meant to be a successful author. The life I would live, the people I would meet, the opportunities that ... Views: 807
Contrary to what many authors think, their greatest challenge is NOT writing a book. It's marketing and selling the book.
That's the bad news. The good, actually great, news is that authors have more opportunity today than ever before to reach readers from around the globe. It can even be ... Views: 827
Plant-based eating is becoming more popular by the day. According to international food and restaurant consultants Baum & Whiteman, plant-based dining was the number one dining trend for 2018.
In the article, Plant Based Food is Declared 2018 Top Dining Trend, a study by Mintel revealed ... Views: 851
It has been said that we have two life timelines.
1. The chronological timeline
2. The quality of life timeline
Often, the quality of life ends 10 – 15 years sooner than the chronological. For many people the last 10 – 15 years is filled with sickness, disease, arthritis, and ... Views: 915
It has been said that we have two life timelines.
1. The chronological timeline
2. The quality of life timeline
Often, the quality of life ends 10 – 15 years sooner than the chronological. For many people the last 10 – 15 years is filled with sickness, disease, arthritis, and ... Views: 940
Something really bizarre happened to me as a result of going whole food, plant based. Beyond all the obvious benefits such as increased energy, 35 pound weight release after a few months into the lifestyle (without dieting), focus, clarity and mood balance, I actually fell in love with ... Views: 864
It’s likely you know someone has either had, or is scheduled for, a hip or knee replacement. In the past, it was the exception, rather than the rule, that we would go under the knife to replace a joint. Today, it has become an all to frequent topic of conversation at cocktail parties, networking ... Views: 745
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. and also the leading cause of death worldwide. More than half of the deaths that occur as a result of heart disease are in men.
Not only has heart disease become a common occurrence, so has diabetes, high blood ... Views: 830
"I’m going to quit eating plant based because I haven’t dropped any weight. This stuff doesn’t work,” was a comment posted on a Plant Based Eating Facebook group I’m a member of.
I cringe when I see comments like this. Why? Because the person likely went into the plant-based eating protocol ... Views: 778
If you’re looking for a healthy, efficient and sustainable way to release unwanted (and unhealthy) weight, a whole food, plant-based eating protocol is likely the best you can find.
When someone asks me what I’ve done to release 35 pounds in the last few months, I tell them I’ve gone plant ... Views: 900
September 16, 2018. This is the day my life changed forever. It’s the day I chose to stop consuming animal and dairy products. Initially, it was going to be for a seven-day period. Seven days turned into two weeks. Two weeks turned into a month. A month turned into six.
At this point, I don’t ... Views: 917
“I couldn’t possibly go plant based. I’m so addicted to sugar and meat it’s impossible to give these things up.”
Food addictions are real, as are many other types of addictions. As with most addictions, it takes discipline to get through to the other side of the behavior.
When I made the ... Views: 768
Change won’t happen without change. Simple truth, but one many people lose sight of.
Health issues abound, getting worse by the day. Obesity is on the rise, limiting the day-to-day activities of those who are bound by unhealthy weight.
Disease is out of control with more people being ... Views: 1226
When I began exploring ways to minimize inflammation, I did what many people do; I hit the Internet. Google became my best friend. It didn’t take long to realize the answer to my dilemma was a whole food, plant-based diet.
What I quickly discovered was the plethora of books, videos, blog ... Views: 740
When you decide to make a change as dramatic as going from the S.A.D. (standard American diet) to a whole food, plant-based diet, there are bound to be challenges. To overcome the most obvious, set yourself up for success from the start.
Not only will you have a greater chance of sticking ... Views: 773
Clean eating… the latest buzz phrase in the world of eating.
While the term “clean eating” is one of the hottest buzz phrases in the past few years, it can often be confusing to the end user of exactly what this term means.
At its core, clean eating simply means choosing foods that are ... Views: 1125
The last few days have been darned crazy. Due to extreme rains and the release of water from a lake upstream, the rivers have been rising to the point of flood conditions.
As a result, not only did we have to take our horses to higher ground, we were ordered to evacuate from our home.
It’s ... Views: 717
Left to our own devices, and feelings, there’s a lot that we need to do, that we wouldn’t do. For example, today for me… I woke up in a totally off mood. Fowl, frustrated and irritated. This is very unusual for me. Rarely do I wake up in a fowl mood.
But today… well today… I did.
It’s one ... Views: 804
If you’ve been thinking of trying a plant-based diet and shared this fact with family and friends, there’s a strong possibility they’ve warned you of the dangers of eliminating meat and dairy from your diet.
“Where will you get your protein?” is more times than not the big warning.
“You ... Views: 666
If you saw a child fall in a pool of water, you wouldn’t hesitate to do everything in your power to pull the child to safety. Makes sense. Get them out of harm’s way.
So why is it, when it comes to one’s health, most people don’t do everything in their power to bring themselves to ... Views: 738
Body shaming. A hot topic and one we often have to approach with kid gloves. So much in fact, our fear of offending others may lead to disease, prolonged illness, even death.
It’s one thing to accept our bodies as they are. It’s another to be in complete denial that excess weight can be ... Views: 768
Whatever follows “I AM” comes looking for you.
I AM happy.
I AM healthy.
I AM prosperous.
I AM creative.
I AM abundant.
I AM healthy.
I AM generous.
I AM kind.
I AM loving to animals.
I AM connected to Source.
Who must I be to live the life I dream of?
What ... Views: 842
Ask someone why they decided to subscribe to a plant based diet and it will likely be one of three reasons.
1. Health
2. Compassion to animals
3. The environment.
Although they may begin for one reason, often they find all three become their motivation over time. This was my ... Views: 750
In a recent post on Facebook, the question “How do you feel about the term ‘hustle?'” was posed.
Although we’ve somehow been led to believe hustle is a bad thing, in reality it’s a part of life in all we do. Whether it’s our finances, health, relationships, business, you have to hustle. ... Views: 726
Not long ago, I began the 20/20/20 process based on Robin Sharma’s book The 5 a.m. Club.
In a nutshell, you commit for 66 days to get up at 5 a.m. and do a process that includes 20 minutes each of:
1. Exercise
2. Journaling
3. Reading or watching something to enhance your mind, body, ... Views: 1012
It never ceases to amaze me how much control over one’s health most people GIVE up. In reality, you have more control over your health than you may realize.
In a recent conversation with a nutritionist, the discussion of overweight and obesity issues in the adult population turned into a ... Views: 898
It’s amazing how often someone will ask me how I dropped over 55 pounds since my heaviest weight of 212 pounds. Truth be told, I would lose 40 or 50 pounds with a new fad diet only to gain it back. This went on for decades.
That is until I become WFPB… whole food, plant based.
Up to the ... Views: 734
Recently, I hosted a 21 Day Plant Based Eating Challenge. The purpose of the challenge was to eat 100% whole food, plant-based as much as possible over the next 21 days. When you commit to this 100%, you will be amazed at the results.
For those new to eating plant based, this is a great way ... Views: 1095
It’s amazing how quickly people give up on their vision for a healthier lifestyle. Avoid this happening to you by committing 100% to the 21 Day Challenge.
This is where it all begins. Day One. And this is where a lot of people think about starting fresh with a challenge like this, but by noon ... Views: 975