We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
We all experience times when we lose focus. And most of us have to fight the shiny object syndrome the plague so many entrepreneurs. When this happens it becomes more challenging to keep pursuing our goals and dreams.
Do you sometimes feel like you're in a skirmish when you're trying to give ... Views: 1337
One of the first steps of using the Law of Attraction is to set your goals. You must know what it is you want before the Universe can begin to manifest it for you. When teaching someone to do this, I generally start off with the questions “What do you want out of life? What are your dreams?” ... Views: 1510
Now that I’m on an intense learning adventure to sing, play guitar, write my own music, and record my own album in 2011, I get to see what it’s like to struggle in the pursuit of a goal in a new category.
The key word is “new.”
I’ve written over fifty books. Writing another one would be ... Views: 1172
When you study works on achieving goals, over and over again you will run into the statement that you should write your goals down. By this, the authors of these works mean to physically hand-write the goals out, with all their properties; typing them into a computer screen is simply not as ... Views: 1389
Your business started out well enough, but after a few months, you may begin to wonder if you will ever get ahead. After all, it’s expected that after a certain period of time you should start gaining recognition and higher earnings, right? Hard working and dedicated people deserve the ... Views: 1341
I have had the opportunity to coach thousands and thousands of people. However, I realized that not all of them had the right mindset to begin with. So I decided that I will give you a few free self improvement tips right here. These tips are meant to help you succeed with almost any endeavor in ... Views: 2066
Many people, in many places, teach how to reach goals. Among the practices taught, writing goals down is one of the most repeated instructions. There is ample evidence that written goals are attained more often than goals not written down, and this fact is all that is given to explain why to ... Views: 1189
What does it mean to be single-minded? How does single-mindedness look? Single-mindedness is the relentless pursuit of a goal, objective or end state. To become single-minded, the leader must make a decision to focus on only one thing, to the exclusion of everything else – one idea, one ... Views: 2046
There seems to be a lot of confusion about what a life coach is and what a life coach does. In this blog post I'd like to clear up some misconceptions about what life coaching is and what a life coach does. If you're wondering where can I find a life coach, I'll address this at the ... Views: 1358
The strangest thing happened to me the other day. I was invited to the Cape (aka Cape Cod for those of you outside Massachusetts), and my response was I needed to check my schedule. Wow! That response stopped me dead in my tracks. The invitation was for 3 weeks away that was certainly ... Views: 1569
None of us likes to admit it although that at times we compare ourselves to others. This habit of comparing ourselves to others is usually a negative trait. We have a tendency to overlook our own incredible accomplishments and mistakenly believe others are in some ways more fortunate…, more ... Views: 2152
Why would I need a coach for my life?
If you’re feeling stuck, or you have big dreams, or you feel dissatisfied with your current life, you might want a partner to help you move forward. Maybe you’re ready to start the next chapter in your life, but you’re not quite sure how to get there. ... Views: 1319
To be successful you have to help yourself first. You can't expect someone to help you if you won't help yourself. You will need others along the way to be successful but they won't make you successful. They are there for support. Success starts with you. You have got to want to better yourself. ... Views: 912
Building a good customer base in Facebook isn’t as easy as it looks or sounds. Most people are under the assumption that being on Facebook guarantees their success, since there are so many users on the platform, but that just isn’t the case. Businesses have to work really hard if they expect to ... Views: 2176
There`s nothing that compares to the feeling of satisfaction, fulfillment and accomplishment when reaching a big goal. It`s like being a kid all over again and just learning to tie your shoe and ride your bike. The sense of pride and wonder fills you. A whole new world has opened up and ... Views: 1064
I’ve got 2 words for you that can lead you to, and eventually give you anything and everything you could hope for. These 2 words have been in every person’s ‘toolkit’ that has led to their eventual success. Those that have failed, have used these 2 words to drive them out of failure and back on ... Views: 1404
Whether you deliberately do it or not, you’re always looking for an ideal person.
In business you look for ideal customers and/or team members who are a perfect match for the job that needs to be completed.
You look for the ideal mechanic, computer repair person, babysitter, mate, ... Views: 1557
Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve made a plan to strive for something you want, yet no matter what you do you just can’t seem to arrive at the place that you’ve first envisioned? It was very clear at the start, but for some reason or another you fail or lose passion or any number of ... Views: 1092
Telling people what you do is pretty easy if they are willing to intently listen for 5-10 minutes while you give them examples and analogies. Even straightforward professions and products require a bit of dialogue.
Passionate business owners have so much they want to explain that it can be ... Views: 1508
Those of you who have been following me for a while know how important I feel having a clear vision and goals that motivate you are.
Sometimes, though, we may have the most beautiful vision – with a timeline to match – and just don’t seem to be getting there.
If you would have asked me 10 ... Views: 1004
By Pierre Ah-Fat
Are you among those persons who begin their day with a to do list? Do you often bring remaining tasks forward for the following day? Does this leave you with a feeling of incompleteness? Do you go to bed with the burden that there is always more to do the following day? ... Views: 2825
Productivity is a multi-billion dollar business so it should be easy to cross things off your to-do list. For the most part the tasks that are on our lists are not difficult, yet it’s as if an invisible force stops you from implementing.
We’re full of excuses. Some of the excuses are more ... Views: 1587
My mom and I, along with my boys, drove down to Southern California to visit Disneyland. I, therefore, had six hours in the passenger seat to try to figure out the best way to navigate the Alice-in-Wonderland-like mazes that define the innards of the park. I opened my iPad and researched show ... Views: 1317
It's fascinating how some people have no problems asking for what they want, while it doesn't occur to others to even ask. I watch the phenomenon show up in my classes all the time. People pay good money to get coached in a group program, where I promise that everyone will get coached, and then ... Views: 1295
Things get easier as we keep aiming towards our goals. It may not seem like it because we aren't always as clear as we imagine on what these are. We generally have more ideas than we do exacts. Ideas get us started but exacts keep us going (and committed). They also enable us to accelerate our ... Views: 1106
Financial planning should cover a number of different areas and should encompass all aspects of your business. Some of the topics that you should focus on while engaging in financial planning are:
1. Investigate the market and ensure your objectives are realistic.
2. Determine what you will ... Views: 1107
Are you wanting to make change in your life but for some reason you just can't seem to make change stick?
Well you're not alone. I get a lot emails from women all the time who ask me the same question about change.
They all want to know why they can't make a change stick and the reason is ... Views: 1336
Reaching a goal is typically not a simple or quick task. A serious goal is going to require serious effort. Also, reaching goals is not a straight line progress; the process is full of ups and downs, with progress being intermixed with regression. Sheer willpower and strength of personality ... Views: 3576
Many of my clients have come in complaining of a lack of motivation; from not being motivated enough on the job, to not being able to diet, quit smoking, or get out of bed in the morning. They desire to achieve both positive and negative motivationspositive motivations and being ... Views: 1602
All of us are fascinated by greatness whatever its form, sports, entertainment and even gardening! We love to see people doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways. We feel likewise when seeing extraordinary things being done in extraordinary ways. Something about the sight stirs our senses and ... Views: 2361
You’re annoyed with yourself. Very. Downright angry, now that you think about it. You vowed last month you’d stick to your diet and slim down for the summer, and here you are, berating yourself over that double fudge extravaganza you pigged out on last night.
Which wouldn’t be so bad except ... Views: 1282
Your ability to set goals is the master skill of success. Goals unlock your positive mind and release ideas and energy for goal attainment. Without goals, you simply drift and flow on the currents of life. With goals, you fly like an arrow, straight and true to your target.-From the Book 'GOALS! ... Views: 1386
Typically when we are comparing ourselves to another, it is usually in a negative way. If you notice you are doing this, make a point to correct this habit. The good news about comparing is that we can use it to positively motivate ourselves to accomplish more. We may not realize it-- although ... Views: 1860
Many of us understand how powerful daily gratitude is, but few of us are able to maintain daily gratitude habits through life’s up and downs. Julie Boyer’s new book, 30 Days of Gratitude, teaches us how to create a foundation of daily gratitude in our lives. This book offers insightful tips and ... Views: 1388
Youths are upset when they get low grades from what the feel is high-grade work. The resent it when discipline seem excessive or uncalled for or seem motivated by racial bias. They are angry when special attention or professional treatment is given to the teacher’s pet.
Granted, teachers are ... Views: 1386
Tonight during my church midweek service, I read the following quote by Michelangelo on a church brochure:
"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."
It immediately caught my attention ... Views: 1029
TheFreeDictionary.com defines a goal as "the purpose, or objective, toward which an endeavour is directed." From the beginning of time, goal-setting existed. God had a clear purpose, or objective, when He created the heavens and the earth. He had a clear purpose, or objective, when He spoke His ... Views: 2427
It is important to set your own goals. Without goals you could be lost and end up wandering. Goals also give you a sense of purpose, and once you have met them, they give you a sense of fulfillment. Do you want to learn more about how to set your goals? Today, I have some tips for goal setting. ... Views: 1128
Newsflash: all the things that are not working in your life, are the things that are going to bring you to the most peace and the most joy and the most love possibly the most success. Now, this seems contradictory to what you may believe or definitely what you want to do. But, I want you to ... Views: 1086
A good number of people believe that if they do everything right that will help them be happy. While others believe no matter what they do or don’t do, that they may never really have total happiness. Some people believe they must accomplish things like having a good education, living and ... Views: 1790
If you had expectations of plugging in thirty years with only ever working in one company, think again. The landscape is changing for career and business minded professionals, and it is becoming more prudent, now more than ever, to take control of your own career. Forbes Magazine coined the term ... Views: 1201
Arrrrrgh! Stupid Mondays! You hate Mondays. Seriously, like why is it Monday AGAIN? Didn’t you just suffer through a Monday last week? I mean come on! Someone make it stop already. Did you notice how everything terrible happens on Monday? The sun is shining and you’re trying to be happy but ... Views: 1254
Maybe I will, and maybe I won't.
Maybe I do, and maybe I don't.
If I'm to take action, I'll have to decide;
Commit to a choice to which I must abide.
~ Sylvia Henderson
So I shouldn't quit my day job and become a poet laureate?
I introduce to you, "may". It's an interesting word in ... Views: 1606
“All living things contain a measure of madness that moves them in strange, sometimes inexplicable ways. This madness can be saving; it is part and parcel of the ability to adapt. Without it, no species would survive.”
-Yann Martel, The Life of Pi
When Goal Setting it is vital to design an ... Views: 1339
Permit me to begin with a conclusion I have come to after 28 years of studying and pursuing what makes the most unlikely person with the most unlikely circumstance come up with outstanding results, while some who are more likely and in the most favourable circumstance are coming up with the ... Views: 1680
By Jo Ilfeld
Recently I was driving my son to his weekend basketball practice (usually a wonderful father-son bonding activity) and I suddenly realized I headed completely in the wrong direction. Instead of heading to the fitness center, I was actually en-route to my daughter’s preschool, ... Views: 868
Changing how we feel about the past can only occur if we begin taking responsibility for what we were holding in mind. The good news is we can change how we feel about any situation. Instead of struggling to change the past, a better way to move forward is to begin directing our attention on ... Views: 2215
Success is often not pretty. We can be falling to pieces behind the scenes but the show must go on. You have to keep your big boy/girl pants on and keep doing the things you know to bring the money in the door.
No matter what stage of the game you're in, there are going to be times where you ... Views: 1527
Most entrepreneurs have an abundance of ideas but have a difficult time determining which one is worthy of their time. Who wants to pour a bunch of energy and money into a project, company or product that may give little return on investment? Nobody.
You always give something a whirl because ... Views: 1204
A majority of mankind bumbles through life doing things they think are good for them. But most never ask a simple question, "Is this action or behavior getting me the results I most desire?"
And it's no different if you're a business owner. You get in a habit - some might call it a rut - ... Views: 1302