I read an article today about the famous UCLA Anderson School of Management. The article was featured in Businessweek and takes an uncomfortable look at the difficulties women face to get to the top and be compensated fairly. Sure, that’s nothing new. But the surprising information is that women ... Views: 1324
The well-known evangelists of our internet world keep preaching a simple formula:
Design your brand
Identify your message
Get your message out
Amplify your message
As business professionals, we follow this call to action religiously. We write and share articles or post ... Views: 1109
After all the hours of therapy and self-help, self-discoveries, self-realizations, and self-improvements I’ve made, I just identified yet another layer of unresolved issues that I need to deal with. Can you relate?
When will we finally be done evolving and growing into the person who we want ... Views: 1489
We’ve all heard the divorce rate in the US hovers around 50%, but did you know the number of single parent households has tripled since 1960? Statistics show that 25% of households in the US are spearheaded by single moms, and that number has been steadily increasing. The Atlantic refers to this ... Views: 1264
Why we need to be more aware of our skills and how focusing on each other’s strengths leads to more efficient and productive teams.
As I researched the issues at the heart of The Women’s Code, I looked at the reasons and the ways men and women lead differently. My goal was to show how the ... Views: 1559
I feel this time of year is paradoxical. It should be the quiet time of the year due to shorter daylight hours. The long evenings should give us more time to relax with family and friends, or even get more sleep. I believe November and December is the ideal time to reflect on the year that has ... Views: 1409
Have you said these words and then realized another hour or two went by before you were finished? You see the disappointed faces of your family, you order take-out dinner again, and you miss yet another yoga class. Instead of spending time on our family and relationship, we find we spend our ... Views: 1241
With the upcoming launch of Happy Woman Happy World, the first book of The Women’s Code, my team is on red alert. Aside from all the excitement over the completion of the book, I find myself FREAKING OUT at all the things that are piling up on my to-do list. Frankly these days that list is ... Views: 1654
Here is a shocking fact. I didn’t always like women. In fact I couldn’t stand most of them. But eventually I realized that their seemingly perfect lives were not so different from mine and not perfect either. We had similar problems in a different shade of grey. Here is an example: I was a ... Views: 1502
Many of my private coaching clients are women who want to build a business. But they don’t really know where to start and don’t have a formal education in how to go about setting up their own shop.
Let’s go through the steps that are needed to build a successful business. It doesn’t always ... Views: 1210
All these years later, I still think about what kind of mother I used to
be. It took me three years to become a real one after the birth of my
daughter. Motherhood is much harder than most will tell you or admit
to. I couldn’t understand why people said that it was so worth it. I was
32, ... Views: 1312
Susan Sarandon recently said she doesn’t call herself a feminist anymore because she thinks the label is too stigmatized to be taken seriously. She added that our daughters (mine included) can’t identify with this term anymore because it has negative connotations suggesting “a load of strident ... Views: 3206
It’s not a good sign when the first news of the day means dealing with death. But it got me thinking about the huge impact forgiveness can have in our lives. My father’s brother passed away the other night while I was out celebrating the 4th of July with friends.
The two brothers were ... Views: 1375
A client of mine calls it spinning. I call it helicopter brain. Our lives seem almost manic at times, and I’m guessing you feel it, too. Between coaching, editing my new book, event speaking, interviews, consulting and being the mom of an aspiring and talented young woman, my ability to focus ... Views: 1211
Oh the joys of finding new clients. Most business owners, and many of the creative entrepreneurs I work with–decide to look for their new clients, by licensing mailing lists. And then they start to fire off emails and blog posts to people they don’t know. At first look this beats the option of ... Views: 1087
While I can’t be entirely sure about why that is, but all around us, women are being held to superhuman standards. The common assumption in our culture is that women who are successful in their careers are also great at everything else they do. Or they should be. Their homes look like Martha ... Views: 2475
You are asking the million-dollar question. All the blood, sweat, tears, doubts, and tons of time and money—and for what? It took me 13 years to become “an overnight success” but when I finally did, the rewards were extraordinary. The popular TV show Shark Tank gives entrepreneurs the chance ... Views: 1319
Can you believe it? This year is already half over. Wasn’t I just in Chicago, at my daughter’s graduation? Now summer is almost here. We all feel it. Time moves so quickly, we become absorbed in the routine of our busy lives, and some things fall through the cracks. Do you remember what your ... Views: 1358
The idea came to me after watching the Golden Globes. Morgan Freeman declared that he had never worked a day in his life for the last 40 years because to him his job is not work, it is his passion.
Luckily I feel pretty much the same way about what I do. In the mornings, I want to get up and ... Views: 1304
Motherhood, or to be more precise, single motherhood, is the greatest job in the world, the biggest challenge, and the most incredible growth opportunity, especially when you have to push through your fears and personal limitations because you have no choice.
Very often my writings to you ... Views: 1445
Recently, Fortune 500 giants Yahoo and Best Buy became targets of heated criticism after they dropped a bombshell: their employees would no longer be allowed to work from home.
You could almost hear the shrieks of shocked telecommuters who would now have to return to the office—or find new ... Views: 1256
We’ve all been in that place, but the uncertainty can mean the beginning of an important transformation.
The days start innocently enough. We wake up, a bit sleepier then usual, and we don’t really want to get out of bed. Wouldn’t it be nice if today were a Saturday or Sunday? And yet, at ... Views: 1609
If you are easily distracted, the one thing you need—focus—is not always easy to find.
I call it a helicopter brain and maybe you experience the same thing. I have gotten so busy lately, and there are so many thoughts in my head, that I have to schedule absolutely everything so I don’t ... Views: 1632
The vast majority of working women today want a more realistic way to achieve success.
They are currently America’s most famous female executives. Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s CEO and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg are today's biggest role models on juggling business and family. Both are wives and ... Views: 1295
Both are essential to running a successful business.
Lots of talk these days about introverts and extroverts, generated by the bestselling book Quiet: The Power of the Introvert in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. Herself an introvert, author Susan Cain writes that introverts are “too often ... Views: 1767
Ten essentials for running a successful business.
By Beate Chelette
The question came up recently during a private coaching session with a client. What’s the right way to set up a business, she asked. And what will make it the most efficient? I happen to love questions like this because ... Views: 1374
Her true power comes from unexpected places.
By Beate Chelette
What would you guess women said they wanted most in 2013? A recent survey suggests we’re seeing the rise of the alpha woman who chooses to be independent and aggressive when it comes to seeking out and getting what she wants. ... Views: 2093
Most people we get to know in our business and personal lives aren’t meant to travel
the whole road with us. We forget that sometimes, especially when there’s been a good
connection, yet endings and new beginnings are the natural flow of life.
Every year I ask myself: What does my business ... Views: 1154
Set a time limit for when you will put a stop to negative thoughts and allow yourself to flourish again.
By Beate Chelette
You will find that I like acronyms and tools. It’s easier to remember something if we can build a bridge in our minds. We are talking about K.A.R.L. which stands for ... Views: 2033
Recently, a client of mine called very upset about some bad news. A lucrative new government work project she believed was set to begin had just fallen through. It wasn’t her fault, the directors in Washington D.C. decided to put the project on hold. Convinced she would not have the cash flow ... Views: 1359
Boundaries let people know that you respect yourself.
By Beate Chelette
"Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have."
-- Anonymous
That is ... Views: 1432
How to make women your allies, not enemies
It used to be called sisterhood, the feeling of kinship with other women that fosters support and community. Perhaps you’re fortunate to have a support group of wonderful
women, but many women don’t. Frankly, I don’t see much sisterhood around ... Views: 1223
Women can be big bullies, too, but only if people accept their behavior.
By Beate Chelette
The phenomenon of bullying is a big topic in the news these days and it is having a devastating impact on kids at school, as well as women (and men) in the workplace.
To me bullying is the zit on ... Views: 1352
By Beate Chelette
The recent Atlantic cover story on whether or not women can “have it all” has certainly hit a national nerve. The week after the article came out it had received more than 1.1 million online views. Women and men all around the country are registering their objection or ... Views: 1283
By Beate Chelette
The recent Atlantic cover story on whether or not women can “have it all” has certainly hit a national nerve. The week after the article came out it had received more than 1.1 million online views. Women and men all around the country are registering their objection or ... Views: 1474
Problems sometimes turn out to be unexpected gifts, so look for them.
By Beate Chelette
Can’t all this move faster, I asked my herbalist the other day as I sat impatiently on the treatment table? I am smack in the middle of being rewired by nature and Steve is helping me through the ... Views: 1124
Are You A Doer Or A Talker?
Four steps to help you get past the roadblocks in your life.
By Beate Chelette
A few weeks ago I got busted by one of my own coaching clients for being out of balance. I have a particular system that I use to help my clients create the life and business of ... Views: 1271
You have great plans to take your business to the next level, but how do you implement them?
By Beate Chelette
Your plan is in place. You’ve clearly defined your goals and now it’s time to go from here to there. How can you finally take action and implement your plans and goals? You ... Views: 1298
The more specific your goals are, the better chance you have of achieving them.
By Beate Chelette
One of the best arguments I know for setting goals could be an ad for a Global Positioning System (or GPS). Unless you know where you want to go, you can’t figure out a way to get there. ... Views: 1397
[Part Two]
By Beate Chelette
In my last article, I talked about the reasons why women don’t get promoted more often. My experience as a career coach and long-time entrepreneur has enabled me to witness, first hand, why men tend to get promoted at a higher rate than women. Here’s a link ... Views: 1263
Do you ever notice how negative some people are? Lately I’ve heard professionals make snide remarks about another or the industry they’re in and I feel as if I’m on a mission to get rid of negative thoughts. They don’t serve or help us in anyway and they interfere with achieving success and ... Views: 1361
And the top strategies to change that and get ahead.
[Part One]
By Beate Chelette
As a career coach and longtime entrepreneur I have been able to watch how men and women work and advance (or not) in their careers. Here are some of the top reasons why women don’t get promoted at a higher ... Views: 1668
Have you noticed how much fun you have working with some of your clients while others simply drive you crazy? While you can’t afford to lose any clients in today’s economy, it is still a challenge to be at your very best behavior 24/7. And yet, good customer service is crucial to the growth of ... Views: 1103
Clients these days want to do business with people who share their core values.
No matter where I go these days, I read and hear the word “authenticity.” It’s one of the big keywords circulating everywhere, but what’s it all about and how can it help your business?
It’s hardly news that ... Views: 1051
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could do what we love and money would flow automatically?
It actually can do this and it will, but not entirely by itself. An extra step is needed. Money comes around when it is actively pursued and it doesn’t when you neglect to do so.
Let’s take a closer look ... Views: 1133
We hear the term balance a lot these days, but what does it really mean? Giving time and attention, in fairly equal measure, to our personal and professional lives is one way to look at balance. Business demands usually top everything else, especially for entrepreneurs who are trying to ... Views: 1071
How to make your website a successful marketing tool.
Last month a business owner called me to inquire about my coaching services. I took a look at his company website and immediately saw a problem. His visual presentation was a mess, disorganized and confusing with a variety of links to ... Views: 1118
I have always liked the It Takes A Village idea. Getting and giving other women—and men—support when they need it is essential for the success and well being of us all. It is also one of the core principles of The Women’s Code. I was reminded of the wisdom of the village idea two weeks ago, ... Views: 1213
When my daughter was little, she used to yell, “look at me, look at me” for practically everything she did. Standing on one foot, jumping in the pool, she wanted me to look every few seconds and take note of her amazing accomplishments. I was reminded of that human trait when I read an article ... Views: 1238
I have seen it happen to many of my coaching clients. They work hard, put in the hours, follow their business plan and then their business grows. Sometimes almost too fast and they are not prepared for their own success.
Who would have imagined? You’ve heard the saying: Be careful what ... Views: 1218