One of the most challenging aspects of webinar marketing is getting people to attend your webinar (not to mention getting people to buy once they're there!).
But there's a reason webinars are one of the most effective content marketing strategies out there - because they work.
The key to ... Views: 1053
A webinar is one of the most involved – and most rewarding – arrows in your marketing quiver. Because webinars include a lot of moving parts like opt-in pages, social integration, audio/visual components, and slide shows, it’s no wonder that many small business owners commit these 7 common ... Views: 858
Creating and marketing a great webinar is tough. Choosing a webinar hosting platform shouldn't be.
That's why we've researched the top-selling webinar hosting platforms on the Internet and compiled this handy list of pros and cons for each.
We reviewed each application and evaluated the ... Views: 1866
Have you ever wondered why some webinars are wildly successful, while others fall flat? Or why some webinars enjoy thousands of attendees while others are attended by 20 people, tops?
The truth is that successful webinars follow a proven checklist that virtually guarantees their ... Views: 821
If you’re using webinars to grow your business, there is nothing more important than the timing, format, and structure of your presentation. Some marketers argue that these technical aspects of your presentation are even more important than the content itself!
Because it is the ... Views: 965
If you’ve never created a webinar before, the thought of webinar marketing can be really intimidating. You’re probably wondering...
• How will I work out the technical aspects of holding a webinar?
• How do I give people access to the webinar?
• What platform should I use for hosting the ... Views: 845
Are you currently using webinars as part of your content marketing strategy?
If not, you may have an outdated idea of exactly what a webinar is and just how powerful webinars can actually be.
In the past, webinars were used primarily for product demonstrations and to usher customers ... Views: 996
Many entrepreneurs think the best marketing tactics cost a fortune and require budgets of thousands per month.
The truth is that any small business owner with any budget can implement the following 3 marketing tactics with hardly any financial investment.
The best part? These tactics are ... Views: 953
Content marketing has been the industry's hottest buzz phrase for the past several years, but what does "content marketing" really mean?
In short, it refers to the creation and distribution of great content that is either written, visual, or audio. Sharing your brand's message via content ... Views: 898
Getting a straight answer when it comes to email marketing can feel like to trying to solicit tax advice from a four year-old. How the heck are you supposed to know who's wrong, who's right, what works, and what doesn't when it comes to your email marketing?
If you take a quick look online, ... Views: 881
You craft an awesome email blast. Your subject line couldn't be better. You click send. And then you check your email stats. With all of those numbers and percentages, where should you even begin?
If you log in to the back end of your email program, whether it's Aweber or Constant Contact or ... Views: 846
Why do some of your emails get high open rates, while others sit in people's inboxes collecting dust? If your open rates and click-through rates are inconsistent, it could be because you're not following a strategic email blueprint.
This article will outline the specific elements that should ... Views: 840
Great email marketing isn't a mystery. While we may never know why some YouTube videos go viral and others don't, it's easy to tell why some emails succeed and others get sent straight to the trash folder.
Great emails - the kind that get opened, clicked, shared and saved to read again - ... Views: 799
You need to have strong email marketing systems in place in order to effectively monetize your email list. Why? Because sending out email marketing without having systems in place is like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see if it sticks.
Without systems, your email:
-Might get opened, ... Views: 887
Your customers have specific needs, needs that you're working hard to fulfill and over-deliver with practical solutions.
The #1 rule of small business is that you can't be all things to all people. Sometimes your customers need things your business can't provide. When that happens, ... Views: 919
Holding an online contest is a fun, affordable way to grow your email list and engage your followers with your brand.
There are endless ways to create contests, ranging from huge, expensive giveaways ("Win an all-expenses paid trip to Maui!") to contests that don't involve money at all ... Views: 1040
You want to build your email list. You also want to grow your social media following.
While both marketing techniques can be effective in and of themselves, using them together gets you better results.
If you have a large following on Facebook or Twitter, just imagine being able to capture ... Views: 998
The number one question I hear from small business owners regarding their newsletter content is, "What should I be writing about?"
Many small business owners mistakenly believe that they shouldn't email their list unless they have something new and noteworthy to share. Still others are under ... Views: 847
You click send, take a deep breath, cross your fingers, and mutter 'the email frequency prayer':
Please let me be sending this at the best possible time.
Please let people actually open it.
Please let people click on the links.
Please don't let my email frequency be too ... Views: 954
Even if you're not currently offering a lead magnet on your website, you've probably seen them before - a free report for opting into an email newsletter, a free music download for filling out a survey, and so on.
Some small business owners go to great lengths to offer dynamic lead magnets, ... Views: 952
Ka-boom! You've just had a brilliant idea for a new product. You rush to get all your ideas down on paper, shell out thousands to your web designer, and start building a new business that you're sure is going to change lives (not to mention make you a millionaire!)
Six months later no one's ... Views: 889
As a small business owner, you've probably given some thought to your target market. After all, you're not trying to sell life-coaching services (or basket weaving classes, or SEO eBooks) to everyone in the world. Right?
You're simply trying to sell your product or service to the people who ... Views: 959
You may have noticed that some emails you receive from top marketing gurus are three or four sentences tops. Other emails contain paragraph after paragraph of long, scrolling copy that seems to go on forever.
Some small business owners swear by "the scroll," while others insist that short and ... Views: 891
For many entrepreneurs and small business owners, email marketing remains something of a mystery. You know you're supposed to be emailing your list, but when? How often? And what about?
Choosing a great email program takes a lot of the guess-work out of email marketing, because you can ... Views: 865
You get it. You need to be sending a regular email newsletter to stay in touch with prospects, create sales opportunities and increase engagement with your audience.
What happens as soon as you hit send? You start looking at your reports to see who and how many people are opening your ... Views: 1110
How many times have you checked your email inbox today? How many times throughout the day do you check for new messages? The answer to these questions is likely more often than you'd like to admit. The good news is, though... you're not alone! Most of the prospective clients and customers you ... Views: 930
You see the need to stay in touch with your clients, prospects and supporters. You likely have great intentions of doing so.
But for some reason, getting your newsletter out the door consistently just isn't happening. You might be time crunched (but who isn't), don't have a clue what to write ... Views: 923
Since we launched the current version of the Smart Simple Marketing brand back in 2009, by far one of the most effective marketing strategies we've used has been our email newsletter.
We've sent it out every week since March 2010 and have never missed a single issue. Because of that, every ... Views: 944
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." ~ Mark Twain
What makes you different?
One thing that makes humans amazing is that there are not (and never have been) two people that are exactly alike. Try matching your fingerprints or dental ... Views: 934
There is only ONE reason you should have a presence on social media for your business.
That's right. Just ONE.
The reason is - to use the platform to connect with ideal prospects and get them on YOUR mailing list.
It doesn't matter how many fans, followers or connections you have if ... Views: 985
These days, you never know how a new customer will hear about your business.
It can be in a crowded conference center with 2,000 people, or it can be in a small café during a conversation between friends. It can also happen online - whether that's through a post on Facebook, a question on ... Views: 968
You don't have to be a professional event planner to host a workshop or seminar that gets you clients and generates new streams of revenue.
However, you do need to pay close attention to the details!
Put your attendees' needs first
Dates, times, locations and dress codes, these are ... Views: 2229
You might think that only large organizations host educational events.
But according to a recent study I read, more than 40 percent of small businesses hold events. Of those small business that hold events, seminars and classes account for the highest percentage of events held.
What's the ... Views: 936
Have you ever presented a product or service offer to your audience that you were beyond excited about? But then quickly found out you were the only person excited about it because very few (or no one) expressed an interest? (This has happened to us a few times. You live and learn, ... Views: 1087
Email marketing is, by far, the most cost effective online marketing strategy around. A recent statistic I read shared that for every $1 spent, $44.25 is the average return on email marketing investment. (Source: Experian)
To utilize email marketing, however, of course you must have a list of ... Views: 900
Finding new prospects for your business is similar to dating. At the first encounter there is a level of attraction that causes a person to want to get know more about the individual who has caught their attention. After learning more about this attention grabbing person, a decision is made as ... Views: 981
Companies with active blogs receive 97% more leads (Content+ 2013)
• 74% of consumers prefer to receive commercial communications via email (Merkle) and email marketing has an ROI of 4,300% (Direct Marketing Association).
• Social media sites and blogs reach 8 out of 10 of all U.S. ... Views: 968
It goes without saying that to be taken seriously in the business world today, you MUST have a website.
One of the first things prospective clients will do when introduced to you and/or your brand is to "Google" you to see if what you have to offer is what they need.
You want to make sure ... Views: 1024
Don't you love it when you receive a compliment?
You likely feel validated, intelligent, successful and helpful.
Don't you also feel more confident? Especially when the compliment has to do with your work and your business?
Of course you do!
Even better, don't you LOVE it when you ... Views: 922
Let me be honest with you. I HAVE A HARD TIME STAYING FOCUSED. Whew, it feels good to get that out (more on this later). Just last week, my husband, Wil, and I finished putting onto paper our major business goals for 2014.
We have some projects scheduled and prospects in the pipeline already ... Views: 1114
As you start to plan your marketing activities for the new year, one aspect of your strategy you will want to give serious thought in the coming year is developing a higher level of engagement.
Engagement simply means your audience's reaction to your marketing. It's when they follow through ... Views: 1012
Many entrepreneurs reach out to me for help because they have hit a wall and finally got sick of their perpetual state of overwhelm.
Have you ever found yourself trying to figure out which way is up? Or perhaps you've been completely confused about what steps to take to grow your ... Views: 970
Entrepreneurs generally have a lot in common. We're passionate about our work. We care deeply about delivering high quality products and services to the people who need us. We have a "never-say-die" spirit.
Another thing we have in common is a bad habit of focusing on what went wrong. We ... Views: 1034
There are likely tens of thousands of people who need the solutions that you provide. It is up to you to make sure that they receive your information in a way that is going to produce the greatest results in the least amount of time. Content marketing is the way to create lasting relationships ... Views: 1015
Did you know that...
• 91% of consumers reported checking their email at least once a day. (ExactTarget)
• 7 in 10 people say they made use of a coupon or discount from a marketing email in the prior week. (2012 Blue Kangaroo Study)
• For every $1 spent, $44.25 is the average return on ... Views: 969
There's nothing small about the revenue potential of year-end (or holiday) season when it comes to small businesses.
It's the time of year when your ideal clients are spending big, and - if you've got the right plan in place - primed and ready to spend with you.
As the season approaches, ... Views: 934
Websites can be full of articles, resources, answers to frequently asked questions, training opportunities and more. No matter what format information is in on your website, it boils down to this - the content is magnetic!
What is magnetic content?
It is content in any format that is ... Views: 972
You've heard it said that "action speaks louder than words." When it comes to growing your business and increasing your revenue, action screams 10x louder than then wishing, planning AND words combined.
I see so many entrepreneurs stuck in their business and not enjoying the income they could ... Views: 1060
Live events can be a great way to boost your business... if you work them correctly!
I learned this valuable lesson in a mighty way when I attended my first large event in 2006. I was a new business owner and didn't know what to expect. I was also REALLY intimidated by the price tag... $1,500 ... Views: 1217
There are those small business owners who are die-hard social media fans and swear by its effectiveness. There are others who wouldn't touch Facebook with a 10-foot pole. Most of us fall in between these two extremes.
The truth of the matter is that most (notice I didn't say all) ... Views: 1333