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Do you set goals for your business? This is a question that you should take very seriously. Goal setting helps a business owner accomplish two specific things. The first thing that it does is it breaks down a huge task into smaller bite sized pieces. Let’s face it, running a business is hard. We ... Views: 1199
As entrepreneurs, most of us have prepared a well-thought out business plan. It is essential if you are looking for any sort of financial assistance when starting up and will keep you focused while building your business. Having a plan to follow will also increase your chances of success. ... Views: 2314
I was recently asked to speak to a team of independent distributors for a health and wellness company to give them some step by step action steps to get them ready to tackle a 90-day challenge that will help them achieve their next level of success. The challenge involves giving away 90 ... Views: 2325
Here are five limiting beliefs about personal goal setting that I discovered last Sunday when a passerby overheard my Irish friends and me talking while he was taking some photos. He came over to chat to us.
He is just finishing up his final year in Sydney and unfortunately he couldn't get ... Views: 1638
Some people have a problem using the recognized goal setting steps if they are not sure what they want or they do not know how to put their goals in perspective. They know they want to improve some parts of their life and they are willing to work on changing them. But they have difficulty ... Views: 962
Whew...I just made a list of the categories of things we must handle regularly as business owners. Before I started to list them, I was thinking that it would fall into four or five categories. The list grew. I came up with ten areas that entrepreneurs must work on regularly. I've listed ... Views: 1879
It's a brand new year and time to reflect on what you want to do with the next 365 day. Most people abandon their goals within the first 6 weeks of the year! Those people who get results, approach the process in a completely different way than those who don't. It takes a shift in your mindset ... Views: 1540
There are 3 groups of people with whom you’ll partner in your new endeavor: your support system, your new company, and your sponsor. Each of these 3 groups will play a key role in a successful business launch and help you develop a productive, lucrative path to follow along your ... Views: 1135
Darn near everyone gripes about money. I do it, too. We each have triggers about making, spending and saving money. But the one I hear the most about is not getting paid enough. Either you have an abundance of clients but they don't pay you for the real value you give or you don't have enough ... Views: 1375
Do you set goals? I have to admit, early in my career there was nothing -- I mean nothing -- I hated more than goals. I dreaded that time of year when corporate would send down, from on high, their expectations of what they wanted and expected us to do. The goals were always high, always ... Views: 986
In a small business, there’s no denying that there are products that reach the end of their life cycle. There comes a point where sales and profits are no longer growing, but instead, they are declining. The good news is that orders are still arriving, so you have time to make a plan of ... Views: 1374
It’s an undeniable fact - most New Year’s resolutions fail. Not because we don’t want to improve our situation or have a lack of motivation – we do! The truth is, most of us don’t take the time to really create goals that will work for us.
When January 1st rolls around, there’s tremendous ... Views: 4388
It starts innocently enough. I “just” want to go on to Facebook to check on one thing. When I finally emerge from my Facebook haze, 20 minutes has gone by. “Not a problem,” I think. “I still have enough time to pay the bills before I have to go get Isabel from the bus stop.” So I pull up my ... Views: 2334
Lucy felt stuck. She was bright, talented and frustrated. She was stalled in her career and overwhelmed in her personal life and it was creating major stress in her life.
The problem was she didn’t know which area in her life to tackle first, or how to come up with some next steps to move her ... Views: 2262
This is part 2 of an 8 part blog series titled, “Become the Person Who Can Move Mountains.” This blog is about Visualization. The blogs in this series are: Self-Esteem, Visualization, Knowledge, Patience, Understanding, Giving Back, Love, and Faith & Fear.
We all possess important ... Views: 2396
I inadvertently became an entrepreneur about the time I turned twenty-one. My mother told me that she and my brother were starting a business and I didn't want to be left out. I created two other businesses before going through coach training eight years later.
By that time I knew how to ... Views: 1262
With 2013 quickly approaching, how many resolutions will you imagine compiling for your business over this next month? And exactly how many of them will have fallen off the radar by February 1st? Resolutions have a low success rate, and there’s a good reason for that, they are nothing but ideas. ... Views: 622
My husband Jon’s grandparents lived right around the corner from him while he was growing up, and I was lucky to have met Jon while they were still alive. During the early years of my relationship with Jon, it was a form of entertainment to go to his grandparents’ house and have them show us ... Views: 2091
Years ago I found and printed out the poem entitled, "I Wish."
Since then, I have kept it with the important papers in my office that I review every Monday.
Every time I read it, I get choked up all over again.
Having a daughter in college, I know what it feels like to think that you ... Views: 1506
In any business, and especially a small business, there can be countless valuable “potential” profits literally hiding right in front of you. For a small business, figuring out what those gaps in your profits are – and where they are hidden in your day-to-day activities – is almost as valuable ... Views: 1418
Some of us aren’t sure how to be in the energy of enjoyment. Well like anything else, enjoyment is a decision and a skill. A great way to get into the habit of being in enjoyment is to have an intention. Intentions are decisions and also mini goals. So if we decided, “Today is going to be a ... Views: 1832
When I was a child, we had a family friend who we would often visit on Saturdays. They had a wonderful big old house, and being scholarly types, had bookshelves full of books. There weren’t many there that were kid friendly, but one day I came upon a hardbound collection of Wonder Woman ... Views: 1488
At the start of a New Year many of us are thinking about New Year’s resolutions or, what we want to “do” in the coming year. Being a goal-oriented person, I set annual goals every year, which I’m pretty good about accomplishing. Since it’s the start of the year, I’ve been thinking about what I ... Views: 1060
Every year I make a list of things that I would like to accomplish or improve upon, but as is the case for most people, I am not always successful.
This year I needed to try something different.
I notice that I have much more success when I am working on teaching my children something of ... Views: 1014
Some of us are inherent planners, while others are inherently spontaneous, fly-by-the-seat of our pants people. Both groups can be wildly successful in direct sales. That being said, it’s vitally important to design a Plan. Your Plan is an overarching guide that keeps you focused, ... Views: 1079
Today is Day 2 of using New Year's resolutions to strengthen my family, while ensuring personal success.
Yesterday, I discovered many ways that I could teach my kids to stay active and get exercise, while I started down the road of achieving Resolution 1: Get in Shape.
On to Resolution 2: ... Views: 952
Today's focus is on my never-ending quest to save money.
I have employed many methods in the past to cut-back, but because I have not had full buy-in from my family as well as side-steps taken on my part, I end up saving less than I had planned.
With this new focus of linking my New Year's ... Views: 1108
Today I am moving into a new category of resolution: Strengthening Relationships.
With an endless list of ways to strengthen the relationships that I have with my spouse, children and friends, I decided that I need to focus on only a few at a time to have a greater probability of ... Views: 1008
Continuing with my current theme of strengthening relationships, now I am focusing on my children.
The second most important relationship that I will ever have is with each of my three children.
Not only will our bond be a model for the bond that they one day have with their kids, but our ... Views: 1050
As I finish up my series on strengthening relationships, I have chosen friendships as my final focus.
While God and extended family clearly take precedence, I feel like friendships do not always get the proper attention that they deserve, since they fall a little further down on the list of ... Views: 1247
What does the power of intention mean to you? Do you use this power to achieve your goals? Does it work for you? How does it work? To me, the power of intention is simply a plan, a positive attitude and action and most importantly, it only works if I write my intention down. Here are a ... Views: 1264
There are dozens of resolutions your could set this New Year, and just as many reasons behind choosing them. The desire for a better life could push you to ask for that promotion, go back to college, stop being an emotional doormat, and be more confident.
Guilt could spur you to stick to ... Views: 1788
I love to dream and dream BIG!
What I have to be careful of is not getting so wrapped up my dream that I end up thinking more about my dream then I do about living in the NOW. This happens when I am not happy with where I am at.
Life has its ups and downs; this is normal for everyone. I ... Views: 1159
“Mother nature can be both a straightforward serene cow or else a wrathful tigress. Lest we refrain from behaving in an unruly and unwholesome manner with it for untold time span she can nourish us with the milk of innumerable wealth it possesses but if we render it polluted and vilely try to ... Views: 1781
Even the most organized of us makes mistakes when focusing on desires. I would be one of those people (she says with her tail between her legs and head hung low!).
After hitting all time highs in overhead last year, I noticed that I spent a lot of time shifting my energy about my new expense ... Views: 1548
Has this ever happened to you?
You chose a New Year's resolution, but you didn't know where to start, so you never got started. Your elusive desire became impossibly unattainable.
When your habit is to focus on what's missing, your process of goal setting will entail gathering up a bunch ... Views: 1630
The phrase ‘Your Greatness’ can be called different things. It could be ‘Your Destiny’, ‘Your Purpose’, or even ‘Your Calling’. What each of these phrases speak to is ‘what are you on this planet for?’ The thought can be overwhelming! Perhaps immediately followed by ‘I haven’t a ... Views: 1145
Last week, I stood on my back porch, watching the snow fall. No matter how many times I see it, I'm always struck by how magical this act of nature feels. Peaceful. Quiet. Lovely.
Winter is a sacred time of the year. Our modern culture has collapsed the introspective potential of winter into ... Views: 1667
The key to achieving success in life is to have a goal setting template that you stick to methodically. It sounds easy to stick to right? Well, what’s easy to do is sometimes easy not to do. It’s only early days in 2013 and a new year is ahead of us all. It’s a time where a lot of people begin ... Views: 1750
Developing a Career in Tuned with You
Dorothy Narcisse, MSW
Many times people go through life content with the fact that they’ve earned a degree and/or that they have a job that allows them to pay the bills and vacation. However, there is always that underlying factor of purpose and ... Views: 1057
Know about Goal Tracking Contract
What can it do for you and your teen?
Why will it turn effective?
How to tailor one for your teen?
Are you worried that your teen lacks direction and goals? Concerned that they are not working towards anything, so are not working to their potential? ... Views: 2536
The area people get hung up the most with the Law of Attraction is “the how” of it all.
Meaning, they set an intention and then wonder and worry about what to do to actually manifest the end result.
They want a how.
That’s a mistake.
As I wrote in in my book The Attractor Factor, after ... Views: 1383
Many of us ask ourselves how we set bigger goals for work in 2013. How can we get the promotion we have been striving for? Or even a pay rise for recognition of our hard work? A sure-fire way NOT to achieve all these things is by focusing on what people say and not what they actually do. If we ... Views: 1275
Do you view the annual resolution challenge as a reason to move ahead--or a reason to punish yourself for being a serial nonachiever?
Please stop beating yourself up. Instead of attacking or blaming, turn your energy to action. How? You can break the cycle of anticipation and disappointment ... Views: 1105
In my work as a holistic practitioner and weight loss and wellness coach, as well as my personal life, I've seen that the right tools can turn resolutions into milestones that can ultimately work for you. But often, those goals must first be customized to fit your lifestyle and your ... Views: 1025
Did you make New Year's resolutions? Or perhaps you know the process by other names...
- The Clean Slate
- My Chance to Get It Right This Time
- Oops, I Really Dropped the Ball Last Year
Sigh. We are an impatient population. We want immediate results, and if there is a glitch in the ... Views: 989
A great analogy that helps to understand self-discipline is that it is like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. You must push your limits in order to make it stronger. Just like with working out, if you lift weights that are too light, you won’t make any progress. At the ... Views: 3644
Forget setting New Year Resolutions – a one off activity at the start of each year that often feels forced and hurried, and leaves you feeling guilty and inadequate when they’re inevitably broken or discarded a short while later. Why not resolve (make a firm decision) at another time of year, or ... Views: 1066