By nature, people are impatient. Our modern technology and conveniences have just made us want what we want, yesterday! On one had, our impatience is a good thing. It means we believe that what we want is attainable and doable. On the other hand, it can make us question whether we’re on the right track or if we’re even meant to have what we desire. This is usually when we give up and say “this Law of Attraction stuff doesn’t work!” Then we go back to our old habits.

Let me introduce you to a universal law called The Law of Gestation. The Law of Gestation is a natural process of the universe. It basically means that things take time.

If you wanted to plant a garden, the first step would be to make the decision to plant a garden. Then you’d get clear about what kind of flowers or plants or vegetables you want to grow. You go to the store, you buy your seeds, soil, supplies and then you get to work. Would you expect to see a full garden the next day? Of course not. You know that you have to give attention, energy and focus to this garden every day. You have to water it, tend to it and nurture it. And then you have to wait and allow it to grow and bloom in its right timing and its own way.

So why are we so impatient and controlling when it comes to our dreams, goals, hopes and desires? Why do we question ourselves and our abilities while we wait for our dreams to become a reality?

Would you ever wish that a baby be born immediately after conception? In this case, you respect and honour the time it takes for a baby to develop and grow. The thought of it being born prematurely is actually something you want to avoid.

Adopt this same mentality when it comes to manifesting your goals. Have an unwavering faith that what you want is on its way. Trust that your desires will show up in their right and perfect time when they are fully developed. Be patient and respect the natural process of the universe.

Action Challenge

Notice the next time you feel doubtful about manifesting something you desire. Remind yourself that things take time and that what you want is on its way. Continue to take action every day and give your desires positive and loving attention.

Author's Bio: 

Carly Cooper is a life coach, speaker and author of Balance the Mother Load: R.E.I.N.V.E.N.T. Your Life in Just 8 Weeks! She has been interviewed in various magazine publications and TV and radio shows.

In addition to coaching working moms on how to Balance their Mother Load, she is also a certified Law of Attraction practitioner and has helped hundreds of people deliberately attract a life they love through her workshops, group seminars and 1 on 1 coaching.