Just a few hours ago, while cycling on my mountain bike, I listened, on my mp3 player, to Zig Ziglar, as he was talking on the subject of health, he said: “You don’t pay the price for good health; you reap the benefits of good health.” You pay the price of not looking after your health. It is ... Views: 819
John Goddard is known today as the modern day Indiana Jones. He climbed Kilimanjaro, Mount Ararat and just about every major mountain peak on the face of the earth. He was the first person to explore the entire 6700 km of the Nile River, the longest river on earth. He also did the Amazon and the ... Views: 1274
It is the beginning of a new year and yet again so many people have made a lot of New year’s resolutions: I will eat healthier this year, I will go to gym more often, I will spend more time with my loved ones, I will start reading more, etc. I have been a spinning instructor for many years and I ... Views: 4335
One of the worst things in every city on planet earth is rush hour traffic. No one likes to sit in traffic and spend an hour or two longer on the road than necessary. We all try to avoid the rush hour traffic as much as we can. I know quite a few people who are already at their desks at six ... Views: 954
I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky. I think about it every night and day, spread my wings and fly away. I believe I can soar, I see me running through that open door. I believe I can fly…. This is the well-known words of the song by R. Kelly. Without a healthy belief in your own ... Views: 685
All of us have had an experience were we attended a seminar or training course or church service and you were so inspired and motivated that you wanted to start immediately to change your circumstances. But by the next morning all your good intentions have gone and you just carry on on your old ... Views: 717
I once read the story of a successful business man who was looking for a successor to take over his business. He decided to go about it a bit differently. Instead of choosing one of his children or one of the directors to take over the business he called all the executives in his company ... Views: 3960
Hesitation leads to devastation. That was the main principle of an article I read recently on mountain biking. It is one of the most important principles when riding a technical mountain bike route. If you decided to ride the difficult, sandy or rocky or muddy section of the route instead of ... Views: 1848
Looking in the mirror this morning I saw that I’ve picked up some weight lately. It has been a few months since I was involved in any type of regular exercise, and I also did not even think about good eating habits off late. I know exactly what to eat and at what time, and usually I habitually ... Views: 925
I once read the story in an article by Denis Waitley about the history of the Brooklyn Bridge that was build many years ago close to the Niagara Falls, the biggest and most powerful waterfall in America. The developers of the bridge couldn’t cross the river by boat because it is too close to the ... Views: 1560
A while ago I received the following story in an e-mail. Unfortunately I do not know the original author of the story. A man was exploring caves by the seashore. In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled clay balls and left them ... Views: 1121
Protecting your life purpose and potential by Arnold Groenewald
So much focus has been placed in recent years on safety in the workplace. In almost every environment it is expected of people to wear the necessary PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to protect themselves from injury to the ... Views: 668
God’s gift to you today by Arnold Groenewald
Imagine for a moment that you go to the ATM and discover that someone has deposited $86 400, or Rand or Euro, or whatever currency you are working with, into your personal bank account. Now I have your undivided attention! What a great thought. ... Views: 1155
The pothole of mediocrity by Arnold Groenewald
I recently read a story about a frog that accidentally fell into a deep pothole (must have been somewhere in South-Africa). The little frog tried desperately to jump out of the hole, but with no success. He was stuck. After what seemed like ... Views: 2381