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As entrepreneurs and business owners we hear the phrase Value Your Time, a TON. But what does that really mean?
Does it mean charge more money? Work less? Work smarter (another ambiguous phrase)?
What does it mean?
I think it's somewhat different for everyone.
But there is one ... Views: 1234
We have a tendency to respond and act to situations and our circumstance in regards to the convictions and thoughts that we harbor consistently, and the formed after effects of those actions in the long run bring about the quality and conditions of our lives. We have objectives we need to ... Views: 1295
Mark and I work from home, and since we're in a smallish, three-bedroom house, we share an office. However, after two-and-a-half years of sharing the office (which personally works just fine), we're finding that the physical arrangement of the furniture no longer serves us.
We have two big ... Views: 825
Living our purpose is the key to fulfillment. Creating both an inner and outer positive impact through living our life purpose will take you beyond what you might have seen as possible. When stepping into your purpose this way, you experience a depth of meaning and harmony. You become less ... Views: 1176
Is this familiar ...
Here you are, working on your business, just like you do every day.
Oh, wait a minute. I see that you're reading email right now.
You have so much to do today, but somehow, here you are, reading email ... again.
I know, I know. You intend to get some seriously ... Views: 1128
The purpose of your life becomes important as you get older. This is especially true when a person matures from imitating their heroes and mentors. Just as Oprah stated in an interview, she realized she could be a much better Oprah instead of trying to be a Barbara Walters. When we reach this ... Views: 3991
Over a decade ago, my professional organizer asked me why I kept my office supplies in the particular place they were sitting. I had no idea why I put them there. I never thought much about how my office was organized. The only things I cared about in my office were having the best equipment ... Views: 1380
I don't need a plan.
Oh, the joy of spontaneity!
Going with the flow is the way to be (I even said so myself in a previous article).
And let's not forget the old adage that variety is the spice of life!
With these sentiments guiding us, who needs a plan?!
Some of you love to be ... Views: 1165
Happy New Year, Happy New You! :-)
So another year is over and a new one has begun!
Have you set yourself some New Year’s Resolutions?
Well if you haven’t, the good news is it’s never too late to start a new goal.
When you decide what you want to achieve for 2015, make sure you have ... Views: 1014
Looking back at my school career, I have to regard myself as very fortunate. Although from a social point-of-view I am sure other people had a more successful time (I once had to change school due to bullying, before making new friends and becoming more popular), from an educational ... Views: 1346
Every January, millions of Americans take part in one of the most popular holiday traditions – setting New Year’s resolutions. From becoming financially responsible to eliminating bad habits, New Year’s resolutions are great ways to set goals that better ourselves and our health – but they ... Views: 1439
We all know that life sometimes gets in the way of business. It's something that is totally out of our control. We may experience financial difficulties,
family challenges and health concerns, that can all be distractions from your business. Yet, as life goes on, so does business.
So the ... Views: 1208
What comes up when you think about the beginning of a new year? Perhaps it’s fear, optimism, stress, or creation. These are all very natural thoughts to have when considering the unknown. Many people end one year thinking about all of the changes they want to make and form resolutions to ... Views: 1407
In the second of this three part series on taking action, we discussed how to recognize and overcome limiting beliefs to bring yourself closer to attaining what you want from life. In Part 3, you will learn how to get the support you need to get you the rest of the way there.
If you missed ... Views: 1068
# http://www.selfgrowth.com/
"Touch It Mentally"
Time is the essences that carry you through life!! ... Views: 1426
Here we are, already into the new year, can you believe it?
How's it going for you?
The New Year is infused with a monumental surge of energy; you'd have to be stuck in a cave somewhere to miss it. People far and wide publicly declare their intentions, goals, and desires for the upcoming ... Views: 1222
It’s that time again. Time to look back at your business during the past year and put together a plan for the upcoming year. How can you let go of what’s not working and make room for what you really want: a different approach to your work, more emphasis on areas that are the most profitable, ... Views: 1624
If they didn’t notice you before...
Here is the entire secret weapon in just one phrase: To turn your resume into a secret weapon that cracks the job search code, make it appealing – magnetically appealing.
The key is your resume has to be ... Views: 1240
All too often you hear so many people telling you why you cannot be wealthy, or why you cannot be successful and that success is based on pure luck, or family fortune, or tell you their opinion on what will not work, instead of telling you what will work or what can work and why it can work. ... Views: 1461
Every year, many of us make the same New Year's resolutions as last year.
Most of them are not particularly original. The most common ones are: loose weight, exercise regularly, eat healthy, drink less alcohol, smoke less, watch less TV, take more time for the family, for reading, for self ... Views: 1141
New Year’s resolutions; are they made to be broken? For most of us, they usually are. But how is it that we can create resolutions that survive the year and we actually follow through on?
The average time a person can expect to keep a New Year’s resolution is a measly 24 days – not even one ... Views: 1304
As we're thrust deeper into the holiday season with thoughts focused on the New Year, a great temptation is about to rear its ugly head.
No, it's not the temptation of yet another batch of holiday cookies. It's the impossible-to-resist pull to set unrealistic, Herculean goals for 2015.
And ... Views: 945
“Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you.
You must travel it by yourself.
It is not far. It is within reach.
Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know.
Perhaps it is everywhere - on water and land.” - Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
The journey to reach ... Views: 1017
Pick up one of the popular self-help books written on the topic of achievement in the last 10 years and chances are you will find a thick section devoted to ‘visioning’. That’s the process of creating a visual picture of what you want to achieve. While knowing what you want to achieve is ... Views: 1104
“Business is slow. The economy makes it hard to generate revenue. There’s too much competition.”
Comments like these are made each and every day. And yet, there are those who will tell you it has never been easier to build a successful business than today.
So what’s the distinction? ... Views: 1359
One of the most important aspects of running a business, any business, is keeping your customer in mind. As obvious as these sounds, not everyone does it.
A business cannot sustain itself without keeping the customer/client in the forefront. One way to fully serve your customers is with ... Views: 1210
Most marketing strategies are about being in motion. Have a plan, be proactive, and take the necessary action steps. Although being proactive is a necessary aspect of marketing, an often overlooked and yet equally important part is your company’s internal perception. Many companies put a lot of ... Views: 1294
Whether you plan to write an online best seller e-book author or a more traditional book, you will have to finish that book before you actually get anywhere. No matter how good your intentions you may find it near impossible to get your book done unless you are aware of on fact; distractions ... Views: 1608
Excellence – the quality of being outstanding or extremely good
What would excellence look like in your life? Would you have your dream job? Are you living in a new city? Could it involve spending more time with your family? Or is it simply having more money in your bank account? It’s ... Views: 2592
I was reading the Tortoise and the Hare the other day and it got me thinking about goal setting…
When trying to reach the finish line…
Is it better to go fast?
Or slow?
And what I came up with was that in order to Go fast… we need to at times start off slow, by putting in thinking ... Views: 977
Sow? What the heck does that mean? The definition of sow means to scatter seed over (land, earth, etc.) for the purpose of growth. The Roman philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, and political theorist, Marcus T. Cicero, said, “As you have sown so shall you reap.” And in the New Testament we ... Views: 1700
Stalled, stuck, and procrastinating? Take heart, there is always a new day. There is always a new door to try. We, humans, want to be our better selves, we really do, but sometimes we get in our own way. Or we are just too comfy to let go of the old patterns. Or, like shiny things, everything ... Views: 1328
“The secret of success: Get up early. Working late. Strike oil.” - John D. Rockefeller
In a sports setting, we frequently hear the term, “raise the bar.” To “raise the bar” means that we are striving for better, further and faster. This is a big goal for everyone, but do we invariably need to ... Views: 1374
In a discussion with my “Bonus Years” Support and Achievement Circle, one of the members told a story about her dog Tucker, a lovely Sheltie that has been her companion for many years.
As it turns out, a part of the fence in the backyard that had kept Tucker in for many years had been taken ... Views: 1086
I was speaking with a client. She was excited to be co-presenting with a colleague. She said her colleague was very well connected because, she used to be a producer for a major network television show.
My client went on to share wonderful things about her co-presenter, yet had little to ... Views: 1083
Risk- exposure to the chance of injury or loss.
How do you feel when you hear the word risk? Do you get butterflies in your stomach, start sweating and feeling uneasy? Or are you calm and composed when thinking about taking risks? It’s natural to have a mental and/or physical response ... Views: 1655
As I’m writing this, it’s T-60 days until the end of the year. That means, by the time you are reading this, you’ll be even closer to making this year….we’ll maybe not your best year ever.
I’m saying that because if you’re like 92% of the world, you haven’t achieved your New Year’s ... Views: 1797
Do You Use Affirmations?
Daily affirmations are a powerful way to take control of certain things in your life.
Take a little time to think about what you are struggling with at the moment and what powerful words you want to use to affirm you are changing it.
You might be going ... Views: 1457
We can use these five steps if we have a problem of any kind for which we desire a solution or wish for help.
First Step :- Pray and meditate about it. Use the Prayers of Manifestation as they have the greatest power. Then remain in the silence of ... Views: 1322
Are you struggling to get things done? Have you constantly been feeling exhausted or stressed during the day? Has anyone told you that you’ve dropped the ball recently? We all know the feeling of overwhelm, having too many things to deal with. This feeling can have a large impact on ... Views: 1246
I'm not ashamed to admit it. I am hooked on silly soap-opera television programs like "Dallas" and "Desperate Housewives".
Take Dallas (please). The oil barons of Southfork Ranch (in Dallas, TX of course) drill deep to strike oil. You can do the same to strike oil with your idea. Just keep ... Views: 1343
I was speaking with a coaching client today who was having some trouble making a choice between three different niche markets.
She had experience, opportunities and passion for each of these groups of potential clients.
I coached her through two things:
releasing the fears she had of ... Views: 1126
Owners of small businesses, have to have their particular goals in terms of running and growing their businesses. It is vital that they have a clear idea of what short term and long term goals they need to achieve, which should include funding, increasing profits, gaining more customers, and ... Views: 1378
One of the biggest concerns that many of us have in our lives is their own ability to find a career that will suit them perfectly. Nobody can say that it’s easy to find your dream career, but nobody said it cannot be done, either. The secret to finding the right career path is to first have the ... Views: 1330
A couple of ways to manage fear is what this story is about. They came to me while I was on a white water rafting trip in Costa Rica with my son, Michael, and have been applicable on a number of occasions when I’ve been “stuck” because of fear. Here’s what happened.
Michael had just graduated ... Views: 1065
Congratulations! You are interested in making changes in your life and serious about getting results. This involved deciding that you are ready to invest in yourself, your dreams, and goals. Or perhaps you’ve heard a little bit about life coaching and think it could be a good fit for you. ... Views: 1768
You have a great idea, you might have a plan, but you have no idea how to get there. Or perhaps, you have a clear goal and a clear plan, but no unbiased, non-judgmental support. Some people ask, “Do I need a life coach?” Let’s face it, we live in a competitive world. There are a lot of ideas ... Views: 1212
The Comfort Zone Concept
I have never seen the phrase comfort zone in the dictionary, but if it were there, I suppose it would read something like this:
Comfort Zone- A mental state in which no progression toward one’s potential takes place.
I believe that my comfort zone is nothing ... Views: 1688
Did you ever have to manage people who just can’t seem to put their trust on one another? If yes, then you have an idea of how draining and difficult it is to build trust among your team members. And while there isn’t any way you could do this easier, you really have to try to achieve this goal. ... Views: 1360
What’s the use in attending conferences if you don’t have take-aways that bring you a return on your investment? To elicit a return on my investment my take-aways need to either benefit myself personally, or my clients and potential clients directly or indirectly by helping me to better serve ... Views: 1469