We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If you’ve ever presented an idea, concept, or suggestion and received a less-than-positive reaction in return, then you’ve probably wondered where your message went wrong and what you could have done differently. At times, your choice of words is all that stands between you and the positive ... Views: 1391
Think it, See it, Feel it, Believe it!
It’s a little strange really when you think about things…
A good friend of mine just reminded me today about the time when we were in Junior School and I was chastised by the teacher (who I had so much respect and admiration for). I ... Views: 1724
Six Questions to Ask yourself
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school
2. Name 3 friends who have helpfed you in a difficult time
3. Name 5 people who have taught you something worthwhile
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special
5. ... Views: 1147
At the start of a new year, many of us make resolutions which we will try to keep throughout the coming year. A commendable effort, but very often one which we fail to maintain once the first few days of the year are past.
Whether or not you are planning to make New Year Resolutions, I urge ... Views: 1166
There is something special about a new year. It is a time when there is a beginning and an end occurring at the same time. It is a time to reflect and a time to project, or to make your resolutions. A resolution is really a goal and needs structure to be successful. Unfortunately, most people ... Views: 1119
I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Everyone is still in a festive mood and the stress of the holiday season is winding down. I enjoy the after-Christmas sales and I usually take the week off between the holidays.
My number one favorite activity this last week of the year is ... Views: 1154
The year 2012 in almost ending, as the holiday season knocks on our door. It’s time to be around the family and enjoy some quality time together. But it’s also a great time to review the main events of the passing year and think about what’s coming up for 2013.
Out with the Old and in with ... Views: 1437
To deal with any kind of big project we need to look after many areas. Administration or management is the vital part of the project as a good management work can facilitate a project effectively and successfully. Understand the contracts is an essential thing for any kind of project. For the ... Views: 817
What if failure, disappointment and frustration are only a perception? What if so called failures are actually launching pads for incredible motivation and inspiration? What if the only thing that is stopping us from turning our perceived failures into accomplishment, is simply a decision? ... Views: 1700
I am addressing you, personally, in this article, as if we were face to face, and you were my only reader. There is a powerful method for achieving goals that no one is talking about because it is so new, and because it is so very different from what has gone before. I will share that with you ... Views: 1131
I am 34 years young. I prefer it to say in this manner rather than the other standard way. And I’m writing this letter to myself - to my present self, and to my future self, and to my eternal self as well. This is the letter I will never forget as I want to document how I feel being thirty ... Views: 1773
I've always been curious about what causes a person, hopelessly stuck in a rut in any facet of their life, to suddenly break free.
• How do you lose weight after trying every diet and exercise program and nothing works?
• How do you finally nail a financial target after being at the same ... Views: 1217
Why Goals Create Our Future
As a certified life coach my first concern when I am coaching, is to make sure the coachee understands that the goals they are setting today and will eventually be achieving, are the pathways to creating their future. Why is this so important? Because without ... Views: 2097
As we approach the end of the year, it’s common to begin planning ahead and setting goals for the next 12 months. This is a great ritual that keeps many of us focused on what we want to accomplish in the coming year. In addition to this, it’s also important to take time to look back at past ... Views: 901
Do you set your eyes on a goal and keep your focus and energy on attaining it? Your goal may be a promotion, saving for European vacation or getting Christmas presents bought in record time.
I can have tunnel vision when I’m focused on a goal. It amazes some of my friends that when I get ... Views: 1207
Have you ever said?
• I don't have time to do it right now.
• I'm already overwhelmed; I can't add anything else to my plate.
• There aren't enough hours in a day.
• One of these days...
• Maybe tomorrow...
These are the words of your dreams waiting to be followed. Not pretty, ... Views: 1959
A lot of the time people think to achieve goals in life, people think that they need to start chasing the latest “shiny penny”! They feel that if they don’t have the latest and greatest gadget that they are somehow slipping behind the rest of the world. With new technology evolving so quickly, ... Views: 1313
If you’re wondering when you’ll get around to those all important goals that you seem to never have any time for, I have great news! As a certified life coach I can help you do this now, rather than later, or as later usually becomes -never. In my coaching sessions, I empower my clients to ... Views: 1995
When it comes to money, people get serious very quickly. "Put your money where your mouth is" implies that if you're serious about something, "pony up" the money and follow through.
I often watch business owners get excited about a business idea, goal or fantasy vacation and then immediately ... Views: 1359
Written by Traci Brosman
As we wrap up 2012, it is a good time to reflect on what we have accomplished this year and to begin thinking about what we want our life to look like in 6 months, 12 months and longer.
Before you jump forward to the planning part, take some time to look at what ... Views: 1301
We know that in order to make a conscious effort in designing our lives, we need to set goals, but more specifically, the right goals. Without setting these short, mid-range and long term targets, we are lowering the chance that we will get what we really want from our lives. I think there’s a ... Views: 2065
Why do so many resolutions not make it past the first week of January?
As we rush headlong towards the start of a New Year, isn’t it amazing how time flies? Where did 2012 go to? Mind you, a new year often brings a lot of new things as people prepare for a ‘fresh start’, and promise to deal ... Views: 1181
Irishman Walking is about my walking the coastal roads of Japan through a series of summer, winter, spring, and autumn stages. Stage 2 began in the city of Noshiro, Akita Prefecture in the winter of 2009, and ended in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata four weeks later in January 2010. Last summer (2012), ... Views: 3234
The grandmother of one of my friends used to say that the graveyard is full of good intentions. So, why do so few people successfully materialise their great ideas and dreams? And how can you achieve what you want in 2013 so that your good intentions become your reality?
Here are 7 ... Views: 1422
Most of us don’t rush into big decisions without first doing a little homework. We research schools, then go to college to learn skills for a particular vocation. When we date and contemplate marriage, we question intently and consider whether an individual is a good fit. To prepare for ... Views: 1030
Have you ever struggled with your pricing? What's too much? What's too little? What are my competitors charging? Should I go for lots of sales at a low price point or higher price point with fewer clients?
What's your strategy for pricing?
My strategy uses a combination of things. I ... Views: 1227
Change is only for the purpose of making better decisions that agrees with what we are interested in doing or having, or not doing or not having. If we look at the process of change more closely, logically we can see that some changes require more time and consideration. Certainly things like ... Views: 1693
Some highly successful people have been able to take control of life and get what they want without setting any goals – or so they say. They may not have sat down and followed a formal process, but in their minds they knew what they wanted. While this does work, it is not smart goal setting. ... Views: 968
If you are a young professional entering the world of sales, you will most likely have goals for sales targets you want to reach. You will probably go into this new role with a lot of enthusiasm after watching movies of sales people having all the flashy cars etc… But then something happens. You ... Views: 1811
If you are a young professional entering the world of sales, you will most likely have goals for sales targets you want to reach. You will probably go into this new role with a lot of enthusiasm after watching movies of sales people having all the flashy cars etc… But then something happens. You ... Views: 6
First of all I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and/or a Happy Holiday season. Let me ask you a question, what are you going to do next year that will make you a better person than you were this year, last year or the year before? Are you going to improve your finances, your health, ... Views: 995
The one thing I admire about people who have strong nutrition beliefs is their dogmatic behavior.
For example, a vegetarian, under no circumstances, will ever eat meat. There is no, “well, everyone else is having a burger, so just this once, I will too.”
That’s not how it works.
Not ... Views: 1042
Smart, measurable…well, you know the drill. We’ve all heard the acronym (S.M.A.R.T.) and we all know the best way to set goals, but where things tend to fall apart is in the week to week execution.
The truth is many of us continue to seek out the newest article on 5 ways to lose belly fat or ... Views: 915
I'm often asked how I doubled, or tripled, my income in a short amount of time. My answer is usually so simple that it often doesn't make a lasting impression upon those who hear the answer. They go back into their business and sift through all the other strategies they've heard will grow ... Views: 1180
When we struggle with accomplishing a goal we really want to achieve, it can leave us perplexed. When you think about it, why, if we really want the goal, do we not achieve it? What is holding us back? Is it our fault or not? What is the barrier that is stopping us from breaking through with our ... Views: 2223
In reality the process of “changing” is simply making a decision to do something other than what we are currently doing. Change is a reflection of current attitudes. Sometimes we choose to make changes that are relatively simple like deciding where to eat or what to order. Surely deciding ... Views: 1591
What is goal setting and why should you use it? You are probably asking yourself this on a daily basis right? Your ability to set and achieve goals can lead you to wonderful places, allow us to be creative and increase our energy and focus. But how do you master goal setting and use it…
When ... Views: 1291
There are lots of ways to grow your business, work with clients and offer your products. Often it's challenging to know what to accept and what to decline. It's even more challenging when there is money offered to you and you desperately need it.
Knowing your criteria for saying yes or no to ... Views: 1281
The Holidays are quickly approaching and so is the end of the year. This is the time, no matter how many times we say we won’t, we either overspend, find ourselves stressed with too many activities and not really relaxing and enjoying time with the people we truly love.
We find ourselves at ... Views: 1221
You can’t achieve greatness focusing on your weakness. How often have we heard this statement made? How often have we even said it to ourselves only to be snared by our own failures? More important, how do we bypass the blockades that failure erects and which we unconsciously expect when success ... Views: 1156
Purveyors of home based businesses often see themselves as visionaries; after all, it takes insight and foresight to build something from nothing. The entrepreneurial spirit guides our thoughts and provides motivation to move forward.
Forward, however, often leads us into the tunnel. We think ... Views: 1478
If you’re where you want to be in life and are fully content, then please either continue to read this book out of curiosity so you can pass on the wisdom, or pass on the book to someone who needs it.
If however you answered yes to any of the above questions then one somewhat simple but ... Views: 1915
Have you noticed that successful entrepreneurs seem to know what makes them tick....
they know what they want and they know how to get there.
Only once you truly know yourself, will you be able to fully tap into your strengths & abilities each day, regardless of negative people and ... Views: 1005
Have you ever wondered how some entrepreneurs always seem to create such big successes, while you are stuck “just paying the bills” or struggling to make ends meet?
The secret that those entrepreneurs have tapped into is what I use and coach my students and clients to cultivate… a mindset of ... Views: 1331
You have great business ideas and opportunities coming to you every day. Yes, even those of you in slumps have them. But having great ideas and opportunities doesn't always equal money in the bank. Even random acts of networking, marketing and planning don't necessarily mean any new business ... Views: 1391
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all
-- Helen Keller
When you read the title, did you finish the sentence with, "Your tongue will be frozen to it?" :) I bet many of you did. :) I know I would have!
I was recently reminded of a book I loved called, _When ... Views: 1375
In order to create a successful company, a business must take full advantage of the goals that influence business & commerce. These goals can often be broken down into the three simple categories of quality production, financial savings, and shipping. Production influences your businesses ... Views: 899
Success leaves clues. Tony Robbins knows this well, just like many other individuals at the top of their game.
I believe you too can be a Success Magnet, if you know how to think, talk and act similar to other successful men and women.
And whether you believe you can, or can’t, you’re ... Views: 681
I went for a walk the other day and saw a squirrel gathering acorns for the upcoming winter. I was thinking about how much easier his life would be if only he could go to Target for all of his acorn needs.
I pictured the sale Target would have in order to attract the squirrels and imagined ... Views: 1485
When we aren’t getting our intentions or achieving our goals, we need to accept that there are limitations and excuses in the way. At times when we aren’t achieving our goals isn’t meant for us to veer off course and assume the method doesn’t work. What doesn’t work is moving into frustration, ... Views: 1723