I'm not ashamed to admit it. I am hooked on silly soap-opera television programs like "Dallas" and "Desperate Housewives".
Take Dallas (please). The oil barons of Southfork Ranch (in Dallas, TX of course) drill deep to strike oil. You can do the same to strike oil with your idea. Just keep ... Views: 1343
What’s the use in attending conferences if you don’t have take-aways that bring you a return on your investment? To elicit a return on my investment my take-aways need to either benefit myself personally, or my clients and potential clients directly or indirectly by helping me to better serve ... Views: 1469
Is there even a dinner table anymore? Could this be one of the reasons our kids have difficulty with creative problem-solving? Never mind our kids…I’m hearing from employers that their employees, especially in the 18-to-30 age range, lack creative ideas and have poor decision-making, and ... Views: 1604
Maybe I will, and maybe I won't.
Maybe I do, and maybe I don't.
If I'm to take action, I'll have to decide;
Commit to a choice to which I must abide.
~ Sylvia Henderson
So I shouldn't quit my day job and become a poet laureate?
I introduce to you, "may". It's an interesting word in ... Views: 1606
“March Madness” is the period of the annual NCAA college basketball tournament, with the majority of the competition set in March. Fans and followers use a visual chart as a decision tool to track team plays and statistics throughout the tournament. The tool identifies team pairings as brackets ... Views: 1317
“You want to start your own business? That´s terribly risky.”
“You want to go where? But that´s so far.”
“You want a new what? Now, that´s not very practical.”
“You want to leave a ‘good job’ for that idea? How will you take care of your family?”
Any of this sound familiar?
From whom do ... Views: 1343
Gaining others’ acceptance of your ideas can be difficult, and even downright frustrating without the proper approach. Why do you think so many companies look to a marketing or advertising agency to promote their products and services?
Planning an effective persuasive strategy can be ... Views: 1612
Chances are, at some point in your life, a friend, family member or colleague will come to you for advice or guidance on an idea that they have. You should view this as the ultimate compliment, because this person values your opinion and respects what you have to say. They are looking for you to ... Views: 1318
Our personal and professional relationships are sometimes less than supportive and convinced of our ideas. For some of us, adversity is more of a daily occurrence than a once-in-a-while situation. When you are in a position of authority, it is the moment of crisis that can be the most difficult ... Views: 1340
When you have an idea that you’re passionate about, you are likely inspired to figure out ways to make it happen…and fast. Whether that requires a brainstorming session, a sales pitch, or a capital investment, establishing and maintaining strong relationships with other people can help you ... Views: 1281
"Have an idea for the open house at your downtown property."
"Great. But I’ll be out of town on business. Can you handle?"
"OK. Will call your assistant to help me. Need keys and voucher."
"Perfect. Call me later with details. I trust you!"
(Txtversation between two professionals familiar ... Views: 1257
When you communicate verbally, you communicate in one of the most direct ways you can to get your idea across to an audience. Yet, you can enhance what you say and how you say it by showing what you say. Letting people see your message adds another dimension to your communication. Visualizing ... Views: 2821
It’s a great feeling to successfully persuade people to support and help you implement your ideas. Yet sometimes, positive acceptance is elusive. New ideas and suggestions for improvement can scare people who resist change. When you have a difficult time convincing your colleagues to believe in ... Views: 1343
You’ve likely heard the saying, “Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.” But if you did take it for an answer in the past, it’s possible you never saw your idea or plan through to a successful completion.
No matter where you travel in life or what you accomplish, there are always roadblocks and ... Views: 1806
If you’ve ever presented an idea, concept, or suggestion and received a less-than-positive reaction in return, then you’ve probably wondered where your message went wrong and what you could have done differently. At times, your choice of words is all that stands between you and the positive ... Views: 1391
Have you ever had a brilliant idea that fizzled because you couldn’t decide on the best way to act on it? The key to making good decisions in these situations is to organize and evaluate your options thoroughly. You can move great ideas to action by following a few tried-and-true decision-making ... Views: 1095
Down the Up Staircase: Go Against Groupthink
(With acknowledgement to Bel Kaufman, author of “Up the Down Staircase”)
“Up the Down Staircase” is a 1965 novel and 1967 film about the bureaucracy encountered in a school system when a student is punished for expressing his individualism by ... Views: 1325
It’s been said that great minds think alike, but when it comes to presenting an idea to a group some brains couldn’t be more different. That’s why it’s important to understand the special characteristics and needs of your audience before giving a presentation.
In this article, we’ll take a ... Views: 1222
Tips for Organizing Your Thoughts and Communicating Your Concepts
How many times have you come up with a great idea only to receive a lukewarm response – or worse, no reaction at all?
We all want to communicate our ideas in a way that generates positive feedback, encourages others to join ... Views: 1470
Have you ever heard the saying, “You are the company that you keep?” If you have, then you understand the powerful affect that others’ attitudes can have on your own…negative or positive. Conversely, you understand that your actions toward others cause them to act and react in kind. It can be ... Views: 1557
Deadlines. Commitments. Obligations. Time constraints. Terrorists. Business and personal goals. Wait a minute! Did I say terrorists?
What were your sources of stress on September 10, 2001? How well did you communicate with your colleagues, staff, managers, supervisors, family and ... Views: 1474
What is the difference between a suited-up business executive who carries a high-quality leather portfolio into a networking event and a leather-clad motorcycle rider carrying a custom-painted helmet into a motorcycle rally? The answer is, there is no difference. That executive and that bad-a– ... Views: 1739
Analog television is no more! Stations are now digital broadcasters. If you have an analog television you can no longer receive programming without a digital converter box, changing your television, or ordering a paid programming service. Most of you reading this are of an age where you probably ... Views: 1635
Have you ever been tapped to make an impromptu group presentation with a half hour’s notice?
When is the last time someone asked you for a “brief update” on the status of an upcoming project in “about an hour”?
Did you ever stand up in the heat of a membership meeting where negativity ... Views: 2031
Oh my, can there be heresy in the words in the title?
A Nielsen Wire study notes statistics that illustrate the rise of social media use in recent years. We inherently know that social media use rises each year (from the turn of the 21st century, forward). Every media imaginable reports our ... Views: 1473
Read no further if you are not trying to promote your business. Read no more if you are not seeking financial backing or business contracts. Skip this article if you do not need to present your ideas, business plans, or political views to others effectively and purposefully. Do not waste ... Views: 1373
What is the difference between a suited-up business executive who carries a high quality leather portfolio and a leather-clad motorcycle rider carrying a custom-painted helmet? The answer is, there is no difference. That executive and that bad-a__ biker are one and the same, with the same desire ... Views: 1359
You spend all that time and money bringing in and training your summer interns to be productive and to learn. Why end the relationship once the summer is over? Here are eight ways to maintain intern relations and stay in touch with summer interns throughout the school year.
1. Use electronic ... Views: 1600
Otherwise called a Protestant work ethic, a Google™ of the term “work ethic” yields a definition at Answers.com that reads, “A view of life that promotes hard work and self-discipline as a means to material prosperity. It is called Protestant because some Protestant groups believe that such ... Views: 3374
"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When you get up in the morning, what do you do to start your day? You prepare yourself ... Views: 1902
Scenario A: You just finished an interview where you explained to the Human Resources (HR) manager your role in a recent project that brought revenue of $500,000 to your previous employer. The HR manager is the first point of contact in the interview process at the company for which you yearn ... Views: 1177