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Ways to Achieve Your Goals: Become a Money Magnet
Do you struggle with ways to achieve your goals? Would you like to know one of the best ways to become wealthy? Would you like to know a great way to attract money into your life? Then you must learn to become a “Money Magnet”
Learning to ... Views: 1414
Whether you work from home or in an office, it's easy to settle in with your surroundings and create patterns that don't let you stretch into new territory.
However, there are highly valuable resources under your nose that you are not tapping into for increased profits, ease and thrill ... Views: 1307
A lot of people try “affirmations”, “creative visualisations”, techniques such as the Law of Attraction and other methods outlined in "The Secret", or other ways to achieve their goals. They do this for a while, sometimes for a long while, but find nothing appears to be happening. They are no ... Views: 1306
Does it seem that you can't get ahead in life no matter how hard you try? Do things stay the same or move forward at the pace of a tranquilized sloth? Why does this happen? Why are you still struggling despite your best efforts?
So many are looking for the magic answer or that secret tip that ... Views: 1796
So I guess it’s time to debunk some of the money goal myths like – “Money will change me” or “Success will change the person who I am now” by talking about a very successful footballer who has not changed a single iota since he was a young teenager pursuing his dream of becoming a professional ... Views: 1411
Goals are a behavior or outcome that we consciously aim to achieve. It is an establishment of targets that we want to attain within a predefined time frame. They can be intrinsic goals for our family, health, relationships and those set for ourselves or extrinsic corporate goals for profits. ... Views: 781
We are all subject to it at one time or another. You’ve had this goal for a certain time. You’ve been working at it diligently, strategizing and prioritizing as you went along. Actions have been taken following your laborious planning chart and BOOM! A dry spell strikes.
You’re right there; ... Views: 1285
Life in this world is advancing and progressing and this fact is accepted by all. Ancient man slowly but surely strived hard so as to reach today’s advanced state. Divine consciousness seated in man’s heart albeit subtly urges him ... Views: 1098
My professional focus during my twenties and thirties was defining who I was as a professional woman. This entailed long days and weekends. It also required quite a bit of travel and for a few years 100% travel as a consultant.
My career progressed along nicely. As I took on more and more ... Views: 1343
If we asked ourselves what is keeping me from accomplishing my goals, we would immediately see a few things in the way. We may instantly see or sense fear or resistance. Another factor may include believing, “I can’t!” By holding onto fear and resistance, or having beliefs stating I can’t, ... Views: 1877
A genius without a roadmap will get lost in any city, whilst an average person with a clear map, will easily find their way to any location they want to travel to in the city. So even if you have a clearly defined concept about where you are and a crystal clear picture of where you want to go, ... Views: 741
Here is a common saying – “I can achieve goals for life if I work hard enough.” Do you agree or disagree? Actually, it’s a trick question. Because although it’s true that we are in charge of our destiny and results, it’s equally true that we will only go as far as our feelings, mindset and ... Views: 1548
Give me a good book to read and I have a slice of heaven in my hands. One of my favorite types to read is true stories of survival. I'm hosting a book club at my house this month and my book choice is the mack-daddy survival story of all time: Unbroken. It follows Olympic athlete Louis ... Views: 1445
Does the progress towards realizing your goals seem painfully slow and do you feel like you are losing interest in maintaining the disciplines you need to succeed? It is at times like these that you feel like caving in and returning to your old patterns or bad habits, which feel comfortable in ... Views: 1301
Self Responsibility
“It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.”
Sir Josiah Stamp
Self-responsibility, — a concept by which individuals assume responsibility for their own choosing.
Now when it come to the ... Views: 1866
The secret is out on how to achieve life goals… Those who write their goals accomplish significantly more than those who do not write their goals.
What’s more, in a recent study at Dominican University, it was shown that those who wrote down their specific goals and elicited the help of a ... Views: 1577
One of the goals to have in life is the power of positive thinking. My sister got me a book called “The Secret” for Christmas 2010. It is based on the law of attraction and explains that the more we tell ourselves that we are successful, the more we'll behave as if we are. We will start to carry ... Views: 1529
What do we need to do to see ourselves in an entirely new way?! How about deciding what we would like to accomplish; then, pursuing our goal until it is positively achieved. Truly these are appropriate steps in any successful goals process. Regardless if the goal includes issues related to ... Views: 1778
Not long ago, I had been looking for ways to overcome the negative effects of stress, tension and anxiety so that I would become calmer, happier, more productive and more efficient with time. I wanted to change and replace my negative or unwanted thoughts with positive ones.
I had discovered ... Views: 1466
I could brainstorm at least 10 strategies you could implement in your business right now to double your profits. But you'd still have to shift your mindset, up your confidence level and have courage enough to take the inspired actions.
Instead, I'm going to give you the easiest way I know to ... Views: 2015
Have you heard the expression “A stitch in time saves time?” If you have ever gotten a rip in your dress or pants or some other article of clothing and haven’t fixed it right away it usually continues to grow. But if it would have been fixed right away it wouldn’t have taken so much time to ... Views: 1568
One of the best goal setting examples I have been given in my seminar experiences is to do the hard jobs first because the easy jobs will take care of themselves. This sounds so simple right? Sometimes what’s easy to do is easy not to do.
A couple of years ago, my friends and I spent our ... Views: 1517
There's nothing like a money goal to throw you into a tailspin. As you move through your year, you measure the amount of money coming into your account by which month it is. Then you ask yourself if it's possible to generate the amount you want by year-end.
Unless your income keeps moving up ... Views: 1614
I love talking with people about what they are working on and what they want from life. I'm always amazed at just how close many of us are standing to the thing that we want and don't even realize it. True, nothing is given to you unless you put forth the effort and take the steps to attain it, ... Views: 2443
With each new day we find that the world has changed a little; on some days it’s changed a lot. Often that change creates uncertainty; a subtle discomfort that comes from not knowing what’s going to happen next.
During times like these the greatest confidence builder available to you is ... Views: 2622
The greatest gift you can give another human being is not your love, but rather your acceptance of them as they are. If you tell someone you love them, but you consistently show them that you do not accept them, as they are, then your love becomes a burden to you both.
Love without ... Views: 2303
A Better You... A Better Me...
By L.Andrew Morgan
There’s a better you than you realize
Able to do what you’re afraid to try
Able to accomplish without compromise
Able to see beyond your natural eye
There’s a better you than you realize
Driven by a love for life
It knows the day is ... Views: 2347
Does “Need” have a place in personal goal-setting?
Meet Beth Ann…
Beth Ann looks in the mirror and does not like what she sees. “I am so fat.” she says to herself in a whisper. She feels angry and hopeless. In that moment she thinks that she cannot continue to go on like this and decides ... Views: 3423
It is said that if your goals are too easily accomplished, you’re probably not challenging yourself enough. On the other hand, you don’t want to set unrealistic, unattainable goals. So, how do you know if a goal is challenging enough and worth striving for? It should fill you with excitement. If ... Views: 1819
So you’ve just ended a phone conversation where you were looking for some concrete help, and now you feel frustrated!
Thinking back on it, you realize that “yeah but” was repeated (by you) at least three times. You want advice, yet the conversation took turns that didn’t feel ... Views: 2906
The Art of Goal setting
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where …” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.
- LEWIS CARROLL, Alice in ... Views: 2606
A lead generation and appointment setting campaign will only be successful if you know what exactly you should be saying to your business prospects. This makes all the difference when you are intent on generating qualified B2B leads. Just imagine: your prospect is saying one thing, and then you ... Views: 1350
Fitzhugh Dodson was a world-famous psychologist, lecturer and writer. He had many strategies for accomplishing a goal. He once said that “Goals that are not written down are just wishes”. I’d like to share with you why writing your goal down works from my life experiences of travelling the world ... Views: 2109
Have you ever felt like you were doing all the right things, but not getting anywhere? If you truly are putting in the effort to set your goals as we've been discussing thus far, it may be a matter of choosing goals that just aren't right for you. This may lead us to consider changing your ... Views: 2863
Before getting into the heart of the point I'm going to try and make in this article, I want you to think of your idols. Evaluate who the people you admire most are and the areas of your life they have already affected.
What is an idol? In my book, somebody i idolise is simply somebody with ... Views: 5630
Are you an avid goal setter? What do they do? You set long-term and short-term goals, and you go about to do things and make the goals happen, right?
Right. Now that life is so simple. What’s left for us to do? More goals? Or nothing else to do? How about we practice meditation?
Now go ahead ... Views: 1669
Life is a journey. There are so many questions to answer. What is your destiny? What is your purpose?
What are your goals? What are your strategies? Now I am here asking another question…can you really dream it live it?
In life there is choice after choice. Sometimes we choose wrong. ... Views: 1238
I don't know about you, but I struggled mightily trying to figure out how to make a quantum leap in my business. Funny thing is that anytime my profits jumped up in a significant way, it was never the way I had intended.
Does that mean that you can't plan for a big profit increase?
You ... Views: 1399
Your goals must be easy to perceive, understand, or interpret. Albert Einstein knew how to set and achieve goals and once said “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” These are wise words from a wise man, so it’s vital to pay heed of Albert’s wisdom. You must be ... Views: 3206
One of the realities when you are a coach is eventually your engagements with your clients do end. While that usually happens when the client reaches the goal they were targeting when the coaching relationship began, it can end at any time particularly if the client does not care to continue ... Views: 1378
Have you got any idea where your life or business will be one year or five years from now, or are you satisfied to leave that to chance? You are most certainly going to arrive somewhere, one year or five years from now. My question to you is “WHERE” is that going to be. You can continue to fly ... Views: 1093
You have to determine the people who are regarded as the best in your line of work, and decide to model them. You don’t have to be like them, but you can study and learn from them. If you associate with people who are not goal and success orientated, that alone can prevent you from achieving ... Views: 2265
We may have not noticed but even as a child, we were already creating a vision board in our mind. The toys we want to have, the clothes we want to wear, places we want to be; small dreams but a clear visualization. As we grow older, our minds expand and our dreams are no longer just dreams but ... Views: 860
While managers need to have an internal focus that advances them toward the overall accomplishment of their goals and objectives, many continually get bogged down with a myriad of meetings, phone calls and peripheral activities. Rather than actively advance toward particular goals, their daily ... Views: 1149
Different research initiative point to a variety of causes for strategic planning failures or disappointments . Survey results suggest
- Numerous executive teams spend less than an hour per month discussing about strategy
- Hardly any employees are aware of their company's or firm's ... Views: 2382
I used to define success only in the context of career – how far up the corporate ladder I could climb and how much money or bonus I could earn. I think years of business and life experience have taught me to take a much broader perspective on success. To be truly successful is to have balance ... Views: 1474
"Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines."
Brian Tracy
All of us have grand desires or small wishes. What separates a few from the many is the fact these few have goals, to the attainment of which they are striving. This makes this selected group successful, and the other not. Even ... Views: 2099
When it comes to living your ideal life, there is one thing that you can do that will automatically improve your chances of attaining the life that you have always imagined, the disconcerting thing about this is that only 3% of the population bother to do it.
You could be forgiven for ... Views: 1416
There are so many components to website ranking and search engine optimization techniques that it can sometimes be daunting to know where to start when you want to get a languishing website quickly up to speed. Although SEO is almost by definition an endeavor requiring good patience because of ... Views: 1487
Visualize Your Goals daily
Visualization – said to be a very important ingredient in reaching your goals in life.
As Napoleon Hill said in his famous book “Think and Grow Rich” whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe he can achieve
Once you know what I is you want to achieve ... Views: 1489