We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If there is one thing that we would like to change, it would be the notion that we can change something that has occurred in the past. Perhaps you may agree that if something occurred in the past, we can accept what happened and choose to begin moving forward. We can decide to change how we ... Views: 1398
Each year at this time, I ask my clients to take a look back at the past year, acknowledge their accomplishments, and assess what worked and what didn’t. This year, I’d like to share my own results. When I wrote about my intentions last January, I declared that 2013 would be about doing it my ... Views: 1184
Did you make your New Years Resolutions? It's a sad fact that about 98% of us won't keep a single one of them! Why is that you may well ask? For many people out there it's a cultural thing... they make new years Resolutions because everyone else is doing it and it's the traditional thing to ... Views: 1307
As you look at setting different goals in life, I want to encourage you to look at who you need to be rather than just what you need to do. Behavioral changes alone, don’t last. It’s only when we make real, internal changes in who we are that change is maintained. A critical aspect is making ... Views: 1216
Find Direction - Live Your Life Your Way
We’ve all heard this phrase, “Set your goals” or “you need to write your goals down and you will succeed." And some of you may think,
1. I have no idea how to do this.
2. This all sounds too airy fairy for me. Like should I write my goals down? ... Views: 1669
Let me be honest with you. I HAVE A HARD TIME STAYING FOCUSED. Whew, it feels good to get that out (more on this later). Just last week, my husband, Wil, and I finished putting onto paper our major business goals for 2014.
We have some projects scheduled and prospects in the pipeline already ... Views: 1114
Let me talk about self help tips today. Every year, around the month of December, you will have people doing their yearly throwbacks and roundups of how the year went for them. Some will have regrets while others will be proud of their achievements. Whatever the case may be, most will have new ... Views: 2575
When people talk about productivity they often talk about routines or habits.
“Professionals” tell us that it takes 21-repetitions of an action to form a habit. This means that after twenty-one repetitions of an activity, it will be engrained into your mind and body so that you do it ... Views: 1543
Your spouse wants a big Holiday do--not just the in-laws, grandparents, aunts and uncles, your respective siblings, their mates and assorted children, but also all sixteen cousins with their mates and kids, because after all, you rarely can get the whole family together, and--it’s the ... Views: 1332
I feel this time of year is paradoxical. It should be the quiet time of the year due to shorter daylight hours. The long evenings should give us more time to relax with family and friends, or even get more sleep. I believe November and December is the ideal time to reflect on the year that has ... Views: 1409
There are many variables that can keep you from achieving your goals if you let them which is why your focus is absolutely needed! But all the focus you can muster will be of little good unless you have the motivation and direction you'll need to succeed when pursuing any aspirations or ... Views: 2137
Often, we approach things with an attitude of CAN DO, when it comes to our goals. We say we’re going for it….and yet, how in alignment are our actions with the goal we want to achieve?
Sometimes, we have a goal that we think everyone will approve of and yet, we’re not really all that high on ... Views: 1151
It seems by the time November 1st comes around everything is playing to the tune of “beat the clock.” The end-of-the-year has a lot to do with hustle and bustle. Businesses are trying to make plan, so bonuses can be distributed. Retailers are promoting holiday sales by incenting people to shop ... Views: 1463
The ladder to success needs to be a dedicated project if you want to reach the goals you desire. Don’t expect to just sit back and hop your goals can be reached without any effort on your part. It is not likely to happen.
Many people are lazy about setting goals for themselves. They either ... Views: 1589
One woman I respect and admire is Debbie Zimmerman, who is the co-founder of the 100 Women Project along with her daughter, Sheri Oppenheimer Baker. Always delivering a smile and a kind word, Debbie lights up the room with her personality. Her passion - and life's work - is health coaching and ... Views: 811
Feng Shui principles are a powerful way to achieve the accomplishment of your goals. Its energizing principles influence the outcome of the creativity and visual impact of another powerful tool, the Vision Board.
A Vision Board, whether it is a bulletin board with push pins or an elaborate ... Views: 2105
Having a business plan is an important part of starting a new company that you cannot afford to skip. Regretfully though, simply having an established plan is not enough to guarantee success. Here are seven different areas that your business plan may be lacking in, and why those mistakes could ... Views: 1506
Eleven weeks today we’d have said hello to 2014!! So, are you thinking yet about the kind of year you really want to live in 2014, as the first step to deliberately designing your desires in 2014 is setting goals.
Below is my seven step formula to creating and achieving your goals to move ... Views: 2306
Many Professional Speakers out-perform others in giving speeches or taking their stage. But does their public speaking predict their vocational success? Does it all come down to the power of the voice or possessing the authority over your own convictions, thoughts and opinions? Public speaking ... Views: 996
Did you know that the answer to your productivity depends on the first 15 minutes of your day? Physically we know having breakfast in the morning is important to getting the right fuel to sustain our energy and metabolism throughout the day. What we may not realize is that fueling our brain ... Views: 3468
This blog offers information that I’ve learned from my parrot, Shakespeare. Shaky (short for Shakespeare), has been with me for some thirty years now. Amongst the many lessons he taught me, one of my favorites is his demonstration of how to Aspire Higher by setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals.
Shaky is ... Views: 1940
Do you see yourself as a winner? If by chance you answered 'No' to this question, it reveals a lot about your self-esteem. By responding ‘No’ prevents you from winning. If you if you think you can’t…, you can’t. Thinking in this manner is limited. Limited thinking makes it difficult for us ... Views: 2256
The first day of every month I think about what I intend to achieve during the month, what actions I need to take and what habits to put in place to achieve them. So, today I created my ‘check off list - how am I doing with my habits in October’ chart I discussed in my recent blog Climb the ... Views: 1294
Here are law of attraction tools that will put the nuts and bolts together for your goal setting experience. Tapping into these will give you the know how to making changes.
They are the third set of law of attraction tools. Be aware of them before beginning your goal setting plan.
The ... Views: 1071
These law of attraction tools, will free your mind. Watch how life unfolds after that.
Here is the second set of law of attraction tools, highly recommended before beginning your goal setting plan. They will certainly keep you on track towards making your changes.
These are a follow up to ... Views: 1326
Check these law of attraction tools when beginning your goal setting plan. Practice of these tools reap phenomenal results for anyone!
If you’re looking for making real changes, these tools will put you on track to achieving your goals faster and with ease.
This is the first set of law of ... Views: 841
Here are 7 steps to goal setting to get you started on your goal setting journey. They are profound steps that will have you achieve your goals faster.
What Do You Want?
What is your goal?
What does this goal mean to you?
Why is it important to you?
... Views: 1334
Effective goal setting can surely be achieved when attention is given to neutralizing emotions. There is evidence that emotions affect the success of achieving goals.
Who would have thought emotions affected achieving goals!
But they do.
Emotions are energy vibrating at different rates ... Views: 1632
If you are not satisfied with your current state then achieve goals in life. If your situation seems to remind you of a merry-go-round, achieve goals in life. If you are serious about doing something you have never done before, achieve goals in life.
Achieving goals in life is a sure way of ... Views: 1338
Recently one of my mentors flew down to San Antonio, Texas with some other top marketers to work on something really big. During his time there he decided to interview some of these very successful marketers. Many of them are millionaires and some are still only in their early twenties.
When ... Views: 1292
Are you having problems with your productivity? In this article, I will be sharing with you some online self help tips on how you can improve your productivity and hence accomplish more things in lesser time. Do read this article with an open mind and I believe you will learn something new, so ... Views: 1677
Would you like to accomplish great things in your life? If so, what would you like to accomplish? Do you have dreams that you would like to achieve that fulfill Your Purpose?
For you to fulfill Your Purpose and make your dreams a reality there are some simple steps for you to follow.
1. ... Views: 1587
Kick of this Fall by Embracing the Change in the Air
As we say good-bye to summer and hello to fall it is a great time to pause and reflect on what we want, what opportunities await us and what we should leave behind.
I recently took my daughter to college which was a new experience ... Views: 1258
One of the sure ways to ensure success in life is to achieve your goals to live your dream. Measuring ones’ success comes from a personal perspective. Some people measure life success by their financial status. Some people measure life success by having a healthy, peaceful family. Some people ... Views: 1142
Many people have this annoying habit of starting many different projects simultaneously or on different times and leave them unfinished before taking on another responsibility. They are either too callous to complete what they started or are confident that someone else will do it for them. ... Views: 1018
When you have a goal or desire that is important to you, do you ever go into mental overdrive before you see the results? I know I have. I know my coaching and teleclass clients do.
You can go into overdrive in several ways:
• Think about every scenario possible that could go wrong. ... Views: 1585
In order for us to be more successful requires our first determining what is it that we want to accomplish. In other words, we need to make a decision and establish a reasonable goal that we can accomplish within a reasonable period of time. We may first think we have to make a list of all ... Views: 1608
You found yourself brimming with confidence and excited to tackle your new challenge head on. You dive right in and then poof, six months later your vision is dead. It's amazing, how quickly that "superhuman, I can take on the world, this idea is flawless" feeling can disintegrate. It usually ... Views: 1242
Sir Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” I agree that acquiring new information can help you sift through the many choices in life and make wise ones. I also happen to think that the quest for knowledge can be a big stumbling block to success.
If you have ever thought that you need more ... Views: 1470
Last month, my wife and I celebrated the birth of our first child, a healthy, adorable and precious baby boy. We named him Daniel JuEun, which means God’s grace in Korean. Going through the nine months of pregnancy, enduring the long eight hours of labor and being there in the delivery room as ... Views: 1692
My son wanted new toys so I responded by telling him he needed to get rid of some toys. At that time, he was 6- years old and he looked like I had told him he was to bed with no dinner. How do you explain making room for new toys to a 6- year old? We were sitting on the floor in his room playing ... Views: 968
Visionaries aren’t just “people with lots of ideas.” Rather, a visionary’s brain has an astounding ability to make sense of seemingly millions of complex associations at lightning speed, working and reworking the puzzle of an uncountable number of infinitesimal factors, and seeing possibilities ... Views: 1216
Today, I would like to share with you some personal development tips on why it is important for you to set your own goals. You may have heard people harping on how important that is. Did you ever wonder why?
Goal setting is important, firstly because it gives you a sense of direction. Think ... Views: 1444
During a recent masterminding session I attended via web conference with fellow online solopreneurs, we discussed the topic of 'Growing Successfully'. We were asked to come up with the analogy of what our business would look like if it were a tree. I immediately envisioned the maple tree in my ... Views: 1282
Sometimes it seems the Universe is not hearing your requests. Your powerful self may feel like it's on vacation because you can't hear its voice. Loneliness sets in. This sets the stage for all the mischievous, lying, bad news Gremlins to come in talking their smack.
These are the moments when ... Views: 1621
Consider this- you start your weight loss journey all motivated and pumped up. For a week straight you have been eating clean and working out. But as soon as the second week starts you land a huge deal and your entire focus is on the deal now. Good for you, but what about weight loss? Down the ... Views: 3390
Each of us has a set of things we excel at and another, larger set at which we suck. And while we tend to linger on the things we're bad at, we neglect the fact that we can greatly improve them, if we would only stop whining and saying that we can do it later. Let's show a few quick statistics - ... Views: 1458
Have you ever set a goal and then wondered why it never happens? I am an ambitious person and I get really excited about the idea of creating a life that is inspiring, fun and abundant with success and opportunities. I’m sure you are too. I used to have a habit of writing down my ideas and goals ... Views: 1309
One of the most fundamental yet vital personal development activities is goal setting. You may be surprised at how big a difference goals can make in your endeavors. Let me discuss this topic with you and hopefully you will see why that is so.
Now the first thing I want to harp on is that ... Views: 1378
Is creating a list of health care career goals fairly easy for you, while making your own wellness goals a priority seems very difficult? Many nurses and other health care professionals get so focused on helping patients (or leading/teaching those who do), they don’t even think about taking ... Views: 991