What do we need to do to see ourselves in an entirely new way?! How about deciding what we would like to accomplish; then, pursuing our goal until it is positively achieved. Truly these are appropriate steps in any successful goals process. Regardless if the goal includes issues related to ... Views: 1770
Everything in this world is made up of energy including us.
Other people pick up on your energy. If it’s positive you’ll attract positive people into your life. If you have negative energy, you’ll always attract negative people and negative situations into your life.
If you find that you ... Views: 1889
Perhaps you’ll agree that when something is bothering you, it prevents you from being at peace. In truth, the more we try to figure out “what-to-do” or “what-not-to-do” actually keeps the situation from changing. Take a moment and look at this consideration more carefully. Whatever we are ... Views: 2925
So often we are so concerned on focusing on what we don’t have that we forget to be grateful for all that we do have. Remember to be grateful for having a roof over your head that keeps you warm and cozy. Be thankful for the clothing and food that is available. Appreciate those that have ... Views: 1728
If there is one thing that we would like to change, it would be the notion that we can change something that has occurred in the past. Perhaps you may agree that if something occurred in the past, we can accept what happened and choose to begin moving forward. We can decide to change how we ... Views: 1416
We all know what a mistake is so there is no reason to offer the dictionary’s version of this reality. Mistakes offer us an opportunity to examine our thinking and discover what aspect(s) of our projects could be done differently, positively, therefore resulting in improved outcomes. Mistakes ... Views: 2094
We all have so much information on both sides of this question. “Good / Bad?”, “Naughty / Nice?”, “Happy / Sad?” As children we began seeing things in opposites. Actually, this is our seeing things in duality. Our basic nature is happiness and love. So therefore it is suggested that we are ... Views: 1443
“It won’t work!” “It can’t work!” “No way, no how!” So basically what we are really holding in mind, is, “What’s the worst that can happen?” Clearly this is not how an article should begin if it is titled "Only the Best." And yet, this is what most of us are doing, most of the time. We ... Views: 1561
Perhaps you’ll agree that absolutely nothing about stress feels good. Stress is basically feelings based on insecurities of not knowing what to do about a particular situation. Stress feels angry, confusing, and sad. Stress also feels anxious, irritating, depressed, and fearful. Sometimes these ... Views: 1444
Counting blessings is good. Gratitude for the blessings kicks it up into the stratosphere. Gratitude is connecting with the Infinite source of all goodness.
See a beautiful tree--be grateful. Say “Thank you.” A bright sunshiny day--say “Thank you.” A rainy day--say “Thank you.” A new ... Views: 1921
When life hands out lemons, why not make lemonade! This approach is deciding to view all situations and circumstances as an opportunity of seeing everything in a good way. The more we practice viewing things positively will help us to shift our attitude away from ‘I can’t…’ towards “I can!”
... Views: 1583
If you’re expecting good things most of the time, please stop right in this moment and give yourself a pat on the back! Bravo to you! Realistically we should all be expecting good things at all times. Truth appears that most times, most folks tend to expect somewhat unfortunate outcomes. Think ... Views: 1456
Perhaps at times you have noticed your heart is racing while watching a movie or listening to a negative conversation. If this is your experience, you can be certain that you may actually be in a state of panic or fear. By regularly listening to the news or watching action-flicks may actually ... Views: 1426
It seems like almost everyone has some ideas related to time management. And realistically most of us are still not sure how to consistently manage our time. How about instead of managing our time, that we choose to make better use of our time?! Perhaps you might agree, that when we are in ... Views: 2160
Emotional eating is often an unhealthy and uncomfortable attempt of trying to distract ourselves from facing something we deem as unpleasant. So often we overeat without realizing we may be trying to cover up some level of insecurity. We may also be using food as a means to avoid doing ... Views: 1601
The details related to our childhood, and things that we’ve experienced in the past, are still very much running in our subconscious minds. Our childhood memories are affecting how we are living our lives today. As children, we may have fallen out of the bed or down a flight of stairs. Or ... Views: 1645
“When there are problems, if we would love more, they would disappear. When the love is complete, the problem dissolves immediately!” ~ Lester Levenson
When the love is complete, always includes a positive resolution. There is no uncertainty. There is no ambiguity. There are no ... Views: 1364
Happiness exists in everyone. Happiness and love are your natural state of being. All the happiness that you can possibly imagine exists within your very Self being right in this moment. This is good news! The happiness that we are seeking is right where we are says Lester Levenson, founder ... Views: 2100
Let’s face it–if we are stressed about work, we are also stressed in all areas of our life. Unless we change what we are holding in mind, we will continue to experience stress. Stress is an unnecessary choice that we are fueling by holding the wrong things in mind.
Job stress comes in many ... Views: 1515
Perhaps you’ll agree that when something is bothering you, it prevents you from being at peace. In truth, the more we try to figure out “what-to-do” or “what-not-to-do” actually keeps the situation from changing. Take a moment and look at this consideration more carefully. Whatever we are ... Views: 1440
Regardless of the changes we would like to make, it is important that we begin by clearly deciding what it is that we would like to change. The decision part of any area of our life that we are hoping to change is a very important aspect. Clearly we can easily agree that choosing healthier ... Views: 1448
In truth, many of us still believe that happiness is a secret. First of all, opposite of what most people believe, happiness is available to everyone–at all times. No one is excluded. Every person, regardless of their age, nationality, level of education or success, is naturally capable of ... Views: 1453
The issue of facing challenges is a very interesting point. Take a moment and check in with yourself and see “How do you face challenges?” Notice if any of these suggestions rang true with you:
* Avoid dealing with person or situation that feels challenged
* Complain about challenges
* ... Views: 1688
If there is one thing that we would like to change, it would be the notion that we can change something that has occurred in the past. Perhaps you may agree that if something occurred in the past, we can accept what happened and choose to begin moving forward. We can decide to change how we ... Views: 1398
In deciding to review past resolutions, intentions or goals, means we are continuously willing to keep moving forward and challenge ourselves to be positive. We are determined to overcome whatever issue that we would like to resolve. If overeating, smoking, drinking, excess internet gaming, etc. ... Views: 1302
What do you perceive necessary in order for you to be inspired and successful? Well let’s begin by looking at inspiration. Inspiration is anything that generates a willingness to accomplish something in a wonderful way. It includes “Only the best outcomes” and is leaving all doubts aside. ... Views: 1478
The end of the year is quickly approaching. This is a time when many of us put unrealistic and often unhealthy expectations upon ourselves. If we perceive the year end as hectic, guess what… we get to be right because that is what we are holding in mind. When we are feeling pressured by time ... Views: 1289
If you haven’t yet recognized this fact, nothing good comes from being jealous. Jealousy is a deep-rooted emotion in the realm of pride. Jealousy damages relationships. Reasons for being jealous include: thinking we can’t have something… believing we aren’t good enough… lacking confidence ... Views: 1805
So often we get so caught up in complaining that we forget that we have an option to choose to do something else. We have also conditioned ourselves to COMPLAIN about anything we dislike. And without realizing it, we have further given ourselves both a negative and deconstructive outlet in ... Views: 1346
We begin forming relationships from the moment we’re born, yet by the time we’re adults, it’s easy to feel completely inexperienced. Whether we’re raised in loving, nurturing homes or in a less open environment, relationships often leave us feeling vulnerable, uncertain and insecure.
A key ... Views: 1723
This year let’s all plan to enjoy ourselves and the holidays. Why not? It’s a decision! A few of the reasons that we don’t enjoy the holidays is simply because we are reliving past holiday experiences. We are going over mental lists of what we previously happened. We are stuck in fear and ... Views: 1441
It seems by the time November 1st comes around everything is playing to the tune of “beat the clock.” The end-of-the-year has a lot to do with hustle and bustle. Businesses are trying to make plan, so bonuses can be distributed. Retailers are promoting holiday sales by incenting people to shop ... Views: 1463
Leaders exist in all walks of life. More importantly, everyone has the potential of acting in a leadership position. We can all be more successful by establishing a positive attitude and also by having an attitude of gratitude. Leadership includes vitality, charm, being flexible and also ... Views: 1507
If we are intimidated for any reason, it certainly makes it unnecessarily difficult to be happy. Realistically, intimidation is allowing our fears to influence us in a negative manner. When we are intimidated, we are also on some level deciding that the other person is more powerful. If this ... Views: 1528
Do you ever find yourself disagreeing with others? Or maybe you find yourself disagreeing with yourself? Perhaps you’ll agree that disagreement is pretty much an indication that we are very much in non-agreement or strongly dislike of something in its current reality. It is also saying that ... Views: 1577
Seriously have you had enough of going through life wondering “Is this all there is?” How much longer are you willing to wait for things to change? Please acknowledge that waiting for things to change is no longer a viable consideration.
We have all at one time or another spent much time ... Views: 1490
Do you see yourself as a winner? If by chance you answered 'No' to this question, it reveals a lot about your self-esteem. By responding ‘No’ prevents you from winning. If you if you think you can’t…, you can’t. Thinking in this manner is limited. Limited thinking makes it difficult for us ... Views: 2256
Have you ever experienced something beyond words? Perhaps a first kiss… An unbelievable sports victory… Wearing a new outfit by your favorite designer… Driving an expensive car… How about wedding day bliss? The birth of your children… Yes all of these occurrences are transformational! ... Views: 1925
Is it really difficult to make changes or are we just accustomed to believing change is difficult? Good question. Regardless of what we would like to change, most of us have a host of excuses that we use that actually keep us from accomplishing what we would like to achieve. This is silly and ... Views: 1521
In order for us to be more successful requires our first determining what is it that we want to accomplish. In other words, we need to make a decision and establish a reasonable goal that we can accomplish within a reasonable period of time. We may first think we have to make a list of all ... Views: 1608
How often do you tell yourself that you can’t do something? Believing we can’t do something is a belief that we can begin to challenge. If we believe, for whatever reasons, that we can’t do something, we will resist (with all of our might), in an effort to hold onto our belief. In the long ... Views: 1625
What does it take to stop believing that the image in the mirror is unattractive? First of all, notice what you are holding in mind. What are you creating for yourself by labeling yourself negatively? When we look in the mirror and dislike our image, we are seeing ourselves in a distorted ... Views: 1567
The only reason we haven’t decided to be happy, is because most of us aren’t really sure what real happiness is. We mistakenly believe that other people, experiences, or things are what we need to make us happy. In truth, you are the only one capable of making yourself happy. Happiness is ... Views: 1561
Letting go of perceived bad habits is the result of making better decisions. By understanding ‘how and why’ we act in the ways that we do is deciding to get bigger than our fear. In deciding to overcome the habit of protecting ourselves with fear empowers us to be free of perceived bad habits. ... Views: 2203
None of us likes to admit it although that at times we compare ourselves to others. This habit of comparing ourselves to others is usually a negative trait. We have a tendency to overlook our own incredible accomplishments and mistakenly believe others are in some ways more fortunate…, more ... Views: 2152
If we were to give up one really bad habit, it should be to disconnect from believing that we are unworthy in some manner. Unworthiness is an untruth that we have bought into. In truth, no one is unworthy unless they have pinned that label onto themself. Sometimes because of our ... Views: 1644
Here's an example of some common "I can't" feelings experienced by people who struggle endlessly with abundance:
- "I always have to work hard to make money."
- "No matter how hard I work... or how positive I try to be about my financial situation... I never seem to have enough."
- ... Views: 1701
Typically when we are comparing ourselves to another, it is usually in a negative way. If you notice you are doing this, make a point to correct this habit. The good news about comparing is that we can use it to positively motivate ourselves to accomplish more. We may not realize it-- although ... Views: 1860
A good number of people believe that if they do everything right that will help them be happy. While others believe no matter what they do or don’t do, that they may never really have total happiness. Some people believe they must accomplish things like having a good education, living and ... Views: 1790
Changing how we feel about the past can only occur if we begin taking responsibility for what we were holding in mind. The good news is we can change how we feel about any situation. Instead of struggling to change the past, a better way to move forward is to begin directing our attention on ... Views: 2215