Now this may be a foolish question to ask but I am going to ask it again anyway. Is your doctor and auto repairman related?
Think of this. When you want a qualified and concerned doctor to take good care of you don’t you try a top-notch one? I believe your answer would probably be a “yes’ ... Views: 1057
In most cases the traditional doctor’s education in medical school is about the same for all its students, so conventional doctor’s treatments are not usually the best ones.
Recently my wife was admitted to the hospital because of chest pains. After several days of tests it was determined she ... Views: 1068
I was reminded recently that life’s changes aren’t always acceptable but you live with them anyway.
For some reason I woke up with this thought the other morning. I don’t know why this thought came to me now except I’m going through some challenges in my life and they are not acceptable but I ... Views: 1029
This is a question I believe everyone needs to answer. Do you fly with the flock or soar above it?
The other day I listened to a CD about the story of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” which is a story of a bird, his life, his challenges and his decision to fly or not fly with the flock. It’s a ... Views: 1259
If you think aspirin is safe to use you better think again-because it isn’t safe. Now I know my research could stir up a big hornet’s nest. But here is some proof.
But here is something rather shocking that is hard for me to believe. Even the FDA is giving aspirin a bad report. Most of the ... Views: 1063
The average person today doesn’t realize that Statin Drugs are the most dangerous prescription drugs you can buy today. They are the ones you see frequently advertised today on the TV stations.
You see them under the names of Crestor, Zocor, and Lipitor which are the most common ones. Then ... Views: 1166
If you want to have more fun in life Why not create it now? Oh! Do you think it’s not possible? Well it is if you believe you are in charge of your life.
Believe it or not you are in charge and don’t let anyone convince you that you are not. Is it difficult sometimes believing it, yes it is? ... Views: 1086
If you haven’t taken charge by now to treat your body as well as a fine-tuned running engine, I seriously believe you should do it if you want to live a healthy life.
It’s amazing today that so many people go through their earlier lives surprisingly healthy but by the time they reach early ... Views: 1034
You better know what foods you are eating today. It’s a good idea to check and see how healthy they are.
Since my wife was hospitalized recently for a partially clogged artery I have reviewed some of my research about healthy and unhealthy foods.
She had decided to start drinking Sprite ... Views: 1092
I’ve always believed you must stand up for your beliefs and don’t falter. I wouldn’t necessarily say I would never change my opinion about anything if I found I had gotten some wrong information or misjudged something. However once I have checked things out, listened to some experts and even ... Views: 1574
It’s true – feeling good is good for me, for you and for everyone. But here’s the thing, I can only feel good for me when I feel good for you and everyone else.
My purpose in life is to help others achieve their goals that they have always wanted in their life. That is why I wrote three books ... Views: 1021
In my constant research of natural and alternative medical procedure I just now uncovered some information I was not familiar about before.
It’s a proven alternative to coronary stents and bypass surgery. It’s called enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP). The safe non-invasive procedure ... Views: 4126
It is very important to know exactly what goals you would like to achieve so they become reality.
You must make them vividly clear what goals you want before you can expect to have them become true. Many people just generalize what they desire in life instead of being specific about what they ... Views: 1139
How do you boost your immune system for a healthier body? Well according to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of “Super Immunity” it all starts in the kitchen.
He says what we feed our bodies has everything to do with our health – and sadly most of all are making the wrong dietary choices. He follows ... Views: 1246
In this day and age it is reported that more people are obsessed about eating fast food. At least one quarter of Americans eat fast food every day.
Why do you think fast food is so popular? Here’s some of the reasons why this is so true: It’s filling: it’s convenient and it’s inexpensive. ... Views: 3667
If you plan to be more successful in life you need to plan it, do it and achieve it. Here’s the simple method to make to become more successful in your life.
• Plan it. Have a well-defined plan of all the things that will make you successful. This includes physical things, mental things, ... Views: 1140
It is your choice whether you love your job or hate your job. If you love your job that is “great” and stay with it. If you hate our job life can be miserable and very stressful then maybe change is needed. Over the years I found myself in both those situations. Earlier in my life when I ... Views: 1154
Dishonesty should never be an American way of life yet our president seems to practice it regularly. What a shame that the top leader of our country practices this more times than we realize. Was this the way he was raised as a child or is it something he just acquired since becoming a ... Views: 1091
The ladder to success needs to be a dedicated project if you want to reach the goals you desire. Don’t expect to just sit back and hop your goals can be reached without any effort on your part. It is not likely to happen.
Many people are lazy about setting goals for themselves. They either ... Views: 1589
The U.S. war on cancer has been going on for almost four decades. It may be time to admit we are not getting to the real cause of the disease nor are we providing the right cures. Most of the things known to cure cancer, such as tobacco, radiation, asbestos, solvents and some drugs and hormones ... Views: 1478
Now many people would refuse to believe that there are any advantages to mind control power. But I can tell you for a fact that using it properly can get you some awesome results for whatever you want to accomplish in life. Of course you must also understand that it's important that you are the ... Views: 1355
Chronic stress can become a dangerous situation in your life and may cause you to develop even more serious illnesses as well. Relaxation and stress management is vital to your health.
Stress is a Serious Medical Concern
Many issues you face today in your daily life can cause stress ... Views: 1180
Today the billions of dollars spent on surgery is a real hoax. Many times a person’s illness can be solved without surgery. So many unnecessary surgeries have even been called an epidemic. Many surgeries have even maimed or killed patients. There have been stories of doctors even mistakenly ... Views: 1326
What is your vision in life and why is it important facts to know? Here is why, because success is more than economic gains, titles, and degrees. Planning for success is about mapping out all the aspects of your life. Similar to a map, you need to define the following details: origin, ... Views: 1581
If you live in a state where sunshine does not shine too frequently and you can’t go to Florida or Arizona to get more of it, you can find it in a bottle.
Vitamin C in a bottle can replace the lack of sunshine you can’t get naturally. Now lying in the sun has been getting more approval then ... Views: 1527
The chiropractic philosophy places a strong emphasis on the body’s innate healing wisdom and for less reliance on band aids like drugs and surgery.
Chiropractic was founded as a healthcare profession in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer, based on the premise that the body had an innate healing ... Views: 1145
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness and severe vision impairment for people over 55 worldwide. The central part of the retina in the back of the eye is known as the macula. The retina is where you process all visual images allowing us to read, and to see people and ... Views: 1184
The prescription drug companies have become masters in influencing the general public that their drugs cure illnesses and diseases. The sorry truth is their products do more harm than good.
Their advertising influence tries to exploit which fears and weaknesses you may face in your health ... Views: 1175
It is possible to relieve most joint pain and stiffness without resorting to prescription or over-the-counter drugs. These joint pain remedies are only temporary ways to get relief and they can usually end up causing more severe problems than the joint pain and stiffness condition.
Many ... Views: 1156
Most people do not realize how nutrition smart it is to supply your body with healthy nutrients either through vitamins, minerals and healthy food.
While it is best to get all of your nutrition through eating healthy food it is not always possible to do so. That's because what it is ... Views: 1115
Americans are among the unhealthiest people on earth and this situation continues to get even worse. Learn to get healthy the nutritional way.
The reason is clear why this unfortunate situation continues to be so frightening. You cannot get well by taking prescription drugs to resolve your ... Views: 1205
The news media is beginning to crank up the flu story once again. It hasn’t reach a panic stage yet but it is being suggested you need the vaccine. So instead of being vaccinated here's what I suggest you do. Make sure your immune system is ready for its defense against it and forget about a ... Views: 1072
How do you know if a person is willing to attain self improvement? This is a question with no definite answer. It will all depend on the individual. Many people have goals, dreams or ambitions but do not know how to go about achieving them. They may have thought about what would make up self ... Views: 1214
Two of the most common products that many Americans use today should trigger medical concerns about them because they are both considered hazardous to your health. They are the microwave oven and the cell phone.
Dr. Percy Spencer, a self- taught engineer with the Raytheon Corporation ... Views: 1578
Preventing illness is not as complicated as you may think. It's no secret that lifestyle habits can determine the overall condition of your health. Your diet is one of the most vital ways for preventing illness. But if is also important that the food you eat has a high nutrient density if you ... Views: 988
Got a pain? Painkiller drugs are not the right answer for solving your problem. Listen close to what I am about to reveal to you later in this report about how you do solve this problem. Right now I’m going to spell it out to you the many dangers of some of the most popular painkiller ... Views: 1239
The best way to get a good night’s sleep is the alternative and natural way, not the prescription drug way. You will learn how you do this right here but first let’s see what many people try to get a good night’s sleep.
A recent study found that 90% of Americans suffer from too little sleep. ... Views: 1217
Fight for your Health is a book written by Byron J.Richards and it exposes the FDA's betrayal of America. This is a stunning expose' into the secret world of the FDA, Wall Street and drug companies. At stake is the health and well-being of all Americans.
Adverse reactions, even deaths, are ... Views: 1362
It's easy to get healthy and fit when you know what to do to make it happen. Just implementing six vital and simple steps in your daily health regimen every day could help you get healthy and fit in as little as 90 days time.
Here are those six vital and simple steps to add to your daily ... Views: 1094
If you ever had a doctor to tell you, “your sickness is all in your head,” most likely you thought he/she was kidding. Patients might have thought the reason the doctor said this is because they couldn’t figure out the source of their symptoms. But it has been proven many times positive thought ... Views: 4441
While there is simply no substitute for eating healthy unprocessed whole foods, there is some need to complement your diet with some nutritional supplements.
One of these is CoenzymeQ1O (COQ10) which has been available for decades. COQ10 limits free radical production, which affects the ... Views: 1208
This statement became so true because of the death of Michael Jackson. Why anyone needs drugs to make it through life in any endeavor is something I find hard to understand.
However there are millions of people who have a drug abuse problem besides Michael Jackson, and the problem is ... Views: 1135
Remember this, omega-3 fats are very essential to your health and your children’s health. So it’s important to add it to your daily health regimen.
The best source of Omega-3 is fish oil and cod liver oil. I don’t remember ever hearing of fish oil when I was growing up but I sure do ... Views: 1535
Would you like to know how to make your dreams come true? Well it’s possible when you know what to do for it to become reality.
But before I go any further let’s make sure you understand what a dream really is. The dictionary defines it in a couple of ways: “A series of thoughts, images or ... Views: 1171
For your daily lunch choose a fresh vegetable salad which is not only nutritional but also economical in these hard times. Whether it's a salad off a salad bar or one made at home it's an energy booster full of exceptional nutrition. It can help boost energy to complete your day on a high ... Views: 1216
If you don’t know the true facts about factory farming then you should because it’s unbelievable and horrible to watch. If you really want to be totally informed about laws governing what you eat, have a strong stomach then I recommend you go to You Tube and look at a video on the subject. It’s ... Views: 1307
For those not really sure what a miracle is here is the definition in Webster’s Dictionary “An extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment.”
There are story after story of people who have been successful in their lives and being persistent seems to be one of the key ... Views: 1318
The day was a most beautiful one. A perfect day for the challenge was now here. The feeling was terrific and exhilarating too.
It was a job that must be done even though there wasn't any encouragement from either family or friends. It was time for the jump anyway so the decision was made. ... Views: 943
Have you reached a point in your life when life is no longer exciting any more?
Could it be that you haven't yet planned your retirement and really don't know what your life is going to be like when that time comes about?
I remember discussing this subject with some of my friends when I ... Views: 1349
Are you shocked? Are you a disbeliever? Do you believe Big Pharma and the medical community that says there is no known cure for cancer now? Do you believe the “pink campaign” for supporting research is legitimate?
Come on folks. Don’t be stupid. Don’t let all those organizations ... Views: 2545