1. They Need to like You
If people don’t like you then they won’t respect you. If they won’t respect you then it may be difficult for them to believe anything you have to say. Rapport is the power to influence. It’s a first and a must. People generally make up their minds about you when they ... Views: 2250
1. They lack a strong purpose in life
What is your purpose? I don’t mean, why are you here? But, what drives you? What inspires you? If you could be and do anything for the rest of your life, what would it be? Having a purpose in life can be the difference between having or losing motivation. ... Views: 1064
In today’s society we usually care more about our external world and neglect the internal one. We seem to overlook details such as our health, state of mind or even self-awareness. We spend thousands of dollars on what gratifies our external world with the latest technology, lavish cars, big ... Views: 2938
Find Direction - Live Your Life Your Way
We’ve all heard this phrase, “Set your goals” or “you need to write your goals down and you will succeed." And some of you may think,
1. I have no idea how to do this.
2. This all sounds too airy fairy for me. Like should I write my goals down? ... Views: 1662
NLP Coaching
Most successful people have had a coach guiding them on their path towards achieving what they wanted. People such as Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfery and even Eleanor Roosevelt had coaches. Nuero Linguistic programming (NLP) coaching is about giving you personal power and equipping ... Views: 2334
Have you ever wondered why it's always the same people who are making the sales? While you know your pitch quite well, have studied the product inside out and attend every sales training invented? Throughout my career in sales I have observed many successful and unsuccessful sales people and let ... Views: 1771