Check these law of attraction tools when beginning your goal setting plan. Practice of these tools reap phenomenal results for anyone!

If you’re looking for making real changes, these tools will put you on track to achieving your goals faster and with ease.

This is the first set of law of attraction tools, let’s start with the most basic of the all the tools – Faith


This is the number one tool, it is the backbone of everything, without it the going is tough. Life seems hard. Survival is the order of the day and suffering is a given.

With Faith, there is ease, Knowing, calm, understanding, flow, joy and people Thrive.

So Have Faith.

This may seem scary or outlandish to many but here goes - Have Faith in God, the Universe, Oneness with your Life!

When you have Faith with your Life, you’re carried through life and occurrences seem effortless. Miracles continuously happen and life is just sweet.

There is absolutely no doubt, just sweet flow, situations seem to be handed to you on a platter and life is simply amazing, beyond your wildest dreams.

I've been there, I Know. That’s the purpose of this site to share with others and show them what it is like to live a life of bliss and wonderment. It’s very Kool!

When your life runs on Faith, it’s like a drug, you’re hooked, you keep coming for more because the highs are so glorious and you really feel like you’re experiencing heaven on earth.

Eventually your Faith keeps building and building, like an investment account.

You will notice yourself acting differently in some situations. You will occur more bold, humble, confident and peaceful because you Know – you just Know.

So, beginning your goal setting plan with this law of attraction tool is crucial.


Here’s another asset for beginning your goal setting plan, it allows you to stay on track towards making the changes you want.

This law of attraction tool is Meditation.

I’ve meditated on and off now for many years but I recently got the real purpose behind meditation – it stabilizes one’s frequency.

What do I mean by that? Everything is really energy. What you see, what you hear, taste, touch and smell are all interpretations of vibration.

Energy vibrates and moves at different frequency. Therefore everything has a frequency. Frequency is what holds form together.

Emotions are considered energy in motion. They are carries to the fulfillment of our goals.

Some emotions however do not foster the achievement of goals as fast as others. These are low frequency emotions like anger, sadness, fear etc.

Others like joy, love, acceptance are considered high frequency emotions, the environment provided by these emotions are conducive to the achievement of goals.

When I’m in love, I Thrive because I'm feeling good and this creates the optimum vibrational environment.

That’s like a seed, in an optimum medium, it will grow healthy. So the right medium is crucial and the medium in our case are our emotions.

Meditation allows us to practice stabilizing a frequency of bliss or close. To do this we practice to quiet the mind.

A quiet mind has no thought. Thoughts generate our emotions, they are profuse and get us into moods we are sometimes unaware of.

Some of these moods cannot support healthy growth. So if we could quiet thought, we could support growth.

That’s the benefit of meditation.

Author's Bio: 

This site seeks to provide information and solutions to live a life where anything is possible. The author Dawn A Grant seeks to share her experiences with others in an effort to show that goal setting can be a simple and powerful process for all. She couples with her experiences, the profound principles which has allowed her to live a life of joy, ease and freedom.