We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Meet Ricardo Alvaranga, a 24-year-old contractor that came to Naval Station Guantanamo Bay from Jamaica to save money and open a business back home. The following letter is something Ricardo hopes for. I asked him to sit in the future mentally and watch his dream unfold in his mind. He was to ... Views: 1449
Decision Definition
Decision can be defined as the selection of the most preferred and suitable outcome for the situation. According to Harald Ofstad, when a person makes a decision it means that he may have a positive behavior for something, or that he may have made up his mind for a certain ... Views: 1340
Atlanta’s Homeward Choir, a group of 26 homeless men from Atlanta’s Central Night Shelter, was invited to sing at the White House in December of 2015. When the group got the invitation--and how that came about is a wonderful story --among the many questions the choir members asked of their ... Views: 1448
The end of the year can either be one of the most relaxing times or it can be hectic. Sometimes it’s a little of both. Preparation for the holidays and travel are only a part of the year-end priorities.
The end of the year is a good time for reflection on what has been and what you’d like to ... Views: 1508
As we're closing out this year and welcoming a new one, I want to talk to you a little bit about the importance of renewal.
Each year is a clean slate.
Each day is a fresh start.
So let's take advantage of that, shall we? It's time to incorporate some revitalizing and renewal practices ... Views: 1397
Fall means to me a new beginning and a fresh start. The turning leaves, the crisp air, seeing the children head back to school, getting focused and back to a full work week all creates in me a sense of bitter sweet. I am sad to see the lazy days of summer pass, the chill in the air signaling ... Views: 1319
I am all for you having everything…
You know that, right?
I completely believe in your ability to conquer the world and make all the money, impact all the people you want…
It is absolutely something you are capable of…
However, I see you stuck in place getting no results because you ... Views: 944
As soon as you've made that decision, it's time to target where you like to change your life. What goals do you desire to set? And most importantly, what is the first goal you're intending to tackle?
You may have career goals like going back to school, getting a promotion, or starting your ... Views: 1713
If this sounds familiar, it might be because you are trying to achieve your goals in the wrong way. Following through
with your goals means you need to know the right way to achieve them. In other words, you need a goal setting success plan.
Here are 10 steps for goal setting success to get ... Views: 2389
When it comes to being successful in one's life or career, many of us think that those who are blessed with intelligence or high IQ are the ones who are likely to achieve success. There is new research from Stanford University, however, that challenges this belief.
According to psychologist ... Views: 1469
Before we move directly towards this Four Finger Goal Achieving Theory, let us first get clear view about the term GOAL.
“A desirable, observable and measurable target or objective to be accomplished in a set period of time.”
- Abhishek Vijaykumar Vyas.
The Theory:
The four fingers ... Views: 1495
The Way Most People Look Online Business
Many people start an online business, or any small business that doesn't require a huge amount of start-up capitol, and then just. . . give up! What's worse, they blame the business model saying, "Oh, that thing doesn't work".
What's really funny to ... Views: 1080
You can use your mobile devices and the Internet for a lot more than texting, taking selfies, and playing games. You can also use it to make your life better by taking advantage of goal-setting and motivational apps. There are loads of these apps available to use on all of your devices, and they ... Views: 2290
If you relate to the following, you may indeed be a perfectionist:
You are very critical of yourself
You are afraid of making mistakes
You think in terms of ‘black and white’
You continually need approval from others
You set unattainable goals for yourself
You find it hard to ... Views: 1571
How often have you taken time to identify what truly matters to you - what you are passionate about and would like to explore if you “just could”?
"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." ~ Oprah Winfrey
As identified in the 2014 Gallup study, about ... Views: 1199
Success and process
Success is not an accident, it doesn’t happen randomly. The Oxford dictionary says that success means 1. „The accomplishment of an aim or purpose”; or 2. „The attainment of fame, wealth, or social status”; or 3. „A person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains ... Views: 993
We all have those times where we can just chug along in our businesses and lives…. la la la la. We’re good. We’re happy. It’s status quo at its best.
And then that all changes. We want more. We’re ready. Status quo is not good enough.
So, then we have a decision to make.
I call this a ... Views: 1047
This is the perfect time of year to think about goals – goals you’ve accomplished so far in 2015, goals you still want to meet before the year ends, and goals you start setting for 2016.
There are the 3 determinations to figure out what your goals are and whether or not you are meeting ... Views: 1257
Do you know what the most important kind of smart goal setting is for your life?
We all have goals that we set and we know the importance of smart goal setting and it's one of those topics that gets beaten to death and a lot of us don't want to hear about goal setting anymore. We're sick ... Views: 1731
Recently I was reviewing my goals to check how I am doing so far. Checking whether I was flowing towards my dreams or flowing away from them. As I was reviewing my goals I found that I was flowing 70% towards my dreams and 30% away from them. I wasn’t quite surprised because I know that ... Views: 879
There are less than 4 months left in 2015, but that gives you plenty of time to meet and exceed your revenue goals for the year, if you’re smart about it.
These four ideas will turn up your sales volume before New Year’s…
1. Find the money sweet spot.
Ever heard of the hedgehog ... Views: 1242
I've told people thousands of times that they've just got to ask for what they want. And I find that most people only have one problem with this directive . . . They don't KNOW what they want!
You can't ask for what you want unless you know what it is!
In this exercise, I'm going to start ... Views: 923
Productivity isn’t something you pull out of thin air. It happens because you have several traits – a strong work ethic, the ability to focus on tasks that need to be accomplished, and the ability to organize your work life well. Part of that organization is a consistent habit of planning each ... Views: 1456
I’ve had several coaching calls lately where my sweet little clients want everything to be perfect before they hit the “Go” button. They want “it” to be perfect. They want everything figured out. They want assurance that it’s all going to go to plan.
Yeah….. that whole planning thing…. see, ... Views: 1087
If you’re anything like me, you’ve been counting the days until your kids are back in school. School has started back up around here and I must say, it’s nice to have peace and quiet again! I love my kids, but I’m more productive when school is in session.
However, school starting always ... Views: 1256
We've All Been There, Done That
Staying on task in order to get things done is an important part of growing your business.
As the leader of your pack you must learn to overcome procrastination so that your team can follow in your footsteps and be highly productive on your behalf at all ... Views: 1077
Busy people drive me crazy. The whirlwind of their lives, at work and at home, reminds me of a hover craft or a hydrofoil boat – never touching the ground or the water. It’s as if they have permanent ADHD with no medication, and that impairment forces more and more activity just for activity’s ... Views: 1343
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there."
You've likely heard this saying used to emphasize the importance of setting goals. Whether fitness-related, for your career, or focused on personal pursuits, setting concrete goals is key to success. Isn't that right?
As ... Views: 1087
As a successful business owner you want nothing more than to thrive by doing what you do best.
You want to be of service to your clients and to be valued for that. You want to see the fruits of your labor rewarded. You want to make a good living doing what you love.
Of course you do! I do, ... Views: 1306
Do you ever feel like you’re not where you’re supposed to be? Are you working in a field outside of your true talents? Do you feel trapped and locked in a box? Are you tired of starting projects and never finishing? Does the day seem to fly by and you feel as though nothing was ... Views: 971
I was at a new restaurant. They handed me a menu. I opened it and the first thing listed was dessert. I knew it was going to be a fabulous meal.
My husband laughs at me because I always look at a menu in reverse order. What desserts do they have? What, if anything, am I going to want? Is ... Views: 975
Janet and Chris Attwood, internationally renowned Passion Test Founders, share:
“Your passions are the pipelines to your soul. When you are connected to your passions, you feel happy, self-motivated, fulfilled, engaged, and worthwhile. And when you are disconnected from your true purpose, you ... Views: 1586
A Quick Preamble:
Success doesn’t just happen because you expect it to if you wait around long enough, it happens ONLY when you make it so…It has been said by more than one wise-man (and wise-woman);
“If You Don’t Know Where You Are Going, There Is A Fair Chance You Will End Up Somewhere ... Views: 1320
Did you know that business owners who have a BIG vision and BIG goals are more likely to succeed in expanding their business? There is data to support the value of setting high goals for yourself in business. And that's exciting!
Because I believe that most of us as entrepreneurs DID ... Views: 1650
"I can't afford it right now," Laine said in a small voice. I could feel even over the phone how her energy was shrinking, moving away from what she wanted but felt she couldn't have.
Laine's not alone. Her dilemma is one we all face, over and over again, as we move through this journey as ... Views: 1122
Failure is a part of life. Everyone experiences a degree of it from time to time, but there is failure and then there is dream crushing failure! This is the one that we need to avoid at all costs.
So here are 5 ways to do just that!
1) Avoid Dead-lines - Dead-lines are an asset when used ... Views: 1548
A Quick Preamble:
For some, the setting of personal goals is a relatively simple task, while for (plenty of) others it’s just not the norm’…the“secrets” of how to set goals seem out of reach – hence, there’s a whole mass of people just blustering their way through life and taking whatever ... Views: 1503
To be successful, it takes a motivated individual who has set goals and is willing to follow through with these goals. To reach the top and succeed in your purpose, I believe that setting goals is very important. Here are some tips and pointers on why setting goals is key for success.
Setting ... Views: 1145
Want to change your life? Focus more on who you want to be than what you want to do.
You could visit every continent, tap dance at the Taj Mahal, dine with the Queen of England, run a million dollar business, and still be miserable. Or you could live in a small one-horse town, never leave, ... Views: 1211
Recently I had a conversation with a client who we coordinate transactions for, she’d been working hard, and she hadn’t written a contact in almost a month. Needless to say she was frustrated!
She told me she looked around the office saw others were having success, doing the same things she ... Views: 1119
One of my favorite books is The EMyth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber. The book tells the story of why many small businesses fail and offers suggestions on preventing it. Much of it has to do with systems, or lack thereof. Systems are what can help you take your business to the next level. ... Views: 951
Ever notice the list of “have-to’s” you’ve got going? As in ‘have-to’ get up and get yourself going, ‘have-to’ get everybody fed-dressed-out-the-door, ‘have-to’ get to work, ‘have-to’ do the work, ‘have-to’ put up with a boss/co-worker/client you can’t stand, ‘have-to’ run the errands, do the ... Views: 1558
John Di Lemme
Life-Altering Decision #1 - Talk - Champions talk differently than everyone else. They use different words. Their words empower them to grow beyond limitations. Their words also breathe life into others. Success is an accent. Champions develop their success accent through what ... Views: 1601
In this day and age, the job market is more competitive than ever. For those of us who don't have a clear idea of exactly what it is that we want to do with our lives, it can be stressful to try to choose what career path to pursue. It can be a good idea to choose your career path based on what ... Views: 2754
“An accurate plan poorly implemented is more successful and effective than a vague or generic plan implemented with brilliant precision.”
– Author unknown
Just about everyone in the business world agrees that planning is important and has some value. Before you can decide on an approach to ... Views: 1240
Do you ever feel like it's an uphill battle to build your business so that it's profitable?
Well, you're not alone! Most entrepreneurs begin their business because of their passion. Who knew there was so much to learn about how to make that passion profitable, right? I know that business ... Views: 1273
What does it mean to live in an extraordinary life, in your own unique way? First of all be aware that it does not mean you have to be larger than life and be involved in super-human achievements. Nor does it mean you have to be famous and stride across the world stage for all to see and admire. ... Views: 1450
If you’re a longtime reader of my Tip of the Week (thank you!), then you know that every January I ask my clients to pick a word to guide them throughout the year: a word summarizing their intentions for the year to come. I do the same exercise myself using Christine Kane’s powerful workbook, ... Views: 1318
Having to do something you don’t want to do isn’t hard to imagine. We run into it almost every day.
It usually involves change, time, attitude and choice, but not necessarily in that order. There are some things we are faced with that bring out the two-year-old in us as we tantrum and say ... Views: 1139
A new year brings with it new possibilities. It’s a chance to start over (again). We set goals, make resolutions to end harmful behaviors and learn healthy ones.
Consider adding these 5 ingredients for your wellbeing in 2015:
1. What gives your life meaning? Are you involved with something ... Views: 1101