I strongly believe that everyone has a purpose in life and that it is strongly connected to what they are passionate about.
This is great news for people with ADHD – because when we are passionate about something there is no stopping us! All those ADHD obstacles seem to disappear and we are ... Views: 1969
Recently on one of my social media sites, I asked my followers to describe what ADHD feels like for them. The responses provided an interesting insight into what living with ADHD feels like.
Why ask people what living ADHD feels like for them?
Well, even though an increasing amount of ... Views: 1904
In a world where chaos is the natural order of the universe, being or getting organized can seem like a destination we will never quite reach.
But what if rather than a destination, we can consider organization as a process. What if instead we saw organization as a way for us to enjoy our ... Views: 1719
What’s a White Pebble Story?
Remember the story of Hansel and Gretel who found their way out of the dark, unknown forest following one white pebble after the other? Well, for many, the road to discovering ADHD coaching and possibly becoming a certified ADHD life coach is like that journey ... Views: 1746
Have you ever had to go a day or more without your prescription medication?
Do you know the physical discomfort and anxiousness of waiting to get the medication reordered?
Have you spent hours on the phone with the doctor’s office, insurance company or pharmacy waiting for your ADHD ... Views: 1890
“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Dr. Seuss
Do you stand out, or are you busy trying to fit in? Do you focus on how to make a positive difference in the world? Or is your focus on being accepted? ADHD comes with being different. Everyone has things they do well…and not so well. ... Views: 1560
Are you the partner in an ADHD relationship always dashing, darting, taking risks and soaring while your partner is more steady, balanced and unswerving? If so, your ADHD relationship maybe that of a kite and kite holder.
Let me explain, several years ago I was focused on expanding my ADHD ... Views: 1958
When your child is a college bound senior, you want him to be prepared so when he enters college, he is part of the 50% that eventually graduates with a degree. You’ve spent years helping him with study skills, taught him right from wrong, and worked tirelessly to mold him into a capable, ... Views: 3331
This past month I made a big mistake. During a routine manicure, I impulsively had the technician apply acrylic nails. You know, those long unbreakable nails that seem so elegant on someone else? Well, ever since, it’s like I have been typing on stilts. It’s amazing how an additional ½ inch at ... Views: 2341
Day-in and day-out, I talk to people living with ADHD who want to find their life purpose. The reason, goal or motivation that will be the answer to them experiencing a fulfilling and satisfying life. It’s universal to want to have a sense of meaning in our lives and feel as if we are making a ... Views: 2469
Recently, many of you in my ADHD tribe were with me when I rushed to my son’s side as he recovered from a very serious car crash. For 10 days I alternated between sitting next to his hospital bed holding his restrained hands, watching as fluid dripped into his body and slept in his hospital ... Views: 2486
Ok, I’ll admit it…I don’t relax very well.relax
In fact the thought of not “doing” something is a bit terrifying to me. If I had to use a metaphor to describe myself, I would say I am like that big pink Energizer Bunny. It is the perfect example of how I go through life and a key ingredient ... Views: 2260
It’s been three centuries and a decision still has not been reached!
Being part of the ADHD tribe we know that making decisions can be challenging, however taking over three hundred years to decide an answer makes our prioritization nature-or-nurturechallenges look pretty minor in comparison. ... Views: 4151
Daily, I take my vitamin B’s, vitamin C, but vitamin D?
A couple of years ago a routine blood test showed that I had very low levels of vitamin D. You know, that vitamin that is produced automatically in our bodies when we are in the sunlight? Having lived in sunny California for over a ... Views: 3158
Daily, I take my vitamin B’s, vitamin C, but vitamin D?
A couple of years ago a routine blood test showed that I had very low levels of vitamin D. You know, that vitamin that is produced automatically in our bodies when we are in the sunlight? Having lived in sunny California for over a ... Views: 2808
I think my dentist is on to me. Over the past year I have noticed an increase in their efforts to remind me of my appointments.
In the good old days I would get a postcard two weeks before the appointment reminding me of the day and time. I really appreciated this as most of my dentist ... Views: 4375
The past couple of months have been doozies for me.
You know those times when the first technical challenge happens and you try to laugh it off and chock it up to “life”? For instance, when your PC crashes for the third time that year and you scold yourself for expecting it not to do that ... Views: 2927
Here at Coaching for ADHD I love getting emails from you! Especially when you ask questions and want more understanding or clarification about something ADHD related.
Recently I received an email from a father asking a question about his son’s behavior. He wanted to know if it was “normal” ... Views: 3104
Have you ever had to go a day or more without your prescription medication?
Do you know the physical discomfort and anxiousness of waiting to get the medication reordered?
Have you spent hours on the phone with the doctor’s office, insurance company or pharmacy waiting for your ADHD ... Views: 3125
Incredible as it sounds, I still am amazed at how often I hear people say “I don’t believe in ADHD.” You probably have heard it too. And if you are like me, the moment those words come out of their mouth, every hair raises on the back of your neck, the fire starts to churn in the pit of your ... Views: 3582
Ahhh…the comfort zone. That comfy familiar place where we feel safe. Here we can kick back, relax and pat ourselves on the back. Livin’ seems easy…but there is an underlying restlessness as if something is missing. Is this the comfort zone or…are we “zoning out”?
Recently, I was asked to ... Views: 3444
Recently I’ve noticed that being “happy” or striving for “happiness” is a major topic of many conversations. We seem to live in a world where we are inundated by information about being happy. Pursuing it could literally be a full time job! Being someone who has struggled with depression, it has ... Views: 3705
Which is more important to help manage your symptoms of ADD…exercise, diet or sleep?
Ideally we are fueling our bodies with nutritious food, moving our bodies with regular exercise and getting the consistent sleep we need to feel rested, alert and focused to decrease our symptoms of ... Views: 3730
Albert Einstein once said…”Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Sound familiar?
For instance, have you been trying the same strategies to get out the door on time, but constantly arrive late? Are you struggling to organize your day at work or ... Views: 2350
“ADHD medications aren’t natural.”
“I only want to use natural ways to manage my ADHD symptoms.”
“I don’t want to put anything unnatural into my body.”
These are just some of the familiar comments I hear during or following one of my presentations about ADHD medications. In our world ... Views: 2784
Life with ADHD is a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week-adventure!! If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with ADHD, then you know how challenging it can be at times. Unfortunately, most of our focus is on the “negative aspects and problems” of ADHD and rarely are the strengths or positive ... Views: 2817
Do you hover over your spouse while they’re doing housework or completing other important tasks around the house? Do you take more than your share of responsibility for things in your ADHD relationship? Do you find it is just easier to get things done if you micro-manage your partner’s schedule ... Views: 3873
“I think I have ADHD,” a client told me. “I seem to have all the symptoms! But, is there a test? How can I know for sure?”
Wanting and expecting their to be a physical “test” for ADHD is something that seems to come at a time in our medical history when many of the scientific advancements ... Views: 3352
Paul made an appointment with me and arrived with a concern: “My wife keeps telling me I have ADHD because I am always misplacing things, forgetting what she says, and running late - even to work. But I have never been hyperactive, so can she still be right?”
A week later, I met Jennifer ... Views: 3008
Mom, can I have the keys to go meet Cheryl at the mall?”
“Dad, I just need the car for about an hour so I can take my friends to get some ice-cream.”
“Mom, it’s so hot out! Can I just drive to the pool?”
Not only do adults often drive more in the summer, particularly on highways while ... Views: 3921
It’s summertime! Time for roadtrips and school vacation – which means more driving for teens and adults with ADHD.
The symptoms of ADHD – especially the combination of impulsivity, distractibility, and inattention – lend themselves to greater risk of accidents, tickets and errors in driving ... Views: 3723
Did you know that the answer to your productivity depends on the first 15 minutes of your day? Physically we know having breakfast in the morning is important to getting the right fuel to sustain our energy and metabolism throughout the day. What we may not realize is that fueling our brain ... Views: 3468
Bullying has become one of the most prominent social issues of our time. Bullying someone with ADHD seems to be even more widespread due to their still developing social skills and increased possibility they will impulsivity react. A bully, by definition, is a person who is habitually cruel or ... Views: 3181
Summer movie blockbusters are upon us and local theaters are showcasing another season of superhero action flicks. Raising two sons, I have watched my share of superhero movies - from Star Wars to Spiderman - and confess that I know quite a bit about superheroes – the struggles that led them to ... Views: 3659
Did you know that the answer to your productivity depends on the first 15 minutes of your day? Physically we know that eating breakfast in the morning is important to getting the right fuel to sustain our energy and metabolism for the day. What we may not realize, is that ... Views: 3018
Time is a finite resource. As much as we would like to solve the problem of "not enough time" by adding another hour or two to the day, it is not possible. We are always limited by this fixed, yet elusive commodity which is why it can be so frustrating when we feel ... Views: 4708
One of my passions is coaching people with ADHD who know they want to experience more satisfaction and success in their lives, but are unsure as to what actions will best support this. I love being able to help them discover new ways of managing their ADHD and creating new strategies that ... Views: 2921
Summertime is just around the corner, and Lynn is wondering what to do about her son’s ADHD meds. “He really needs them for school, and the medication has calmed him down a lot, but some people have told me they take their kids off medication in the summer. I‘m not sure what to do!”
Lynn is ... Views: 3874
Having ADHD can be frustrating. Merely struggling with compensating for the challenges so they don’t interfere with daily functioning and learning new ways to do things can be taxing. There is a constant internal battle of symptom and strategy waging inside yourself when you are coping with ... Views: 3973
Have you ever sat in front of the computer screen or pad of paper, wishing the words to magically come forth from your fingertips so you could finally meet your deadline? Do you hope that you won’t have to go through the chaos and stress of it being late or not completed at all? Yet no matter ... Views: 3866
This month I wanted to share some experiences about conferences! I love conferences and look forward to the opportunities to travel around the country to enjoy some time with other ADHD coaches and entrepreneurs, increase awareness of ADHD challenges, and finally meet some of my long distance ... Views: 4009
It’s that time of the year again…the 90 plus days that are the bane of existence for most adults with ADHD.
Yes, I’m talking about tax season - when all of our best intentions from the year before can either feel like our saving grace or plunge us into weeks of despair. For whatever reason, ... Views: 3777
Ahh Valentine’s Day. A whole day traditionally devoted to celebrating love. And as it is quickly approaching, my thoughts turn to relationships, all sorts of different ADHD relationships, and how ADHD can be a test for even the strongest connections.
When I work with adults, often the focus ... Views: 3797
It’s an undeniable fact - most New Year’s resolutions fail. Not because we don’t want to improve our situation or have a lack of motivation – we do! The truth is, most of us don’t take the time to really create goals that will work for us.
When January 1st rolls around, there’s tremendous ... Views: 4388
A few months ago, I wrote about “tipping points:”
..a time in people’s lives when the strategies they have been using to compensate for their ADHD challenges no longer seem to be working. This “tipping point” is often experienced along with feelings of overwhelm and chaos. Up until a ... Views: 3934
My favorite radio stations are playing carols, greeting cards are arriving in my mailbox and more and more houses are twinkling as I drive home at night. It’s official – the holidays are here.
I’ve been thinking about the holidays and how to write a blog about best tips to survive and enjoy ... Views: 4161
It’s been a few weeks since the Succeed with ADHD Telesummit and my mind has finally quieted. All those tips and strategies, plus the energy and excitement of the listeners and speakers, had my brain fired up. I wanted to implement everything at once and make changes in my life right away! All ... Views: 3171
Just as there are many different ways that ADHD shows up in our lives, there are also many different ways to manage and succeed with ADHD. What works for someone else may not be the best strategy for you…or is it? Today’s article contains an overview of ten unique approaches to effective ADHD ... Views: 3173
When you’re living with ADHD (in yourself or a loved one), every day can feel like a struggle. And when you find something that works to make everyday life run just a little bit smoother, that one tip can be a lifesaver! And if that tip was shared with you by someone else, you feel eternally ... Views: 4741
“Medication levels the neurobiological playing field.”
~ Biederman, J., & Spencer, T. (2002)
After receiving a diagnosis of ADHD, the most commonly asked questions people have are around ADHD medications. Despite the fact that we have been using the same psycho stimulants to treat ADHD for ... Views: 3753