I borrow the title of this article from the book: Living with Intensity: Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability, and Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults – a collection of articles published by Susan Daniels and Michael Piechowski which offers us a great ... Views: 1390
Visionaries aren’t just “people with lots of ideas.” Rather, a visionary’s brain has an astounding ability to make sense of seemingly millions of complex associations at lightning speed, working and reworking the puzzle of an uncountable number of infinitesimal factors, and seeing possibilities ... Views: 1216
The little girl with no needs. The little boy who takes care of mom. Premature maturity, is in fact, no escape from having needs or needing to be taken care of. It is not an escape from being a child, and it is in fact, not often maturity at all. Premature maturity is something else more ... Views: 1929
Many of us conceptualize “struggle” as “bad.” In our limited view, we consider that to struggle means to be in pain, and that to be in pain is bad. But it is exactly this reasoning that has caused so many of us to fall repeatedly into cycles of struggle recreation (often called self-defeating ... Views: 1433
Clients often come to me in a state of agitation, impatience and panic (real or existential, sometimes both), wanting a “magic solution” for their current dilemma – which is, in fact, a microcosmic representation or symptom of their overall life dilemma. And while I really do have a “magic ... Views: 1343
I talk a lot about consciousness in my practice : “living consciously”, “making the unconscious conscious”, “consciously choosing”, and so on. But what does it all really mean?
On one hand, the idea of “consciousness” could seem completely abstract and without any practical implications. ... Views: 1110
I often work with clients who want better life balance – better balance between work, personal, and family priorities. Difficulty with this issue could perhaps best be titled the Syndrome of Too Many Priorities, and I try to help clients resolve the dilemma by teaching them to practice regular ... Views: 1286