In the regular life scenario, one has to work under pressure and keep everyone around us happy and contented. In this constant endeavor to these people, are you getting the short end of the stick emotionally? Are you the one who has to constantly compromise and feel short-changed? Do not reach ... Views: 1013
Many people have this annoying habit of starting many different projects simultaneously or on different times and leave them unfinished before taking on another responsibility. They are either too callous to complete what they started or are confident that someone else will do it for them. ... Views: 1018
If you believe that life always gives you the short end of the stick, remember there is something wrong with the way you operate rather than the scheme of things. Your life is what you make of it. Instead of waiting for a miracle to happen, proactive people look for the power within which has ... Views: 775
You should always tell the truth! Never lie in a relationship! These are some unwritten commandments related to personal conduct and contact with other people that advice books everywhere tell you to follow. While this is certainly true in idealistic situation, real life does not work that way. ... Views: 885
If you sometimes hesitate to tell your spouse the whole truth, that could be a good thing. Protective buffering can make our relationships run more smoothly. However, if buffering is misused, it can pose a barrier to deeper connections. These are some guidelines for using buffering ... Views: 824
Being a project manager is a highly visible role that can be both satisfying and stressful. Consider these steps you can take inside and outside the workplace to help you keep your cool under pressure.
Inside the Workplace
1. Define the scope. Nail down what you want to do. Analyze how ... Views: 920
Have you found yourself asking is this really what I want to be doing. Maybe your daily to do list is keeping you from participating in the activities you really want to focus on? You may have momentary glimpses or aspirations of feeling inspired. But you struggle to get moving in a positive ... Views: 786
Stress has become a part of our daily life these days. With the demands of job increasing coupled with family pressures, people constantly feel worried and anxious. When you add an unhealthy lifestyle to this, your woes simply increase. The result is a number of diseases that weakens that body ... Views: 778
The truth is if you knew what you thought about all day it could shock you. You may not even realize what you’re thinking negative thoughts all day. Undesirable thoughts slowed down your efforts to live, learn, and grow. Personal beliefs about yourself and your life matter more than you realize. ... Views: 1503
If there's one thing you probably already know "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."! You probably have a hard time identifying any long periods in your past when life continued without problems or disruptions.
But have you ever thought about this? Those ... Views: 1121
We all experience times when we lose focus. And most of us have to fight the shiny object syndrome the plague so many entrepreneurs. When this happens it becomes more challenging to keep pursuing our goals and dreams.
Do you sometimes feel like you're in a skirmish when you're trying to give ... Views: 1337
Perfectionism is fairly common. In fact, it quite natural for us to strive to be perfect. I don't know anyone who enjoys making mistakes and exposing their weaknesses. Haven't we always been told to do whatever it takes to improve ourselves? Remember the old saying "anything worth doing is worth ... Views: 735
Time is the great equalizer. Everyone gets the same number of hours to work and play each day. No matter who you are, where you live and what you do you get a 24-hour cycle just like everyone else. One person may be wealthier than another, but that doesn't earn her a minute more in a 24 hour ... Views: 2288
At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and time management have nothing to do with one another. But many of us who are natural born clutters develop negative thinking patterns because we become exasperated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative ... Views: 928
What is it about stress that causes us to dwell at length on negative thoughts? The answer has a lot to do with our memory. Although it's miraculous the brain - a three pound lump of neural tissue can store any memories at all. But the human memory system has some surprising quirks. Most ... Views: 874
If you're busy and overwhelmed like most people you'll likely have some sort of to-do list going. It could be in the form of a notebook, a computer, mobile device or even heaven forbid a piece of paper. But some days looking at the list just makes me feel crazy. There is so many things to do ... Views: 1584
Most of us experience tension daily, often it's hour by hour or worse minute to minute. How we cope with stress and worry determines whether we move forward or allow it to hold us back. Habitual negative thinking is often frenzied, inaccurate, and undependable, yet you can go through your entire ... Views: 1375
What do you spend most of your time thinking about? I bet you don't even know, or maybe you've never given it much thought. Big Mistake. You have about 60,000 thought per day and 95% of your thoughts are repeated, and what's worse is 4 out of 5 of those thoughts are negative.
Your thoughts ... Views: 986
This topic is something that comes up all the time. Why isn't this working for me I feel like such a failure? Failure is a temporary inevitable situation when you taking a risk or learning a new skill. Think about it, when you first learned to drive a car no one expected you to do it perfectly ... Views: 948
Our emotions play an integral part in our lives whether it is home and hearth, work, or our business life. If our emotions are out of whack, then the rest of our lives will be out of whack too. This can weigh on your life in many ways, including making us look older, feel older, and go through ... Views: 1489
Running a stress-free business seems to be something of a fantasy on the surface, but if you really delve into the idea, you will find out that it is completely possible to run a stress-free home business. A lot of this has to do with your own personality, needs, habits, and reactions to ... Views: 1827
Your life is full of moments of choice. You can respond to each moment based on old patterns, old stories, (conscious or unconscious) or you can choose to react from a new place based on freedom from the past. You can make new choices that make you feel alive and free. It's your choice.
The ... Views: 1046
Running a business from home automatically invites several types of distractions. Aside from the normal distractions of running a household, you may also have a full time job that you must go to prior to working your business. If you want to have a successful business, you'll need to create ... Views: 837
Stress prevents you to be from performing at your peak. Tackling stress is essential to ensuring the success and well-being of both you and your business. Learning to say no and to form a mental sanctuary are just 2 ways to get your stress under control. So let's get down to the business of ... Views: 759
Are you feeling a bit squeamish about marketing? Maybe you're feeling a bit like you are pushing instead of attracting. And if you are pushing... you'll likely to have a shortage of clients. That adds up to more month then paying clients. Not a good position to be in.
So here's a question ... Views: 757
When talking about their business, many professionals make the HUGH MISTAKE of describing exactly what they do, in mind-numbing detail. "My company has been in business for 100 years and I can do this for you or that for you.
We are the best, the smartest, the greatest and you really can't go ... Views: 665
Did you know that even if you've had a particular hobby for years you may have the start of something big? The bottom line is you may already have the skills and knowledge that can turn your fledgling fun hobby into a full time business.
You see your next money making opportunity could be ... Views: 714
When you work for yourself it's very easy to get involved in Time Sucking Gremlins. I bet you can already guess some of what I'm about to say. You're probably thinking I've heard this all before, but if you haven't put it into practice it does bear repeating, because you're time is the one ... Views: 796
Part of crafting a successful life is to create a winning mindset, but how do you do that? What if almost everything in your life is going wrong, or at least not what you expected to happen (and not in a good way), how can you still have a winning mindset? There is some scientific proof that any ... Views: 935
As a savvy boomer you're probably doing your due diligence asking yourself if you plan to retire or reinvent. A boomer is not an old person who is near death. Boomers are vibrant, alive, and active and often want more out of life and truly examine deep needs before making a choice. If you choose ... Views: 780
Did you know that many super successful businesses have been started during economic downturns? Hyatt, Burger King, IHOP, The Jim Henson Company, Microsoft, and even MTV was started during an economic downturn. These are very successful businesses that started on a wing and a prayer with low ... Views: 889
In recent decades retirement has been triggered by age, influenced by eligibility for social security benefits and employment retirement programs. Today retirement looks different, as the economy, good health and life expectancies have changed the retirement experience. In 2010, Business Insider ... Views: 820
There is no end to the types of businesses boomers can start right from their kitchen table. But, you might have to think outside the box to get to the core of what you can offer. The best way to do this is to write down what you do now, and how you can translate that into a business for ... Views: 711
Each time you offer a new product or service it is important to ask yourself three questions to evaluate a new business idea. If you follow this three step process it will help eliminate bad business choices and clarify that additions or new ideas are worth your time and effort.
What is the ... Views: 710
You already have many skills that you've learned through life, education and work experience. Any business, just like any job requires certain basic skills to perform well. What skills do you have now? Make a list of them. Here are some skills to help you get started:
-Good ... Views: 1013
It's no secret that as a baby boomer starting a business can be an exciting and overwhelming endeavor but if you make the right choices, and if you do, you'll never look back and you'll never regret it. In order to make the right choices it is important to evaluate your goals and motives each ... Views: 767
If you're not experiencing the results you desire in your business it' time to take stock of what is happening. Take charge of what you're doing right and what you can improve. Start by asking yourself the following 7 questions.
1. Do you know your niche?
Ensuring that you've laser focused ... Views: 634
First of all, do you know the difference between an employee and a contractor? If you don't, then it is important to learn the difference and the best place to learn is from the IRS if you're in America and if you're not then please review your countries taxing authorities rules and guidelines ... Views: 694
Most people who start a business online already work "9 to 5" at another job. If you're one of the people who have another job while you're starting your business take heart, you can do this! The fact is, being hungry is a key ingredient to your success. If you're hungry to get out of the rat ... Views: 683
Do you remember when you were a kid and your parents or anyone else that was at least 2 years older then you told you to “start acting your age?” Well guess what…they had it all wrong. It’s time to stop acting your age!
Act your age. What does it mean? Slowing down, getting ready to retire, ... Views: 1103
Powerful people have the ability to get what they want, to attract great opportunities. We are all powerful in our own way but everyone can increase their own natural power and have more energy. And the formula is increase your natural power eliminate the things in your life that ... Views: 668
I am often asked, "Linda how do you create a products or launch a service without getting overwhelmed and going a bit crazy?" Well creating a product or service for your business is a pretty simple process. But like any process knowing the steps is what makes the launch successful.
Done ... Views: 661
We live in a very fast-paced world. As such, it’s easy to be stressed out. However, oftentimes, stress is a result of not being able to correctly balance everything that’s on our plate. Following is a quick rundown of things that you can do to ensure that you live a well-balanced life.
Cut ... Views: 1127