We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
One of the thought-provoking questions Gay Hendricks asks in the beginning of his book is:
“Am I willing to feel good and have my life go well all the time?”
Gay says: “In my view, saying yes to that question is one of the most courageous actions a human being can take. In the face of so ... Views: 1572
I'd love to know what was your major goal or resolution for 2016?
And how are you doing on this goal or resolution with only 30 days remaining in the year?
Wait a second, do you even remember your goal or resolution you set last January?
The book What They Don't Teach You At Harvard ... Views: 1409
How do you mean to utilize creative visualization?
An excellent bulk of individuals use it to acquire product belongings. And naturally, there's not a thing incorrect with this, however exactly what you might not know is that creative visualization permits the symptom of far more than simple ... Views: 1720
Do you feel as if you’re drifting through life without ever achieving anything? Do you often make excuses for not taking positive steps towards a long-term goal?
If so, you would benefit from setting quick and easy monthly goals in all areas of your life.
Here is a system for doing so in ... Views: 1485
In life we often ask "WHAT IF!" For example what if the world is square and not round?, what if Darwin's theory is incorrect and God is the creator of this world? WHAT IF is certainly needed to challenge our way of thinking, however repetitive WHAT IF thinking can sometimes hinder great ... Views: 845
Happiness comes from within. Only you can make yourself happy.
Money, relationships, and other external factors cannot give you happiness, as explained in this Tibetan proverb:
“Seeking happiness outside of ourselves is like waiting for sunshine in a cave facing north”.
Here are five ... Views: 1533
Far too many people spend decades accumulating wealth and assets to protect their loved ones, but do not spend half a day to discuss how these assets should be distributed. A 2014 survey revealed that 51 percent of Americans aged 55 to 64 and 62 percent aged 45 to 54 do not have a will.
This ... Views: 2087
Things that are important to you at present are not what you considered to be important in the past. That means you change your living values throughout your life. So planning for a career is not easy at all for many people. Especially when you do not have the right approach and you will tend to ... Views: 890
I'm currently teaching a scene study class in Manhattan and a lot of my students speak to me about feeling "stuck." They feel unable to make progress in their acting career and find themselves spending lots of time in unfulfilling jobs that pay the rent but leave them little time to fill their ... Views: 1545
Sometimes you may want to start a new good habit and it’s difficult to do. You want to get out of bed earlier to exercise, you want to iron your clothes while you’re watching television, you want to do homework for your class instead of watching a movie, you want to eat more vegetables and ... Views: 8345
In the 1970s, Dr. James Prochaska and colleagues at the University of Rhode Island developed a model on the process of changing from bad habits to good ones. They identified six stages that people go through in this process.
Generally, people don’t go through these stages in a linear ... Views: 7457
Every person has inner dreams and desires. You do too. You may feel there are many things you were born to do and to accomplish in this lifetime. You have natural talents and skills, things that come easily to you and activities you enjoy doing. There are numerous parts of life that bring ... Views: 7030
Overcoming the Impossible
Almost everyone knows the value of setting goals. Setting them, writing them down, and then marching toward their completion is the best and surest way to make progress. It doesn’t matter what your goals are, as long as they’re important to you, and let’s face it, ... Views: 1302
If you’re on track to accomplishing all, most, or even part of what you set out to, congratulations!
But if there are some goals still on the table, or you haven’t made the progress you had expected or visualized in achieving your goal by now, you may be getting frustrated, discouraged, angry ... Views: 1019
Do you put off your work for later, only to find your deadlines steadily creeping in? Then you, my friend, are one of the millions of people afflicted by the procrastination virus. Procrastination is the biggest reason for loss of productivity and late output. Though many would not admit it, ... Views: 1041
Goals are a joint effort process: getting in touch with our heart and setting a course; then depending on and being willing for God to direct us one step at a time. ~Sheila West
There is no doubt that power planning can and will lead you down a pathway to success. Not knowing where you ... Views: 1020
Goals are a joint effort process: getting in touch with our heart and setting a course; then depending on and being willing for God to direct us one step at a time. ~Sheila West
There is no doubt that power planning can and will lead you down a pathway to success. Not knowing where you ... Views: 978
Success is a word that can mean many different things. Everyone has a varying definition for the term, and even when you both define it the same, the levels of meaning can range.
As an example, when most individuals consider success, they think in relations to income level . Two individuals ... Views: 2483
Manifesting Your Desires
Is everyone in the world living the life that they want, the life that they dream of? The answer to that is no. We can look around and see that not everyone is happy with their life and circumstances. We can talk to our friends about hopes and dreams and what type of ... Views: 1506
If you live in the Americas or in Europe, you probably consider freedom to be a basic, God-given right, and this belief has extended worldwide to other cultures, thanks to TV and radio. But this was not always so for humanity. And still might not be true for you.
First, we will look at our ... Views: 1106
Imagine singing in front of an arena full of adoring, screaming fans, and feeling the high that comes from being center stage. Then, imagine going from the stage to your own luxury tour bus and hearing nothing but the hum of wheels on the road and feeling severely lonely and unsatisfied with ... Views: 3636
Procrastination is a poison for any career.
No matter if you are an employee or the employer, the inability to meet deadlines is always going to reflect into bad results.
And even if you manage to get things done at the last minute, it leaves you with the certainty that you could have done ... Views: 1228
With search engines being as advanced as they are today, anybody can do a keyword search and be provided with hundreds of links related to their keyword within a few seconds. After all, it’s no secret that there is more online content today than there has been at any other time in history. It’s ... Views: 1720
By creating an intention, we become clear about what we want to accomplish and at the end of the day, we know how to measure our progress. When we set an intention, we connect with the deeper meaning of our desires and we pause to make our actions meaningful. This allows us to progress towards ... Views: 1633
Stay Focused on your Goals!!
Basketball often teaches us valuable lessons that we can apply to our own lives. During the 2016 NBA finals, for instance, whether you were rooting for the Golden State Warriors or the Cleveland Cavaliers, we witnessed a number of viable strategies that can be used ... Views: 1118
If you’re thinking of going to grad school, it’s important to know what to expect. Are you truly ready for graduate studies? To make sure that you’re prepared for a graduate degree, there are a few things you should think about.
Know how your grad degree will be different from your undergrad ... Views: 1571
How often have you said, “Today’s the day!” regarding something you are committed to changing. Yet, by day’s end you either didn’t do what you said you would do or you did something that directly sabotaged your success?
This often happens with experts who swear up and down they are going to ... Views: 1166
When I initially agreed to do a 30 Day Blog Challenge, I had no idea how beneficial it would be. Eleven days into the experience, I’m finding it has given me a new level of discipline and focus that has far reaching benefits.
It was during a private mastermind meeting with my clients that I ... Views: 1343
Regardless of your age, marital or socioeconomic status, at one time or another, you will experience stress and anxiety. Each changing season produces different stressors. Summertime has the pendulum swinging from how to keep children from fighting and saying they are bored to keeping them free ... Views: 1099
Ask a room full of entrepreneurs what their greatest challenge is and, more times than not, the answer is, “Finding clients.”
Actually, it’s not so much finding clients as it is finding the right clients. Imagine if you didn’t have to search out clients because they found you because you are ... Views: 1690
Ask a room full of entrepreneurs what their greatest challenge is and, more times than not, the answer is, “Finding clients.”
Actually, it’s not so much finding clients as it is finding the right clients. Imagine if you didn’t have to search out clients because they found you because you are ... Views: 1520
Goal setting. It is something which everyone attempts to do, yet only a couple of people actually can make it work. The challenge that most individuals face is dedication and commitment. As soon as your journey begins, hurdles and obstacles arise, and this is where many people wind up quitting. ... Views: 1382
Starting writing, that’s easy. It’s the continuing that’s the hard part. And yet if you’re not writing consistently you can’t really call yourself a writer – a dreamer, maybe but not a writer. So what makes it so hard to continue writing?
The first piece of the puzzle we’re going to have to ... Views: 1186
Participants will be able to use these methods to not only comply with the accreditation requirements but also to enhance the goal of "first do no harm." Examples from health care industry are covered along with guidance on which methods are much more productive and proactive at the same time ... Views: 1145
It’s that time of the year again when we begin to think of warmer weather, and that means trips to the beach. And that means, bathing suits. And that means others seeing our bodies. And that means, uh oh.
For some, it also means. “twice-a-days.” You know, working out twice daily. For others, ... Views: 1117
This year just has to be better than last year, right? But how do you start?
You know you're destined to build your business and yet... you have doubts that you can make things happen. You aren't sure what needs to change. Or where to start.
I know how that is. I hear it from my clients ... Views: 1424
I have realized and accepted the harsh fact that I sometimes keep myself busy without being productive, that is - I procrastinate. Recently, guilt has begun to creep into my consciousness and guilt in any form is unacceptable to me. So, here I am writing about how to break through ... Views: 1782
Resolutions and goals are very similar; they both represent something we want to achieve. However, they differ on their effectiveness. Goals are considered to be a foundation stone of success, depending on your definition of success, whereas resolutions have, according to some studies, a 97% ... Views: 1715
Do you create long and short-term goals?
Do you write down your goals or intentions?
Do you create a blueprint for your day?
As a success coach, I help individuals create and implement goals. Whether I am coaching a person about a life goal or an executive about leadership goals, I see ... Views: 1228
"Do not underestimate the thrill of trying." ~ Julia Cameron
A few days ago, I got an idea for a book. I sat down at the computer and an outline flew out of me. It felt like this was the book I was born to write. In the process of writing the outline I entered that "flow state" where I felt ... Views: 1611
No matter what we do, whatever we say, or how much we don’t want to, we’re all going to die eventually. I know you probably think that this is a terrible way to start off an article, but sadly we all know it’s true. The thing is, nobody knows when they’re going to ‘go’, and I’m sure if we did ... Views: 1284
Although the thirties are the new twenties, there are certain decisions you need to take to make sure you and your future family are never going to lack funds. Twenties may be the years when most of us simply decide to party for a decade, but then again, some of us prefer to work hard so we ... Views: 1142
If you've ever watched any of the Olympics, you saw plenty of high-caliber, legends-in-the-making athletes.
So how DO you become an Olympic legend - or in our case, an Olympic entrepreneur?
I think it all begins and ends with your choices.
In fact, it really boils down to making ... Views: 1344
We are already two weeks into the new year and most peoples’ new year’s resolutions are history. It’s a common and interesting phenomena.
Goals often don't last - sometimes we don't even get started on them or fall back into old habits creating the same old results.
I know your year can ... Views: 1471
Are you one of the majority of people who, with the best of intentions, set new year resolutions, only to have them fading into distant memory by the end of January? Research from the University of Scranton found that just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals.
So, what is the ... Views: 1309
Whether or not you make New Year’s resolutions, this is a great time to take on new projects and lay out your goals for the year. Here’s some inspiration to make sure that 2016 is everything you hope it will be.
1. “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”
Have you ever heard ... Views: 1517
Most of us set goals in our lives. Even people who say they do not set any goals are doing so anyway. For example, we plan to wake up, to go to sleep, to eat, to drink, call a friend, and so on. A goal does not have to be complex or a life-coaching nor a mumbo-jumbo thing. And I know you are ... Views: 1325
For the past few months, I've noticed that certain things around me have changed. It’s both the environment and the people. The reason is, my vibes aren't the same as it was before this.
It’s amazing how these things come into action if you really take notice the changes over time. Let me ... Views: 1307
As a business owner or sales person, your biggest challenge is attracting a steady flow of ideal clients. ‘Selling’ people on how great your products or services are can feel inauthentic and sometimes cheesy. The internet is full of experts and systems that tell you that their process will ... Views: 1936
Happy New Year! I hope you've had a wonderful holiday season; I know I have. It's been overflowing with vacations, friends, family, and some much needed down time. But now that the New Year is upon us, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite ways of ringing it in to ensure you elevate ... Views: 1295