It has become a Hallmark kind of world. Take for example Valentine's Day. What started out as a day of expressing your love to another person has become an overblown and very commercialized occasion. I am sure you could not go anywhere without seeing red or pink hearts, roses, teddy bears and ... Views: 937
Unfortunately by now many of the goals and promises we made for the new year or now broken, forgotten or revised. Why is that? Because we are conditioned to look ahead, to get better, to want more and to improve. Get the latest gadget! Work Harder! Lose five pounds in two weeks! The focus ... Views: 1027
Kick of this Fall by Embracing the Change in the Air
As we say good-bye to summer and hello to fall it is a great time to pause and reflect on what we want, what opportunities await us and what we should leave behind.
I recently took my daughter to college which was a new experience ... Views: 1258
Spring Cleaning……………..Inside and Out
Yes, it’s that time of year-Spring time! Baseball has started, flowers are blooming, and bees are buzzing. For many, a time for Spring Cleaning. A time to shake out the rugs, clean off the dirt of winter and pull those weeds that have taken over the ... Views: 892