You found yourself brimming with confidence and excited to tackle your new challenge head on. You dive right in and then poof, six months later your vision is dead. It's amazing, how quickly that "superhuman, I can take on the world, this idea is flawless" feeling can disintegrate. It usually ... Views: 1242
Fie tips for a more effective gym workout
I've been working in a gym setting for sometime now and I've seen just about everything you could possibly imagine. A lot of bad technique, poor form, poor advice given and taken, nonsensical routines, you name it I've probably seen it.
Now, before ... Views: 836
If you tune into any major media outlet you'll have noticed a trend in the past year, that is plant based diets. Only, for most it's not really a diet in the sense that the Atkins diet is a diet, or a subway diet is a diet. It's a lifestyle.
One of the best running backs in the world came out ... Views: 1013