Is creating a list of health care career goals fairly easy for you, while making your own wellness goals a priority seems very difficult? Many nurses and other health care professionals get so focused on helping patients (or leading/teaching those who do), they don’t even think about taking ... Views: 991
How many women have to be abducted, raped and/or beaten before our society says “no more”. As professional women we know the aftermath to such abuse, especially repeated attacks over time propagated on young people, leave deep scars. Many women find it is difficult if not impossible to ever ... Views: 699
When will we decide as a civilized society that abuse of girls/women has to stop? As healthcare professionals we know the aftermath to such abuse, especially repeated attacks over time propagated on young people, leave deep scars. Many women find it is difficult if not impossible to ever have a ... Views: 703
Are you beginning to come out of winter hibernation and starting to imagine what you would like to create anew in your career or personal life? I am in the process of expanding my practice from specifically helping nurses and other professional women succeed through all stages of their careers ... Views: 827
Even professional women can’t always translate some men’s way they might try to express love, so they feel they are truly loved. It may seem funny to people, who may have been in a committed relationship like marriage for many years that they still might not receive a message of love the way it ... Views: 1077
Have you made annual grand goals and/or set professional/personal growth expectations so high that even by the end of January you start to feel discouraged? I heard recently on TV from a manager of a health club that people who want to get into shape and/or lose some extra weight, start strong ... Views: 867
Do you have a clear picture where you would like to be professionally by December 31, 2013? If you haven’t created goals/steps to help you achieve a more successful career life, it may be because you are not sure what you want your life to be like when your major goals are accomplished!
As ... Views: 714
Hope that wasn’t a stress producing question. I learned some time ago that an all-or-nothing answer is probably not the most productive one! For 2012 I committed to fourteen both professional and work/life balance goals. Totally completing all fourteen of them, did not happen! I did complete ... Views: 969
Are you ready (emotionally) for the hustle and bustle of the holiday season? Do you look forward to your family turkey day, which is just around the corner, and the big holidays in December? Sometimes the holidays seem to just creep up on us, and we just can’t figure out where the ... Views: 716
I hope your answer to that question is a great big “yes”! Sometimes professional caretaking people are so busy helping others all day at work (and often afterwards taking care of family at home) we don’t even consider we have need for any emotional support ourselves.
I remember having ... Views: 808
Did that question give you a sudden feeling of nervousness, dread or even panic? While many people anticipate shopping for loved ones and either hosting or planning a get together with family, some who may not live locally, other people have less positive thoughts and feelings about the ... Views: 736
I bet some of you already know the answer! Two years in a row the Nielsen surveys showed people have given the honor of most trusted profession to– “tada” — NURSING!
Nurses are probably the most holistic caretakers in the health care professions.
We often practice in hospitals and ... Views: 762
Seems people who care for others all the time, don’t often take the time to take care of people who are just important—themselves! In fact if caring professional like nurses don’t make self care a priority, they often find after a prolonged period of time their passion is waning, their energy ... Views: 771
Doesn’t seem to make sense that we indulge sometimes in behaviors that actually hurt us in the long run does it? Yet many people eat sugary snacks or just overeat to deal with stress. Others may smoke cigarettes because nicotine can, in fact, both help them feel less anxious and less angry as ... Views: 1237
Ever feel stuck in place in your work (or life)? Do you long for something better, but either don’t have a clear picture what you want to accomplish or are afraid to leave a “safe” place you know to explore and face the unknown? If so, you are not alone. Most people fear making a major ... Views: 694
Are you a person with a special talent, skill or passion you want to share with others, but don’t have a clue how to let people know about it? My passion is to help nurses and other female professionals avoid a disastrous experience like the one I had when I took on my first management ... Views: 747
What is the difference between being truly overworked and a feeling of being overwhelmed?
Is is not uncommon with all the downsizing, which I understand is now called “right sizing”, you may in fact be asked to do more than is humanly possible at least without a lot of overtime to accomplish. ... Views: 759
Ever been in a meeting where one person talks and talks and TALKs and either repeats her point over and over or talks around the subject? About the only thing those folks inspire from the rest of the team is a strong desire to “space out” or maybe even think about “checking out”!
If no one ... Views: 3786
Do you routinely get less than six hours of sleep per night? If you do, you are not alone. We are now considered to be a nation of people who are so much “on the go” we don’t take time for needed rest and recuperation. People who do not get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep per ... Views: 1199
Have you heard of the newer buzz words “compassion fatigue”? It happens when you feel you just don’t have anything left to give to your clients/patients. Karl LaRowe, in his book “Transform Compassion Fatigue” shares his personal story of being a therapist who actually started feeling ... Views: 852