One woman I respect and admire is Debbie Zimmerman, who is the co-founder of the 100 Women Project along with her daughter, Sheri Oppenheimer Baker. Always delivering a smile and a kind word, Debbie lights up the room with her personality. Her passion - and life's work - is health coaching and creating a ripple effect of health and wellness around the world... one woman at a time.

Her list goes beyond what I have adapted here. My spin on her list is from the business and professional perspective. With a gracious bow and permission from Debbie, here is my version.

If you have an idea not included, please chime in!

How to get what you really want:

1. Make lists of what you want, and be specific. Include a list for your business and a list for you personally. Prioritize first in order of importance, and then in order of how long it will take to get it.

2. Set SMART Goals. Every goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. Write your goals monthly, quarterly and yearly.

3. Embrace imperfection. It's Zen to be human. It doesn't have to be perfect. Take a risk. We learn from our mistakes.

4. Be grateful. Some will have more than you and others less than you. Each person has their own challenges, and if faced with the chance to trade your challenges for theirs, you may find the grass is green enough in your own back yard. Be grateful and appreciate what you have.

5. Visualization is powerful. Make a photo display of your goals and dreams and view it daily. The subconscious is at work all the time. This is sometimes referred to as a Vision Board.

6. Don't worry about what others think. This goes under the category of "things out of your control". Someone once said that it's none of your business what others think. It is not the highest and best use of your time.

7. Trust your gut. If there is a voice inside saying, "I know this sounds crazy, but," turn up the volume

8. Invest in yourself. Learn something new; expand your experience by learning a new skill. Find books, trade journals, seminars and webinars to acquire new information. Read often and share your new knowledge with others.

9. Surround yourself with fans. Keep company with people who contribute to your positive outlook on life.

10. Connect and network in your business, profession, and personal interests (religion, lifestyle, and hobby). Meet new people.

11. Follow the Golden Rule always: treat others as you would like others to treat you. Be respectful, considerate and kind. Be a forgiving person and ask for forgiveness.

12. Make a new friend or get in touch with an old friend each week.

13. Make two columns on a spreadsheet or a piece of paper. On the left, list the things holding you back. On the right column, list 3 ways you can overcome each.

14. Be who you are. Be authentic; be yourself. It is has been said that 10% of the people will not like you. Focus on the other 90%.

15. Commit yourself to going the extra mile, beyond the standard, and strive for excellence. Push yourself to work a bit harder than you have worked before.

16. Work productively. Avoid activities that rob your opportunity to generate revenue.

17. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Have faith and confidence in your efforts.

18. Share your goals with your confidants and trust advisors. Give others a chance to help support your efforts.

19. Recognize regrets and mistakes. Learn the lesson, keep the lesson but let the regret go.

20. Do one thing daily that gets you out of your comfort zone.

21. Reward yourself and celebrate success and goals attained.

22. Show up and be present. Look people in the eye when you are having a conversation.

23. Rid yourself of naysayers and the people who suck the life out of you. You know who they are.

24. Include "you time" in your schedule every day, time to read, exercise, meditate, or pamper.

25. Exercise your body. Regular exercise gives you energy to keep moving forward.

26. Build a "you" brand. Build a "company" brand.

27. Keep in regular touch with your clients and friends, old and new.

28. Create a clean peaceful and organized home and work environment.

29. Be patient.

30. Create a board of advisors for your business and seek their counsel regularly.

31. Keep a journal and use it to review your progress toward reaching your goals. Write down 3 things you achieved each day.

32. Ask for help.

33. Mentor or help others.

34. Don't take things too seriously.

35. Surround yourself with people who will propel your forward.

36. Make a business plan/financial plan built to enable you to reach your goals.

37. Accept compliments graciously.

38. Volunteer to help others; give back to make the world a better place.

39. Break bad habits and replace them with new, good habits. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit. Practice positive habits faithfully.

40. Be persistent.

41. Don't judge others or yourself.

42. Take a vacation.

43. Find a key learning from every experience.

44. For one week, say "yes" to every opportunity that comes your way.

45. Listen to and respect your body. Rest when you are tired; drink water when you are thirsty, eat when you are hungry.

46. Find a solo person in the room when you are at a social function and approach them. You will meet someone new and interesting and make their day.

47. Take a risk... one weekly.

48. Get sleep for your body. It is necessary for rejuvenation.

49. Write a personal and professional mission statement.

50. Write down your biggest success from last year. Consider what worked and how you can learn from it.

51. Write down your biggest failure from last year. Consider what did not work and how you can learn from it.

52. Don't rush. Slow down. Be thoughtful about what you are doing.

53. Reward yourself. Make a reward list. As you reach your goals, check your reward of and enjoy the reward. Celebrate your success.

54. Be honest with yourself and others.

55. Embrace change even if it is uncomfortable.

56. Look for, observe and write down the qualities you admire in your friends, family and colleagues. Strive to emulate those qualities.

57. Don't compare yourself to others. You are on your own path.

58. Seek inspiration from people, cultures and places that are different from you.

59. Dress the part.

60. Prepare for what you want as if it is definitely happening.

61. Have fun in everything you do.

62. Smile often.

63. Create a stress toolbox. Compile a list of things you can do when you feel stress.

64. Create a happiness toolbox. Compile a list of things you can do when you are blue and want to lift your spirits.

65. Always do your best. Avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

66. Speak with integrity and say only what you mean. Speak with truth and love.

67. Don't take anything personally. Don't be a victim of needless suffering. Nothing other people do is because of you; it's because of them.

68. Don't make assumptions. Avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.

69. Be courageous to express what you really want.

Author's Bio: 

Lynn Pechinski, President of 1st Straw Marketing and Promotions, is a results-driven, resourceful marketing professional, trainer and professional speaker. Lynn has over 30 years of experience working for Fortune 500 corporations before launching her company over 11 years ago. She creates dynamic marketing programs for clients that produce measurable results. Her specialties are marketing and event planning, copy writing, graphic design, printing, and promotional products. 1st Straw’s newest programs - Cross-Platform Marketing and Local Search Website Marketing - help businesses take advantage of online opportunities to attract leads. C