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For many of us getting out of our own way remains one of our biggest challenges. If this sounds like you at all you may benefit from this article about Top 10 Ways To Get Over Yourself.
1. It's not personal.
Taking things personally is one of the greatest barriers to being effective ... Views: 1706
What inspired you to write your motivational books?
I want to make a positive difference in the lives of people by unlocking their true potential. My vision is to inspire people to attain a winning mind. Over the years I always pondered what separated the successful lucky few from the masses? ... Views: 2480
Authentic Accountability
Accountability is the backbone of success. Without accountability, dreams, and ambitions will almost always fall by the wayside. With accountability, motivation levels go up, things get done even when the effort doesn’t seem worth it, and goals get accomplished. So ... Views: 5129
Do you want to get hold of some kick-but self improvement advice? Yeah? Fantastic!...
Self improvement strategies can be a very powerful tool for transforming you into a peak performance champion! What better game is there to be a master of, then the game of LIFE?
How on earth is it ... Views: 1450
Clarity of Purpose
Living a Rich Life
If becoming rich is part of your dream—and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be—just be careful you don’t confuse being rich with living a rich life. I think we should all become financially rich. If we are, we can give more to our families, our ... Views: 1017
It is a proven fact that physical changes take place when individuals are exposed to certain colors. Because colors have the power to stimulate, excite, or even depress, specific color combinations can possibly work to your advantage or to your detriment. Basically, colors on the red side are ... Views: 2557
The most successful organizations are led by its leaders, but driven by its employees.
Are you having a problem with high turnover? Are your top performers leaving in droves? Are there performance issues? The key to overcoming these challenges is employee happiness.
You might think that ... Views: 1397
Before you think teamwork is the answer and spend large sums of money on “team-building” exercises, maybe you should consider whether your place of business needs teams at all. Perhaps more would get done by leaving your people alone to do what they already excel at. Forcing people to join teams ... Views: 1809
“Business is simple. Make some stuff and sell it for more than it cost you. There’s nothing more to it than that except for a few million details.”—president of International Harvester
I had to eat a little humble pie recently. And I want to share why, because I think it illustrates a ... Views: 1496
A playful challenge from an audience member helps bring to life the importance of searching for and developing your passion, whether in the face of skepticism, long periods of self-doubt and/or having to accept (even better, learn to play with and laugh at) your own flaws and foibles.
Setting ... Views: 1721
I am not a great photographer.
I am okay with that fact, knowing that I am good at many other things. You might not be a great photographer either, but I bet you know that you can't fix the focus of the picture after the picture is taken. You are that astute, right?
I have one of those ... Views: 1341
As far as technology is concerned we live in an awesome age where everything is blindingly fast. If Sam Houston would have had our technology back then, help would have arrived in time for the Alamo. A few quick emails to patriots all across Texas, and Santa Anna would have never had a chance. ... Views: 981
If you’re like me you probably spend a good deal of time on the web searching for information. It might be industry news, mentions of yourself or business in the press, news stories for your blog or newsletter, or how to get ink stains out of your rug. Let’s face it the web, for most people, ... Views: 1452
We live in a world obsessed with fixing ourselves. More specifically, the fixing I'm talking about here is the fixing of our weaknesses - something the great many endeavor to correct when it comes to increasing performance. We take courses and classes, read books, and follow this craze or that ... Views: 1201
“The word ’improvisation’ to me means to never stop”-Pandit Ravi Shankar
In the past almost 9 years that I have known Pandit Ravi Shankar, his lovely wife Sukanya and their brilliant, multi talented daughter Anoushka, I have written a lot about the maestro, his music and beyond.
Today as he ... Views: 1452
The Problem
Today, too many people are frustrated and want more out of their careers. They are tired of struggling to reach the next level of performance in their jobs:
A recent Harris Interactive poll of 7,718 workers revealed that:
o 42% felt burned out
o 33% felt dead-ended
o 85% did not ... Views: 1457
There is a myth about strengths and weaknesses, one which states that we all naturally possess them. In reality, we don’t. What we do possess are natural talents and non-talents, but these are not the same as strengths and weaknesses.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those that thinks it is ... Views: 2074
I am nervous about today’s financial challenges. I think my company is going to start layoffs soon. There are lots of meetings and whispering going on among executives. I can’t afford to get laid off right now because my husband hasn’t been getting consistent ... Views: 3884
Why Do Visualization Exercises Produce Results?
Have you ever found yourself crying while watching a sad movie, you know it is not real, but the impression your brain is receiving is real and it produces tears. WHY?
Fact: Research has shown that the same neuro-pathways in the brain are ... Views: 1402
By this point in time, there are probably very few people left on Planet Earth who aren’t familiar with “Susan Boyle”. Truly a remarkable story and a remarkable individual.
Her appearance and subsequent performance on “Britain’s Got Talent” shocked the judges and the world. After already having ... Views: 1120
Do you have the desire to receive recognition from your peers; to be recognized as one of the top Agents in the country? If you do, you need to start by taking dead aim daily. It is the disciplines we do each day that mean the difference between being on top or being part of the crowd. ... Views: 1009
There's a video making the Internet rounds of a public bus ramming into the back of an SUV stopped in rush hour traffic. It's filmed from the point of view of the bus driver - well, if the driver had been watching the road instead of texting on his phone, as revealed by the surveillance camera ... Views: 918
A football quarterback running for the touch down either makes it through the tackles unscathed and scoring or gets ploughed out of the touch down. Two very different sets of wiring are possible for such an athlete. One is the adrenalin rush of the job the other is a completely different ... Views: 1690
You are driven constantly to live an integrated multidimensional life that aligns all parts of yourself: mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical. These different components of yourself develop gradually over an important six-month period beginning three months before your birth and continuing ... Views: 2474
We are facing difficulties that we have faced before in the US, and it is not something that we cannot overcome AGAIN, unless we all stand strong in our faith to weather what lies ahead. The only control we have over the nation’s situation is through our situations, our actions, and how we ... Views: 1421
There is a notion in Japanese that if you are a master of one thing, then you are master of all things. The idea goes back to the thirteenth century where in Rinzai Zen monasteries you sought enlightenment by meditating on koans. A koan is, “a succinct paradoxical statement or question used as ... Views: 1445
When scientists began to study expertise, they first assumed that experts must be smarter or more talented than novices, but they quickly learned that the key difference between experts and novices is not mental power, but knowledge. Cognitive psychologists Michelene Chi, Marshall Farr, and ... Views: 1451
Many people jump into get-rich-quick schemes, create ruinous debt, and fail to employ solid strategies that serve their best interests. So what really happens to disappoint and frustrate these people? How do they sabotage their financial success?
Many positive thinkers judge, suppress, and ... Views: 1150
You have extraodinary potential
You have extraordinary potential. You could not use all of your talents and abilities if you had 100 lifetimes. Whatever you have accomplished in your life so far is only a shadow of what is truly possible for you in the months and years ahead.
One of the ... Views: 853
“At the moment you consciously make a choice, pay attention to how you feel.”
From The Law of Karma
We all find ourselves at times walking the edge between this and that, yes and no. . When you make a decision and you have a sense of “relief” you know it’s a right choice. Intuitive “hits” come ... Views: 1993
Aligning yourself with the right mentor is an essential tool to take your business to the next level. Finding and choosing your mentor deserves careful attention.
Although my past achievements may look quite different (for example, practicing law, building an elite performance consulting ... Views: 1274
Any change, or even an attempt to change anything you are doing, makes you uncomfortable.
Any change, or even an attempt to change anything you are doing, makes you uncomfortable. By attempting to change, you move out of your comfort zone. You feel increasingly uneasy. You experience stress and ... Views: 1795
I went to the beach yesterday. It was an act of courage.
Courageous, not because of the whipping winds and high surf that were forecast for the day here in Hawaii, but because I had the brave audacity to ignore the threats and taunts that screamed at me from the stacks of paper and to-do lists ... Views: 1463
We all put some things off until tomorrow (or next week), but sometimes that behavior can cause problems. Bills don’t get paid on time. Tax forms are submitted late. Projects are postponed for a last-minute scramble.
This behavior can cause us to feel guilty, burdened, and exhausted. Plus, it ... Views: 1008
The world lives by trends. In fact, the entire universe functions according to trends called “cycles” – and cycles are all about timing and energy shifts. When times of transition are upon us as dramatically as they are now it is important to read not just the outer, obvious economic and ... Views: 880
Taking effective action means taking the actions that produce the greatest results. You won’t get paid a premium dollar unless you provide premium quality. That means trimming the fat and doing the things that count the most. Using the 80/20 rule is a big proponent to take effective ... Views: 2170
Home, home on the range,
Where never is heard
A discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day!
Oh, that would be wonderful but most parents and bosses tend to feel that criticism and pointing out what is wrong will make others want to do what is right. However, people cannot improve ... Views: 5349
ADD/ADHD symptoms can make our life miserable, sabotaging our every effort of success. Even though we are admonished to not be so hard on ourselves, to cut ourselves some slack, and stop beating ourselves up for mistakes . . . Sometimes it's the thing to do.
For example, when the inside ... Views: 2823
Capture the Lost Art of Concentration
Did you ever wish you were “octo-mom” or maybe had three heads instead of one? Having one head for each thing we are doing at any given time would be a blessing in today’s fast paced society. multi-tasking is what our surroundings have moved us too. But ... Views: 1600
How do you get what you want, when you want it, from your life? The answer is shocking: force yourself to be uncomfortable.
Yes, that’s right—only by pushing yourself outside of situations where you feel completely comfortable can you ever achieve your true potential. Try the following ... Views: 966
We hear a lot today about being your best, taking care of business, achieving success, and performing at your peak. What we don’t always hear is what it takes to sustain peak performance.
Peak performance is a commitment to your physical, mental, and spiritual being and to your Personal ... Views: 4356
Sometimes you feel like Sisyphus, straining and struggling to get that rock up to the top of the mountain, only to find it roll right back down.
And sometimes you find yourself so involved in what you are doing, that time itself ceases to exist, until you stop and realize, "Ohhhh yeah, I was in ... Views: 3080
As a person interested in peak performance, optimum wellness and nutrition, I thought you might like to know about a very important breakthrough. This is so important, it may mean the difference between optimum and mediocre wellness for you, your family, friends and associates, while ... Views: 1516
Phil makes a real estate deal. A bad one. Why? Simply put, he lacks the knowledge, experience, expertise and guidance of a trusted adviser. In other words, he failed to engage a Mentor for his new business. Stay with me while I share just how powerful the right mentor can be.
So here's the ... Views: 1956
80/20 Rule
There are only 24 hours a day in our life and what does that mean? It means that our time is finite and there is a limit on how much time we can utilize. Do you want to be able to double your productivity and and double your time off?
Yes! Of course you want. So what can you do to ... Views: 846
The difference between a winner and an 'also ran' isn't extra ordinary skills or talents. Let's face it, people who are at the top of their field excel at their game be it sports, business or personal achievement. In the sports world there are two champions, titans of athletes, who share one ... Views: 3134
The difference between a winner and an 'also ran' isn't extra ordinary skills or talents. Let's face it, people who are at the top of their field excel at their game be it sports, business or personal achievement. In the sports world there are two champions, titans of athletes, who share one ... Views: 2063
There are many benefits of goal setting. It has been found that the ability to effectively set goals throughout life is one of the most important skills that any of us can have. Based on recent studies conducting by professionals in mental health and behavioral science, it has been estimated ... Views: 15890
For those fortunate enough to have tapped the reservoir of innate potential, life is a rich and full experience. They’ve established the most natural of connections with self and with life. Innate potential exists inside each of us, whether utilized, or not. However, when a connection ... Views: 4792
This article is suitable for ex-athletes who have not trained regularly for a period of time, and would like to go back to competitive training.
Lets begin with a simple definition of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
Aerobic exercise refers to exercises that involves or improves intake of ... Views: 2541